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Everything posted by AntiRug

  1. Has made more posts on here, than TST's media archive
  2. Takes a long time to claim his bought properties
  3. Seems to have quite alot of spending monay.
  4. interrupted mine and vennelle's roasting sesh.
  5. Deserves a world record title, for most chairs broken just by sitting on them.
  6. @James said in Ability to get your skin back from a clothes shelf in jail: You all @Licano @Cappo @AntiRug @NubBob must be daydreaming for down voting. NOW @Skerdi @Jim where in the world, You have ever seen one prisoner to escape from jail and in side of the jail to have one dressing room for criminal to change clothes,when they decide to escape what kind fabric made from wool, cotton, or a similar fiber,you forgot to mention to have one cop inside the jail and bribe as well?? This is a simple idea which could give the game a little extra detail. This being added to the game wont change anything but the persons appearance. personally i am down to see small stuff like this added to the game, so it isn't the same thing over and over again. @Jesse421 mentioned, whilst a JB is going on, the criminals have full authority over the jail, otherwise there wont be one in the first place. If you want to get so into details, have a look at what @Cappo said, and how can some random person walk into a jail open the gates and let out all the criminals? Your talking about realism? This game has nothing to do with being as realistic as possible, it's about adapting and adding new stuff to the gameplay experience such as this, so it would be more fun. This is my opinion and i stand by this suggestion 100%!
  7. Great idea! Personally would love to see this be a feature ingame, because then you could see how much experience the player has in that specific role. This could hive squad/gang HQ's a little sense of how skilled the player might be. +1 from me!:ok_hand:
  8. 2m, @Funstein 350k min bind increase :)
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