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Everything posted by Style

  1. Your ingame username: brzovec123 Your ingame alias: Style Your year of birth: 2003 Your gender: Male Nationality: Slovene Country of residence: Slovenia How long you have been playing SAES: I've been on and off the server in 2012. Late 2014 was the time I decided to visit the server once again and have been active ever since. Qualities you can offer: I've been fully active since I joined the server in 2014, therefore I consider myself as an active player. I am capable of working in a team, as well as perform duties on my own. Regardless of the situation, I am ready to accomplish the tasks given by the people in charge. Considering, that I am a part of Black~Bullets HQ team, I may have an advantage of properly dealing with reports and eventually, fairly punishing people. Your weaknesses: It's always hard to talk about weaknesses. However, I think my main weakness is, that I can get upset over small things, which can get stuck in my mind for a while. Another thing is, I occasionally act recklessly, which can also lead to the uneasiness of me. Being too gentle to the people when I am considered to be serious and direct, might be one of my weaknesses, as well. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): CS Do you have Discord Installed: I do. Reason for application: I've been around here for quite some time. Considering that, I've had a chance to get to know, more or less, everything on the server and community. Therefore, I know how the server works. Perhaps, this is the opportunity to start viewing and contributing to the community from a different perspective. Server Memberships: B~B, CLO, G6, CC, rTECH, SAP. Additional information: Hello, I'm Bla. Most people know me as Style. I consider myself as a calm person, as I rarely find myself in conflicts. I live in the oldest city of Slovenia Ptuj. I am currently in the 2nd grade of Computer Science Middle School. Considering that, I have a knowledge of C++ basics, which gives me the ability to solve simple C++ projects. That's about it, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me either on discord or in-game. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: If I recall correctly, I've been adminjailed twice and few mutes here and there. However, I haven't been punished for quite a while now. Previous (legitimate) bans: None Do you eat pork: Yes.
  2. 6.4.2020 San Fierro ::: :::
  3. Event number: 354 Event type: Last Man Standing Prize(s): 1,000,000$ LWS / G6 Helper(s): Style Winner(s): Duff Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/B4f1pIo
  4. Event number: 353 Event type: Chicken Shooter Prize(s): 1,000,000$ LWS / G6 Helper(s): Style Winner(s): TrollFace Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/F0pbnTh
  5. Thanks everyone!
  6. 30.3.2020 Assisting on the Clandestine Mob SF BR ::: ::: 30.3.2020 Assisting on the Clandestine Mob LS BR ::: ::: 30.3.2020 Assisting on the Clandestine Mob LV BR ::: :::
  7. 27.3.2020 San Fierro BR ::: ::: 29.3.2020 Assisting on The Company BR ::: :::
  8. 18.3.2020 RC BR ::: ::: 18.3.2020 Turf ::: :::
  9. Assisting on The Outfit BR ::: :::
  10. Criminal activites with camels ::: :::
  11. 9.3.2020 - Criminal activities with @Arms-Assassins & @Tuga-Thugs ::: :::
  12. Congratulations fellow slovakians!
  13. 31.10.2019 San Fierro BR: ::: ::: 2.1.2019 Red County BR: ::: ::: 2.11.2019 Bone County BR: ::: ::: 18.11.2019 Las Venturas BR: ::: :::
  14. congratulations slovakians
  15. 23.8.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 23.8.2019 Los Santos BR: ::: ::: 24.8.2019 Bone County BR: ::: :::
  16. 6.6.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 8.6.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 9.6.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 16.6.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 19.6.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 20.6.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 21.6.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 22.6.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 25.6.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 25.6.2019 Tierra Robada BR: ::: ::: 26.6.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 26.6.2019 Red County BR: ::: ::: 27.6.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 28.6.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 29.6.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 30.6.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 1.7.2019 Online Activity: ::: :::
  17. 4.4.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 5.4.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 5.4.2019 San Fierro BR: ::: ::: 5.4.2019 Tierra Robada BR: ::: ::: 6.4.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 7.4.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 8.4.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 9.4.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 10.4.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 11.4.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 11.4.2019 San Fierro BR: ::: ::: 11.4.2019 Los Santos BR: ::: ::: 14.4.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 20.4.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 22.4.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 24.4.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 2.5.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 2.5.2019 Los Santos BR: ::: ::: 2.5.2019 San Fierro BR: ::: ::: 3.5.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 4.5.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 5.5.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 5.5.2019 San Fierro BR: ::: ::: 5.5.2019 Red County BR: ::: :::
  18. Happy birthday kanker!
  19. Thank you all! :relaxed:
  20. 2.3.2019 Online Activity:::: ::: 6.3.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 12.3.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 13.3.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 14.3.2019 Tierra Robada BR: ::: ::: 15.3.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 15.3.2019 San Fierro BR: ::: ::: 15.3.2019 Las Venturas BR: ::: ::: 16.3.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 20.3.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 21.3.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 27.3.2019 Online Activity: ::: ::: 27.3.2019 San Fierro BR: ::: :::
  21. Happy birthday a7a!
  22. 18.1.2019 Online Activity ::: ::: 15.1.2019 Online Activity ::: ::: 11.1.2019 Online Activity ::: :::
  23. Sretan roendan :kissing_heart:
  24. 5.8.2018 ::: ::: 5.8.2018 Bank Robbery ::: :::
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