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Everything posted by Sneijder

  1. happy birthday bro
  2. Your ingame username: snjader Your ingame alias: Sneijder Your year of birth: 1998 Your gender: Male Nationality: Turkish Country of residence: Turkey How long you have been playing SAES: It has been almost 8 years. Qualities you can offer: As you can say, I am a bit of an experienced player, so I know how things work on SAES. I have seen almost every housing system and I have to admit that I am a bit into real estate. It might sound odd but I am really into it and I always look forward to assist new guys properly about how the system works instead of abusing their trust. Apart from that, I can also say that I am a calm guy and I don't get mad easily, unless there is unfairness. I study law in real life and it has a huge impact on my personality, I always defend whats fair and whats right. Of course I can't be right on every single case but even if I am wrong, I always look forward to find the right thing and stand in the favor of it. While doing that, I try not to insult or hurt the other party because they also believe that they are right. So in that situation, being respectful and kind is how you make the other party listen and try to understand you. I act with the knowledge of it and solve the issue in the most positive way possible. Your weaknesses: I believe I have many weaknesses that I am not aware of but I can tell you about the ones I know. First, as I said before, in an unfair situation I can argue with people for hours(though without insulting or hurting). You may not count this as a weakness but I believe it is, since we are playing a game after all. I am also a bit concerned about my English skills. Well it might not be so bad but it needs to get much more better for sure. Hopefully it will get better, I am working hard on it. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): SAHA Do you have Discord Installed: Yes I do. Reason for application: Well, I actually wanted to apply for Community Staff position. However, I believe that I am neither ready nor capable for that yet. I need to start from an easier position and learn how things work with less pressure on myself. Also as I said above, I am really into real estate and I would be more than glad to help others and get involved in housing stuff. I don't want you to get the idea that I am applying for SAHA just to get CS later on, I am applying for this position because I really like it and I would be happy by taking a part in it. Server Memberships: CripZ Vice Leader - ZIP Architect - LWS Trusted Additional information: Well I am one of those Turks of CripZ. My real name is Deniz and I am 21 years old. I am living in Istanbul and I am studying law. I have been playing on SAES since I was 13 and I kinda grew up playing on this server. I met many nice people in that 8 years, I even meet some of them regularly in real life. Apart from SAES, I also play FIFA and GTAV on my playstation. Ever since I started studying in college, I kinda started to spend less gaming hours but never fully left SAES. I spend my free time mostly with my girlfriend and friends. Thats basically how life is for me. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I was adminjailed several times, mostly because of deathmatching. Also got muted many times. None of those punishments were because of a major problem, just regular minor issues. Previous (legitimate) bans: I was banned once for 12 hours. I actually did not commit any rulebreak but I came online shitfaced and it was a matter of time for me to commit a rulebreak. To prevent that, my leader(XgangsterX) banned me or asked another admin to ban me(I don't remember that part) for 12 hours. Do you eat pork: Not intentionally.
  3. @nicus Turns out it aint fun with all that laggy bastards running around in zones
  4. Lol time to take over the leadership. 10m
  5. Has a really nice location you can literally spawn 2 steps away from the SR also it is pretty close to Red County Bank. Starting bid: 10.000.000$ (Min. bid increase: 1.000.000$) Gui & Location: ::: ::: Exterior: ::: :::
  6. Its funny that how these guys are so proud of what they have done lol. I mean why would you cheat in a game that is old af in the first place. What did you get apart from throwing away your fellow gang mates works? Yet you are here bragging about how you cheated, how bad is the AC of SAES/MTA. Honestly, its just sad.
  7. happy birthday bilgi
  8. Address: 1 Miakhalifa Road Account name: Hamza250 Last seen: 10 December 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/F5oqQbL
  9. Address: 6 Teepee Track Account name: jamaicalove77 Last seen: 8th December 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/7XeAXlN
  10. Address: 13 Muscle Parade Account name: jamaicalove77 Last seen: 8th December 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/UNR8BVw
  11. HaPpY bIrThDaY sayn adem
  12. Address: Bank of Bone County Account name: emirhanpolat Last seen: 24th November 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/Nk3mEVq
  13. Address: Red County Bank Account name: emirhanpolat Last seen: 24th November 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/SY5g7er
  14. Event Number #4 Event Type: Fallout Prize: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6 Helper(s): CripZ>Sneijder Winner(s): TMH|mimmy ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/tA4yhTY
  15. Part I: How much have you donated for the server?: 10 GBP. When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: Nearly 2 months ago. Why do you need to change the location: Well the base got updated and my vehicle got deleted because of it. Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/76561-sneijders-donation-tracker/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12169/sneijder-s-donation-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle: Vortex Location: It has been removed because of base update. ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle: Vortex Location: CripZ Base and exactly the following location -> https://imgur.com/WISejuT Username: snjader Other names to be added: - PS: I want it to be colored #005550
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