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Everything posted by Pancy

  1. Date: 20.05.2021 11:30+ Information: Two SR's stopped, a turf war cleared. Players involved(if any): @Beast_ @Knele @eddie4 and Me Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Date: 18.05.2021 Information: Stopped BR Players involved(if any): @Beast_ @Skomorje @eddie4 and Pancy Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Date: 14.05.2021 12:20+ Information: Stopped multiple store robberies, delivered two VIP's and stopped two turf wars. Players involved(if any): @Knele @Marko @XpooKs Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. FOX crew: @Hassoni @Skomorje and me Date and time of the patrol: 28.4.2021 21:59+ Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Username: maxwer In-game name: Pancy Age: 21 Nationality: Turkish Current gang/squad: FOX Amount of delivered money transports:(/stats) 3 Amount of protected money transports:(/stats) 11 Why do you wish to join us: G6's current members are people I have RP'ed and patroled with before. I know their capabilities and I know the potential G6 offers. Why should we accept you: I am one of the few people on this server that actually enjoys RP'ing instead of seeing it as a chore. I will gladly make use of my creativity and experience to have some fun RP's.
  6. @immortal said in GM Questionnaire: Why are you not a cop?: Give squads the ability to turf and defending their turfs I don't see how that would play into the RP aspect of the game, why would squads hold a turf? Tho maybe what can happen is squads can be able to neutralize turf zones. Make them have an almost transparent blue color. Idk, just an idea :man_shrugging_light_skin_tone:
  7. My situation is a bit different, I've been a criminal all my SAES life ( been around since 2012). This month, I decided to change things up and join the cop side since I realized I wasn't having fun on the criminal side anymore. I have to say, I am having a blast, you have to be more clever and tactical as a cop, and you have to learn to play together since you are outnumbered all the time in pretty much every situation. That makes it fun for me, but the downside is that cops are very dependent on criminals, we pretty much have nothing fun to do if there are no active criminals whereas they can even have more fun and make more money if there aren't too many active cops around. I feel like just that reason is enough to push new people to go for the criminal side.
  8. Date: 24.04.2021 10:55 Information: VIP Secured Players involved(if any): @eddie4 @Stalin Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Date: 23.04.2021 17:02 Information: VIP Secured Players involved(if any): @Ferthis and me Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. nvm donna is a saes member this can be deleted
  11. Address: The Gay Hamster Store Account name: donna Last seen: 27.08.2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Date: 04.21.2021 15:16 Information: Stopped Store Robbery Players involved(if any): @XpooKs @Skomorje and Me Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Date: 18.04.2021 Information: Secured the VIP Players involved(if any): @Knele, @Beast_ , Pancy Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. SECTION A 1- Name (optional): Baha 2- Ingame name: Pancy 3- Age: 21 4- Sex: Male 5- English proficiency: Upper-Intermediate 6- Native language: Turkish 7- Other languages: English, Learning Spanish 8- Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No 9- When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: Around 2009-2010 10- Total gameplay (hours): My account says 1369 11- Approx gameplay daily (hours): Depends on the day but I can say 1-2 hours for my current situation. Some days it can be way more than that. 12- Average FPS: 60 13- Average Ping: 60 14- Previous organizations and reasons for departure: I have been playing for far too long so I sadly don't remember it all but RDMC - Closed, BS-Closed ThC - Left on good terms to follow a different path. 15- Are you an active user of Discord?: When necessary. SECTION B A. Define our role (FOX): Protecting the citizens of San Andreas of any sort of criminal threat, enforcing the necessary laws, and dealing with high importance intelligence. B. Define marker arrest: Marker arrest is the act of arresting a wanted criminal who is in the process of going through a marker by taking advantage of them being unable to move. C. Minimum arresting level: 10 D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: Deathmatching - Killing another player for no valid reason. Avoiding Arrest - The act of killing yourself in order to avoid being arrested by a cop in close vicinity. Multi Accounting - Having more than one account is forbidden. Impersonating - Changing your nickname to act like you are some other player. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: Other than the fact it's quite fun, SAES is an RPG server meaning it aims for the roleplay immersion experience. SECTION C I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: I am a 21-year-old Industrial Engineering student from Turkey. I study in stanbul, the same city I was born in. Lately been focusing on my education and personal life. I really missed playing this game and found myself here on MTA again. II. Write your strengths and weaknesses: I'm a detail-oriented person. Loyalty and Kindness are quite important to me. I am good at being a leader and good at managing when I have to. Coming to the weaknesses, some weeks I can be quite busy and unable to be very active in-game other than that, I like to have fun so I may not be taking this game as seriously as some other players. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: I always had a little crush for FOX, I know they have good players that I can have fun with. They always seemed like the elite squad out of the bunch. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I am ready to use the skills I've acquired over the years for the betterment of the squad whether it's roleplaying, patrols or raids. Apart from that, I would like to think I'm a fun guy to have around and we are all here to have fun, aren't we? V. Do you have any additional information you want to add:? I like Brazilians. By posting this application, you are aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by you, and states nothing but the truth. Retard test: Post a picture of White House in Los Santos to even be considered to join Fox Operations X. ::: :::
  15. @Jasper
  16. Thumbs up for effort tho!
  17. I would've loved fog if it was a rare occurrence, it would've been somewhat immersive but with its current state, it's just an eyesore. You do not have thick ass fogs every 30mins in real life huh? P.s If I am not mistaken, fogs don't happen in the base game as often as it does in SAES...
  18. With space for donation vehicles. Starting price: 4.000.000 Minimum bid: 1.000.000 Screens: ::: :::
  19. This post is an emotional roller-coaster, It's sad and funny at the same time!
  20. I refer it as heroin-melter. You can melt larger quantity of heroin faster than a regular lighter and spoon.
  21. We all had the problem where we respawn at a hospital, and there is this one asshole who decided to go afk at the hospital and he makes you stuck! Without outside help - someone punching you f.e- you most likely won't be able to get out since using I'm Stuck will warp you exactly to the same place. The same problem happens at the Police Departments as well, people go afk when they are jailed and usually tend to stay afk after they get out too which causes numerous people to get stuck inside each other. This is the problem I am talking about: ::: ::: Perhaps there could be a script where players have no collision at the hospital/police department spawn points until they move?
  22. We bikers need some love as well! Enough with the luxury sports cars!
  23. Location: East Los Santos, Near the impounded vehicles garage. Starting Bid: 100k Minimum Bid: 30k Screenshot: (The second one from the left) ::: :::
  24. Ingame name: Pancy Account name: maxwer Age: 19 Native language: Turkish Additional languages: English Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 8 ( It depends on my education life) Skill evaluation English language (0/10): 8 Roleplaying skill (0/10): 8 Driving skill (0/10): 9 Strengths: Always ready to RP and good at making radical decisions in the needed time. I can be very guiding to the people I work with. Weaknesses: If I have other things on my mind in real life during a certain time; I might not wanna take big responsibilities. Background Previous organizations you associated with: RDMC, BS, ThC Criminal history: I have a pretty big history there, don't let my in-game hours fool you, I went inactive and came back multiple times, I started playing in 2011, I was just an 11-year-old kid at the time and did not know English almost at all. Over the years I improved my self and the reason I can now speak English is definitely thanks to MTA. One of my first gangs; Rebels MC was a big gang back in the day and I was a part of it. 8 years later it is back! With some of the original members active again as well which led me to leave my previous gang - where I was a member for more than a year- as an honorary member (ThC) to join and help Rebels MC. Currently, we are climbing our way up to the top and we are the most potent MC around. Current organizations: Rebels MC Personality Why do you want to join Global Trust? (Less than 500 please and read -> (Spoiler -> #1)) I just heard about it today and seen that Global Trust consists of friendly people that I loved to roleplay with. That led me to check the topic out to see how promising Global Trust was. After going through the topic I decided to be a part of this organization using whatever skill I have to help and get involved in anything to rise Global Trust to where it deserves to be. And to rise Global Trust to the very top, I have certain skill sets which - I believe - will be useful in the long run. I don't take years to plan a Roleplay, I like on the spot RP's, I believe that roleplays should not be planned but rather ''lived''. Plus I am able to RP in almost every situation. Apart from RPs; I am good at getting people to work together and get them enthusiastic about a certain work. Taking harsh decisions can be hard sometimes, but I see my self as a forward-thinking person which helps me get through these certain decisions in the most 'profitable' way. If someone needs advice on anything, I am usually the go-to person.
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