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Everything posted by RadiO

  1. Display Name: RadioGaga Username: oussama88 Link to ALL Donation Topics: Total number of Donation Points: 50
  2. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 40.00 Pounds When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 22 sep 2020 Links to your donation topics: ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed rip all due to inactivity ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: damaged glendale Vehicle 2: cabbie Vehicle 3: tahoma Vehicle 4: Kart Vehicle 5: shamal Large interior username: oussama88 location: show ingame
  3. Activity #22 Date: 18/01/2021 Activity: Co-Impounding Info: Patrolling and impounding around whole SA with @Rick Screenshots: Click Here!
  4. Rolepay#8 Participants: Me, Afufu & Lily Story: Another day at the LVx workshop, we opened in the morning to serve our lovely customers who no matter what happens they always chose our services cause they really trust in our expert and qualified mechanics. Our first customer was Lily, his passenger's seat window was broken after a drunk guy crashed into him with a bike while he was crossing the road in his neighborhood. It was my shift with my partner Afufu who was tired after having a bad night and going to the bed late so I took care of it myself while he was standing a bit far away watching me. After taking the broken glass off, I went to the storage to find a similar one, and yes somehow I found another window which is not actually for that car but it can feet well. After cleaning the dust from the window, I placed it in the right place. The glass price was 260$ with the job it cost 300$ in total, but the guy was kinda broke, therefore he asked for a discount so I just make him pay for the glass and didn't take anything for the job, he was happy with it. After paying me he jumped on his car and drove away with a big smile on his face. I was so excited that the customer went home happy however I didn't get anything for the effort I did. Sometimes, making someone's day good is much better than making a profit. Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Activity #21 Date: 18/01/2021 Activity: Co-Impounding Info: Patrolling and impounding around whole SA with @Anas Screenshots: Click Here!
  6. Event #2 Type: CarShow Hoster(s): Cuban Cars & Me LWS: @Trevor Prize: 1st- 1.500.000$ // 2nd- 1.000.000$ // 3rd- 500.000$ Winner(s): 1st- Arone // 2nd- Swagger // 3rd- Petrow Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Activity #20 Date: 18/01/2021 Activity: Co-Impounding Info: Patrolling and impounding around whole SA with @Judyes Screenshots: Click Here!
  8. Rolepay#8 Participants: Me, @Judyes & @KaKi Story: After working on the Somalian's car and making some cash we went to a local liquor store to get some beers. While we were chilling at the garage, drinking beers, and telling tales we received a phone call. It's a trucker from the All Load Trucking company. He was taking some construction vehicles owned by a construction company named ZIP from San Fierro to Blueberry, Red County where they are planning to make a new bridge between Bone County and Red County. The problem is a tire, a pooped tire which should be fixed as soon as he can cause any delay will cost a lot of money to both companies. Once again my partner didn't want to be left alone at the garage so we decided to close it and go together. We took our tools, equipment, and stuff and went there speeding on the highway. We reached him. It was the Roadtrain rear-left weel, pooped because of a nail. He drove by the workplace. We have to remove the trailer or unload the vehicles to change the tire but that will take a lot of time and time is money. So we agreed to keep the same tire but we take off the nail and close the gap. My partner brought the toolbox from the truck and handed me the pliers which I used to take off the nail, some super glue to close the gap and last but not least an air pump to inflate the wheel. The Trucker was happy that it ended quickly he contacted the company and informed them that we're coming to receive our payment then he jumped into his truck, horned, and drove away. Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Rolepay#7 Participants: Me, @Judyes & @nulgath Story: A regular day at the workshop, suddenly the phone rings. It's an old friend from the Somalian pirates. He just came back from a trip and found that one of the pirates took his car and crashed with it into the garage door while going out of it cause he was drunk. It was me and my partner, Judy, at the garage. He didn't want to stay alone as he was bored and tilted so we decided to close it and go visit the guy together. We took all the needed tools and equipment and we head to the point. After a few minutes, we came to their base and he was waiting for us right in front of the main gate. The trip wasn't that hard, the weather was cool no traffic jams and it's not that far away. After greeting each other we went in, straight to the garage where the car is. Well, It wasn't that much damaged, just the front bumper and the hood. I was heading back to the towtruck to grab my toolbox and I heard him scream my name. I went back and asked him what happened, he told me that there's no need we can use their tools and stuff also he already bought the car parts so what we just should do is to replace the old blowing things with brand new ones. I took a few tools from the box and started taking off the front bumper with the help of my partner. The engine was good just a bit of grey smoke going out of the cylinder head which is caused by the oil that went into it after the crash. It's nothing big and It should be fine after driving it a few miles. Everything should be fine by now, he was happy that his car is fine and ready to go on the road. After shaking hands and getting paid we took off. Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Activity #19 Date: 18/01/2021 Activity: Co-Impounding Info: Patrolling and impounding around whole SA with @Jim Screenshots: Click Here!
  11. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 40.00 Pounds When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 22 sep 2020 Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13701/donation-radio-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10858/donation-radio-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/14929/donation-radio-amount-20-00gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19065/donation-zoro-amount-10-00-gbp/3 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/21267/donation-zoro-amount-20-00gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22017/radio-s-reward-change ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Tahoma Vehicle 2: Sultan Vehicle 3: Damaged Glendale Vehicle 4: Cabbie Location: Richman mansion ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Stunt plane Vehicle 2: cabbie with weed warp Vehicle 3: sultan with sticker 1 warp username: oussama88 location: tt base
  12. RadiO


  13. Rolepay#6 Participants: Me & @Lorch Story+Screenshots: As usual, I received a call from the customer during my coffee break. He is a respected member of a well-known gang around Los Santos territory. He got a Range Rover, a sort of a new one but recently the car performance went down, from 100mph in 5 seconds to 100mph in 35 seconds and a dark black smoke going out from the car exhausts. I thought It might be something that fell into the engine which is obstructing fuel flow. I took my toolbox, jumped into my truck, and went straight to the given location ''Somewhere around Los Santos Idlewood where you will find many purple cars'' weird shit. After driving around for like 10 minutes I found it, and the weirdest thing that each time I ask someone about it he just turns his face and walks away. Honestly, that freaked me out. I slowed down and drove in carefully, I saw a black guy waving and I was like '' What the hell is going on, the guy's voice didn't seem to be a nigger voice!!! Anyway, let me finish that shit quickly before I get raped.'' After I parked the car, I went to the guy and I asked him which car is the one, and as I expected, It was a Land Rover Discovery, an expensive car which is mostly owned by gangsters. After greeting each other, I asked the guy to open the car hood as I was afraid to touch it, he was a nice dude which made me feel comfortable he asked if I would like to have a drink and I told him that a cold beer will be good enough. I was checking the car's engine trying to find out the blocked tube, none seems to be blocked and the fuel is reaching the cylinder head as it should be. the guy told me that he uses it to with his homies from time to time and I was confused, You gotta be a cunt to use such a car for street races it's worth more than $50.000. When I lay on the ground, I saw some drops of oil, after cleaning it with my shirt sleeve I found a hole in the oil pan, which was causing the oil lack. I asked the guy how much oil does it consume and he told me that he refuels the oil can 3 or 4 times a week. Aight seems like we found the damn problem. The bad thing is we don't have any of those Range Rover oil pans and our shipment won't be here before the next month, so I decided to close that gap in any possible way. I put my finger on the gab and I closed it but I can't keep holding it with my finger while he drives around, so I asked him if he got a 50 cents coin, It was a stupid question indeed, why would a rich ass nigger had a 50 cents coin in his pocket but he gave me a one. I'm finding out another weird thing each minute I spent on this shity place, I have to get out of it a soon as I can. I took the glue bottle from the toolbox, put some glue on the coin, and closed the gap, then I told him it's good to go. He gave me 200 bucks, Yes 200 bucks, and a couple of cold beer bottles. I put the money in my right pocket, took my toolbox and those bottles to my truck, hopped in, turned on the engine, horn '' Piip Piip'' and locked on the back mirror he's still standing there smiling and waving to me. I kept driving till I reached a hill far away from the city, parked the car, took those beers and hoped on the truck roof, drinking and looking to the ocean and watch the sun going down, such a wonderful day. ::: :::
  14. Activity #18 Date: 22/11/2020 Activity: Co-Impounding Info: Patrolling and impounding around whole SA with @Judyes Screenshots: Click Here!
  15. Rolepay#5 Participants: Me & @Damcek Story+Screenshots: It was a typical day at the garage when I received a message from a police officer, a bunch of drunken criminals poped his car's tire during a chase. Therefore he called us. As fast as I can, I picked my toolbox and went straight to the towtruck. The officer was talking so fast he seems to be in hurry, and I couldn't have the chance If he got a spare wheel with him and if no what type and size of wheels he got. I thought that he just might need some extra hands to take off the poped tire and replace it with the spare one, but when I reached the location, I found out that he doesn't have a one and he's kinda in the middle of nowhere. He told me to repair it as fast as I can cause he wants to keep chasing the suspect, I was like '' do I look like a formula 1 mechanic? You don't even have a spare wheel, how am I supposed to change it? huh? Do I give you my towtruck tire or something? ". Then I just found the most possible option, which is... I tow his car back to the garage where I can look for a same-sized wheel and change the blown up one with a brand new tire. The cop said that towing it back to the garage will cause is a lot of time and he asked me if I can go back to the workshop, bring the wheel and come back there. I almost accepted it but after reconsidering it I realized that it's just will be a waste of fuel which I can't afford since the government will pay for the service and they pay 50% less than normal customers. So I didn't accept it and I gave him the most retarded excuse in the history of excuses "I might lose my way back to here and that will cause me more time to find your location" and he was like ''Are you sure, Isn't this your hometown''. trying to cover that shit I gave him the other excuse which was more retarded than the previous one: "Yes, It's but I live in the other half of it.'' Somehow he believed me and we towed that fucked up car back to the workshop. I missed the most important part of the lie and I drove straight to the garage, which made the cop curious, '' Didn't you say that you don't know the roads?'' and I just told him that I made it somehow. Ahh, yet another stupid lie that he somehow believed. I went into the warehouse looking for a same-sized wheel or at least any other size that could fit smoothly. Finally, I found a perfect one and replaced the fucked up one. ''Drive Test?'', ''Yes, of course''. It was perfect, the officer gives me a ticket which I didn't even read and he said that I will receive my payment once he reaches the department. ::: (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563455414906388499/780079285276377098/mta-screen_2020-11-22_13-03-36.png) ![alt text] :::
  16. Event Name: BOOM! Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: @KARIM Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6Lt0Pih
  17. Event Name: Chicken Roaster Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: @Aveyro Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sLJDnXQ
  18. Event Name: Last Man Standing Prize: 1.000.000 Winner: @SoZa Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7g8v35r
  19. wait am i missing something? is mellow puppy or puppy is mellow? which one us dutch? anyway happy birthday
  20. RadiO


    In-game name: radio Account name: oussama88 Current gang: tonga tongs Current groups: manii How long have you been playing in SAES?: since i born How active are you in SAES?: i nolife saes 24/7 Why do you wish to join the Chaos Society?: cuz prfnsl actif and 31
  21. #care
  22. Roleplay num #1: What is The International Port Of Trade? Description: The International Port Of Trade (IPOT) is a seaport in San Andreas located in North San Fierro, in the middle of a canal between San Fierro docks and Tierra Robada. It is the busiest port in SA by metric tonnes of cargo. The port is located in a strategic place. The port was first used in the 13th century and was one of the main ports of the San Andreas Association Of Ports And Harbors in the 17th century. Today, the IPOT is the largest port in the San Andreas State. In 2014, the IPOT had a cargo throughput of 97.4 million tons. The IPOT aims to be at the top of San Andreas's sustainable ports. The Port divides their sustainability vision into five themes: Energy transition in a circular economy, Environment and habitat, Clean and safe shipping, Work and credentials, and responsible trade chains. The port took 2 years of construction before it gets ready with a budget of 3 Billion Dollars, during the previous years The San Andreas Association Of Ports And Harbors allocated a huge sum of money for maintenance work at the port which made the total cost of building the port pass 4.5 Billion Dollars. Yearly over one thousand ships drop their containers there. Last year the budget for cargo throughput was over 16 Billion Dollars, different types of products, raw materials, petrol, iron, precious metals such as gold, silver, and much more. The port employs more than two hundred workers, supervisors, managers, sailors, cookers to prepare delicious dishes for employees, cleaning workers to keep everything tidy and clean with an average salary comes around 6K Dollars. After the tankers drop the cargos at the port with the help of cranes which are stationed at every corner of the port, the pallet trucks move the goods inside the hangar just to make sure the transportation will go smoothly and the goods will be in safety to avoid hijacks as most of the goods are valuable ones. Later on, other ships will dock at the port the carry on the transportation or distribute the products to other ports. Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. Project num #5: International Port Of Trade Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): Click Here! Screenshots: ::: :::
  24. Project num #4: Bank Of Bayside Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): Click Here! Screenshots: ::: ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/att achments/563732813828980756/761939582047485982/gallery189.jpg) :::
  25. Project num #3: Los Santos Santa Flora Resturant Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): Click Here! Screenshots: ::: :::
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