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Everything posted by RedStar

  1. Activity Date: 29.01.2022 Activity Type: Store Rob ( San fierro ) Screenshots: [s=][/s] Activity Date: 29.01.2022 Activity Type: Store Rob Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  2. Event #6 Event Type: Rhino Shooter Prize: 1.000.000 $ LWS Helper(s): @Brondy Winner(s): @Enemy44 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  3. Hello SAES community I'd thank every one of you for being here in the Fortaleza Street Roleplay Archive. We are very pleased to be able to share our roleplays with you guys, our roleplay content will be made by Fortaleza Street members. Enjoy! ~[ATTN :]~(red) Please do not post anything here unless you are a member of Fortaleza Street. We will be using the following format as a presentation of our Roleplays. Roleplay #Count Story: Participants: Screenshots:
  4. Activity Date: 27.01.2022 Activity Type: VIP Screenshots: [s=][/s] Activity Date: 27.01.2022 Activity Type: Store Rob ( TR ) Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  5. Activity Date: 27.01.2022 Activity Type: Store Rob ( Los santos ) Screenshots: [s=][/s] Activity Date: 27.01.2022 Activity Type: Store Rob ( RedCounty ) Screenshots: [s=][/s] Activity Date: 27.01.2022 Activity Type: Store Rob ( Las venturas ) Screenshots: [s=][/s] Activity Date: 27.01.2022 Activity Type: Store Rob ( Las venturas ) Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  6. Soussa 73 tnik elkol w allah yarabah f ay wehed jeybha weld kahba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZqcJHjCcqs
  7. Activity Date: 26.01.2022 Activity Type: JailBreak Screenshots: [s=Click here][/s]
  8. Event #5 Event Type: Park inside the office Prize: 1.000.000 $ LWS Helper(s): @Omarr Winner(s): @hessan210 x 2 Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  9. Activity Date: 25.01.2022 Activity Type: Store Rob ( LV ) Screenshots: [s=][/s] Activity Date: 25.01.2022 Activity Type: The company Bank Rob ( LV) Screenshots: [s=][/s] Activity Date: 25.01.2022 Activity Type: Hell soldiers Bank Rob ( RC) Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  10. Activity Date: 25.01.2022 Activity Type: Store Rob Screenshots: [s=][/s] Activity Date: 25.01.2022 Activity Type: The outfit Bank Rob Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  11. Event #3 Event Type: Last Man Standing Prize: 1.000.000 $ LWS Helper(s): @Omarr Winner(s): @Kodigo Screenshots: [s=][/s] Event #4 Event Type: Lucky Tube Prize: 1.000.000 $ LWS Helper(s): @Omarr Winner(s): @kiraa Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  12. Event #2 Event Type: A vs D Prize: 2.000.000 $ LWS Helper(s): @Judyes Winner(s): @kiraa and his team ( vCt ) Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  13. Date: 20/01/2021 Property Name: The Ten Green Bottles Your Username: Pasquale12 Rentee Username: [gang]Fortaleza~Street Duration: Fee: 0$ Screenshot:
  14. +1
  15. Jariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kol am w enty hay bkhyr ye a7la jar w stafff fel saes <3 @TripleX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NivR_u3aiAU
  16. Ziiiiiiziiiiiiiiiiii kol am w enty hay bkhyrr w kol am. W nahna nikou fi om elii jeybinha wled khaaab Kalou zinyak amel 7ala mela zebiii mela lee @Mr-Zinyak
  17. Date: 08/12/2021 Event: fallout Total Prize: 1.000.000 $ LWS: @Judyes Winners: @Reeyzee Screenshots : [s=] [/s] Date: 08/12/2021 Event: kill the lws Total Prize: 1.000.000 $ LWS: @Judyes Winners: @Reeyzee Screenshots : [s=] [/s] Date: 08/12/2021 Event: kill the lws x2 Total Prize: 1.000.000 $ LWS: @Judyes Winners: @LalaStrala Screenshots : [s=] [/s] ~[|| !!!]~(99004d) // Arms-Assassins #1
  18. 22/01/2021 == > 08/12/2021 ** Events hosted : 187** Rare or new Types and sometimes old school types ( Events hosted _ 34 ) Usual events ( Events hosted 145 ) Self made events which means I'm the owner of the idea & build ( Events hosted 8 ) The most LWS members that I worked with them : Judyes / Colobria / Garcia / Karim There's no need to put how much money that I spent ( doesn't matter ) The biggest amount of participant that I attracted in all my events : 48 in the Vespucci event and karim was the lws helper. For more information or details : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24371/redstar-s-lws-events?page=1
  19. Our time/ turn will come anyway, we'll never give upp stay tuned for a lot of work in the future ..
  20. ~[E]~(8db600)vent ****: 187 ~[T]~(8db600)ype : Fallout ~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Judyes ~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $ ~[W]~(8db600)inners : @Reeyzee ~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) : [s=] [/s]
  21. ~[E]~(8db600)vent ****: 186 ~[T]~(8db600)ype : Kill The LWS ~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Judyes ~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $ ~[W]~(8db600)inners : @LalaStrala ~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) : [s=] [/s]
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