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Everything posted by iani

  1. Event Number: #22 Event Type:Blind Marathon Prize: 1,000,000$ LWS/G6 Helpers: @Legend Winners: @Facecontrol Screenshots:
  2. Personal Information:** Ingame Name: iani Account Name: iani582094 Age: 14 Country In-Residence: Bulgaria Nationality: Bulgarian Languages Spoken: Bulgarian and English Server Knowledge: Have you read F1 rules?: Yes On a scale, rate your imagination(0/10): 7/10 On a scale, rate your roleplaying skills(0/10): 8/10 **On a scale, rate your server knowledge(0/10):**10/10 **Tell us your weaknesses and strengths:**My weakness it the flying.My strenghts are the that im patient,im active.My strenghts are the sailing and the teamworking. Tell us GEAs fifth rule on your own words: Do not annoy the HQ team to check your application and answer it, just be patient. In-game Information: How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: Almost 3 years. What is your current G/S/C: Im not in g/s/c. **Are you participating any group, If yes, write them:**SANC, TsSA, **Have you ever banned from server ? If yes, explain:I was banned for multi account ** Have you ever warned by an admin ? If yes, tell us why: No Group Informations: **Explain GEAs role with your own words(minimum 100 words.):**a group of the Research and Protection Association which works on psychology in different professions. **Which force would you like to participate and who is the chief of these force?**I would like to partcipate in mountain rescue response team which chief is Asgal. Why should we accept us ? Because im skilled,good,loyal,friendly and active player. **What can you bring to GEA ?(min 100 words)**If i join GEA i will bring much positivity and good feelings.I will work hard to help the group with anything. Tell us about yourself: Hello. My name is Ilian Georgiev. Im from Bulgaria and Im 14 years old. I love to play MTA in may free time and hang out with my friends.
  3. RP Number 14 Roleplay Title: The way to the spell The Story: From a long time,the Priest of Sodom are searching a spell, that can turn the zombies into humans again.Finally one of the priests found a map with the location of the spell. They went to the place to take it. The place was an anbandoned house in the forest and it was hard to find it, but one of the priests finally found it. They went to the Los Santos church to give the spell to the other priests to hide it well Participants: @Legend @Prophet @iani582094 Date: 7.1.2019 Screenshots: ::: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/531208582700728321/532185265591025668/mta-screen_2019-01-07_16-22-48.png :::
  4. Gangs - level 1-5 =(red)[TT] - Tuga Thugs=- : Strong gang =(#cc0066)[AA] - Arms Assasins=- : AA :p =(#ff8c00)[B~B] - Black Bullets=- : strongest gang =(#99cc66)[Z] - Organization Zero=-: good but a bit inactive =(#800000)[UE] - Underground Empire=-: No opinion =(#493d26)[BS] - Black Syndicate=- : No opinion =(#80002b)[CDC] - Comando Da Capital=- : no opinion =(#696969)[O] - The Outfit=-: good and old gang =(#00554f)CripZ=-: favourite gang =(#800080)[WA]- Wild Angel=-: no opinion =(#ababab)[THC] - The Company=-: Fyrr genk Squads - level 1-5 =(#000080)[FBI] - Federal Bureau of Investigation=- : fre invites =(#0000ff)[SWAT] - Special Weapons & Tactics=- : strongest and active squad =(#0000cd)[SAFP] - San Andreas Federal Police=- : no opinion =(#2f4f4f)[FOX] - Fox Operation.X=- : no opinion =(#97a3d2)[NNB] - National Narcotics Bureau=- good squad =(#17058e)[TST] - The Strike Team=-: good squad but inactive =(#0066ff,#00a1f7)[ICE] - Immigration and Customs Enforcement=-: =(#2C415A)[STF] - Special Task Forces=-: Good squad. GL for level 5 Favourite gang: CripZ Favourite squad: SWAT
  5. Favourite gang: CripZ Favourite squad: SWAT
  6. @Gladiator You stop hang with us and we know that you aren't interessed for joinint SANC. You can apply again in 2 weeks.
  7. PoS Sermon #2 Date: 05.01.2019 Pastor: iani Congregation: @Prophet @Skerdi @Legend @SniperLyfe Few sentences of your speech: ...and a group that like a phoenix risen from the ashes and shown in all its glory has come to the server to rescue the souls of lambs which were lost forever and ever, and lo they came and helped and appeared the prophet and said: we are the hands of Lord, we cannot fail. And then the priests did the job of will of god... Some screenshots here:
  8. Event Number: 8 Event Type: Chicken Shooter: Prize: 1.000.000 LWS/G6 Helpers: @Filippo Winners: @Saint21 Screenshots:
  9. About @MartinJames, you are not accepted because no one from the players saw you hanging and your application is bad.
  10. @XxNetroxX We didn't have discuss and no one said u to reply his application.You have 1 hour to delete your posts or u will be demoted!
  11. Ingame name: YankaTa Real name: Ilian Account name: iani582094 Age: 14 Nationality: Bulgarian Languages Spoken: Bulgarian Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): ICE, BBMC, Rebels I left ICE because its very boring here and i have nothing to do. Left BBMC because it all the server hate it and i won't bad experience and because it's deleted. Left rebels because they are not active. Current server groups: SANC, TdSA, ZK Your strenghts: Shooting,driving,teamworking Your weaknesses: Flying How long have you been playing on SAES: 2 years How long have you been playing on MTA: 2 years Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: I was banned for multi-account Rate your English skills from 1/10: 9/10 Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: 8/10 Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: 9/10 Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10: 9/10 What is the meaning of DeathMatch: Deatmatch means when u killing or shooting players vechicles without a reason What is the meaning of RolePlay: actin like a real life What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: When u suicide to escape from arrest. Why do you want to join HRMC: Because there are many good and active players in. Why should we accept you: Because im good,active,skilled player and i want to help the gang with everything i can. Do you have any friends in HRMC: Polenta Tell us something more about yourself: Hello, my name is Ilian Georgiev im from Bulgaria and im 14 years old. I love playing in SAES in my free time and riding scooter outside with my brothers. Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang: No
  12. @Chief said in San Andreas Military Police: Dude stop, you filled the TSG with your squads, can't you just join SAPA or any squad and stop creating useless squads? Dude can't you just stop telling all players this?And i have only one post in TSG so please shut up :)
  13. deleted
  14. OFFICIAL TOPIC: http://saesrpg.uk/topic/5174/hells-angels-motorcycle-club Post Roleplays,Events,Activities,Roadtrips EVENT: Event Number: Type of Event LWS: HRMC Members: Prize: Winner: Screenshots: ROLEPLAYS: Partcipants: Date: Story: Screenshots: ACTIVITIES: Members: Members count: Date: Screenshots: ROADTRIPS: Members: Date: Screenshots
  15. GANG INFORMATION: Gang level: 0 Organization name: Hells_Angels_Motorcycle_Club Founder: Ilkata Leader: Ilkata Motto: Nobody will destroy our culture Gang Properties: 2 Base Location: Los Santos Enemy gangs: N/A Members in gang: 3 Gang Value: 1.000.000$ Gang creation date: 28.12.2018 Other links: Media Archive: http://saesrpg.uk/topic/5175/hells-angels-mc-media-archive BACKSTORY: On March 17th 1948 the first Hells Angels Motorcycle Club was founded in the Fontana/San bernardino are in the United States of America. About the same time, other clubs were formed in various places in the state of California, but none of there clubs were associated with Hells Angels nor with each other. Most of them do not exist today, but the Berdoo charter(San Bernadino) still do. During the fifties more Hells Angels Charters came into existence. In the beginning the different charters had nothing to do with each other, but after some years they united and a regular criteria of admission was laid down. From having been exclusively a Californian phenomenon, the club developed internationally in 1961. It happened when the first charter outside California was adopted - strangely enough - as far away as Auckland, New Zealand. During the sixties Hells Angels spread out to the East Coast of the USA and later to the Midwest. On July the 30th 1969 the first European Hells Angels charter was accepted in London, England. Today there are more than 275 charters in Europe alone. At the end of the Seventies, Australian clubs were admitted and in 1984, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil became the first South American charter. In 1993, Hells Angels charter in the new millennium and since then many more counntries have been granted for the now famous winged Death Head. The hells Angels Motorcycle Club has spread its wings all over the World. From Alaska and Norway in the high North, to South Africa and Argentina in the southern hemisphere. All around the globe from the Carribbean Islands to Turkey, wwho became the first Muslim country to join the clun in 2009. The admission of clubs from all over the globe caused changes in the structure of the Hells Angels. The small motorcycle club from Berdoo was not Mother Charter to the world;s biggest motorcycle brotherhood, the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. Today Hells Angels Motorcycle Club has charters in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Australia, Africa, San Andreas and Asia. ROSTER: President (Prez) Vice President (vP) Assistant Vice President (AvP) HeadQuarter (HQ) Secretary (SEC) Psycho (pS) Member (M) Prospect (P) MEMBER LIST: President (Prez): Ilkata Vice President (vP): N/A Assistant Vice President (AvP): N/A HeadQuarter (HQ): N/A Secretary (SEC): N/A Psycho (pS): N/A Member (M): N/A Prospect (P): N/A APPLICATION FORMAT: First Part: Username: Age: Country: Nationality: First Language: Second Language/s: Tell us about yourself: Second Part: How long have you been playing SAES:RPG?: How long have you been playing MTA?: Why you want to join HAMC?: Why we should accept you?: What you will bring into the gang when you join?: Explain what is Deatmatch: Explain what is RolePlay: Explain what is avoid arrest and is it allowed: Explain what is gate avoid and is it allowed: Third Part: Rate your driving skills (?/10): Rate your flying skills (?/10): Rate your shooting skills (?/10): Rate your English skills (?/10): Rate your teamworking skills (?/10): RECRUITMENT STATUS: OPEN ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime): you've showen us that you put a lot of effor in your application.You should to contact whith any HQ ingame for test ~[PENDING]~(orange): You could do better we give you 1 week to hang with us and show us more effor that you wanna join. If the 1 week passed away the HQ team will decide what we should do with you (be patience). ~[DENIED]~(red): Bad application you should put more effort in making a application not any of our members saw you hanging around with us you can apply again with the date we give you in your apply.
  16. @ Passed the test.Welcome to SANC!
  17. @Gladiator2130 and @Luna Keep hang with us and we will give your final answer soon.
  18. EVENT Event type: Chicken Shooter Prize: 1.000.000 Date: 18.12.2018 Host: iani Winner : @Judyes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/IH2Gj6L
  19. Section 1- Ingame Nick iani Username iani582094 Nationality Bulgarian Age 14 English 1/10 9/10 -Section 2- You know the server rules? Yes i do Why should we accept it?Because im active,good and loyal player. Explain Zeta Killers Roleplay in your words: ZK roleplay is kindnaping, arms trafficking and jailbreakint. Tell us about yourself (minimum 100 words) Hello.My name is Ilian Georgiev.Im from Bulgaria and i'm 14 years old.I love playing MTA and other video games on my pc in my free time.I love riding scooter and hang out with my brothers. How you're going to benefit us? I will bring positivity and will help the group with what i can.
  20. Section 1- Ingame Nick iani Username iani582094 Nationality Bulgarian Age 14 English 1/10 9/10 -Section 2- You know the server rules? Yes i do Why should we accept it?Because im active,good and loyal player. Explain Zeta Killers Roleplay in your words: ZK is a group where we do not tolerate that a country or a region is controlled by members who earn more money than the average person on a tax basis because Our slogan is HIGH LIFE ZK DEATH TO OPPORTUNISTS! We are not afraid of anything if there that kill indiscriminately we do justice is paid in the blood of our compatriots and we do not endorse that injustices are done, if we have to make terrorist attacks we do them Tell us about yourself (minimum 100 words) Hello.My name is Ilian Georgiev.Im from Bulgaria and i'm 14 years old.I love playing MTA and other video games on my pc in my free time.I love riding scooter and hang out with my brothers. How you're going to benefit us? I will bring positivity and will help the group with what i can.
  21. ~[Topic and the apllication format was fixed!]~(orange)
  22. Event ( Number ) 83 Event Type: Knock me off my NRG Event Prize: 500k G6/LWS: @Kowalski Screenshoot(s): https://imgur.com/gallery/8bG6Gh6 Winner(s): @Spicey
  23. @Guard ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime):SANC isn't an RP group but your application is very good and you show us skills.Meet any SANC HQ ingame for test
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