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Posts posted by Sneijder

  1. Name: Deniz

    Nickname: Sneijder

    RP Name: Antonio Banderas

    Login Name: snjader

    Age: 21

    Nationality: Turkish

    General Information: Hey there, my name is Deniz and I am 21 years old. I am from Istanbul, born and raised. I am studying law in university and its currently my 3rd year. I spend most of my time either with my girlfriend or playing games. About my SAES career (just the highlights), I started playing on SAES more than 7 years ago. You may know me from RDMC, it has been my home for many years. Hopefully, CripZ is my new home now and its my already my 2nd year in CripZ.

    English skill (1/10): 8

    Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): The party was founded by Mr. Henry and Mr. Franco to actually make changes happen instead of doing nothing. The main goal of the party is basically happiness of the whole nation. To reach this goal, San Andreas Conservative Party has its own way in governmental sections such as economy, security, external affairs and presidency. Lets go one by one, on Economy the ideology of SACP is a bit like communist ideology, in other words the goal is an internal strong economy. On security, SACP really cares about the security forces, also it has no tolerance to protests. SACP prefers the hamdle peoples problems by talking with them, instead of protests. On external affaris, SACP has close relationsip with CLP but there is no similarity in the ideologies of both parties. On Presidency, SACP believes that the head of the government should be as powerful as it can be to avoid dead points.

    What rank would you like to obtain: Well to be honest I would like to be senator and ready to work for the spot.

    Current roleplay groups: ZIP

    Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain): I actually have one. I was banned by XgangstersX(he was my leader back in the day). I was really drunk and decided to come online because why not lol. Anyway, he banned me for 6 hours to prevent any bad actions from me.

    Why do you want to join (Min 30 words): Well as I mentioned above I am studying law in real life so I kinda have some sympaty to politics. Real life politics are too complicated but in SAES it would be a nice similator for me, simply it would be fun.

  2. Part I:

    How much have you donated for the server?: 10 GBP.

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: More than 6 months ago.

    Why do you need to change the location: Well I lost my property because of inactivity, now I want to move it to my gangs base.

    Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/76561-sneijders-donation-tracker/

    Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4925/sneijder-s-reward-change


    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    Vehicle: Freeway
    Location: You can find it from my last change request.


    Part III: What I Want to be Added

    Vehicle: Vortex

    Location: CripZ Base and exactly the following location -> https://imgur.com/Be5Bgsr

    Username: snjader

    Other names to be added: -

    PS: I want it to be colored #005550

  3. @zaza Ye I used to feel like I am walking under the water lol, anyway thank you brother.
    @AdemBygt Eey bro thank you.
    @Vennelle Na I am fully here rn and thank you.
    @vetoqnx Thanks man
    @MoleyTheMolester Thanks!
    @Carbon Thank you amigo
    @Spicey Thank you!
    @Billionaire Thank you bro.
    @raf0 Thank you mate
    @Freezy I wish you same for you man, thank you.
    @TaffyC Thank you my friend. <3
    @Griffin Thank you mate!
    @nyx_ It is always a pleasure to be a devil, thank you!
    @RUZO Thank you mate!
    @Bosk Thank you <3
    @ElPadrino Thank you <3
    @TaJ na na I am the Vice Sneijder, remember me as that haha, thank you anyway.

  4. Part I:

    How much have you donated for the sever? 10 GBP

    When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? More than a year ago

    Why do you need this change? Because my vehicle is removed.

    Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/76561-sneijders-donation-tracker/

    Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/100157-sneijders-reward-change/?tab=comments#comment-1822045


    Part II: What I Want to be Removed

    Vehicle 1: -

    Location: -

    Interior: -


    Part III: What I Want to be Added

    Vehicle 1: Freeway


    Username: snjader , cunobaba Primary Color is black, second color is #ff0000, also lights are #ff0000

    Interior: -

    Additional: I am also not added to donator spawn and I would like to be added if possible.(I dont know the requirements)

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