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Everything posted by RedStar

  1. Part I: How much have you donated for the server?: 30GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26675/hetler-s-reward-change Why do you need to change the location : The current place became unuseful Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24206/donation-hetler-amount-30-00-gbp Part II: What I Want to be Removed : My DFT-30 ::: ::: Part III: What I Want to be Added : infernus in front my shop ( LV ) Adress : Los santos Gifts shop ::: :::
  2. ~[E]~(8db600)vent : 082 ~[T]~(8db600)ype : Rabbit jump ~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo ~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $ ~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Yassinos ~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) : ::: :::
  3. ~[E]~(8db600)vent : 081 ~[T]~(8db600)ype : Rock Paper Scissors ~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo ~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $ ~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Tema ~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) : ::: :::
  4. ~[E]~(8db600)vent : 080 ~[M]~(8db600)y own event type : Grab my car (cargobob) ~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo ~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $ ~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Orten1 ~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) : ::: ::: ~[D]~(8db600)escription : The event's idea based on trying to take over my car by ( cargobob) and that by using ''x'' and the first one who keep me away from the other players and put me in a safe place will win
  5. ~[E]~(8db600)vent : 079 ~[T]~(8db600)ype : Street fight ~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo ~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $ ~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Razor ~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) : ::: ::: Description : It's a war without weapons between the participants by using their fighting skills in order to survive.
  6. ~[E]~(8db600)vent : 078 ~[T]~(8db600)ype : DD v2 ~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo ~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $ ~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Judyes ~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) : ::: ::: Description : Destruction derby with pads (Speed / Nitro / Repair) Excitement and fun you must control the cars as much as possible (driving skills)
  7. ~[E]~(8db600)vent : 077 ~[T]~(8db600)ype : 1 vs 1 Weed ~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo ~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $ ~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Yassinos ~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) : ::: ::: Description : it's a race between two participants with an ability ( movement speed )
  8. Ye khouyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyya kol 3am wenty hay bkhyrr @kira
  9. 85m 7awel tastatii3 hatlour l'king lena
  10. 80m from hatlouraa
  11. 72m from hatloura :)
  13. ~[E]~(8db600)vent : 076 ~[T]~(8db600)ype : GT KINGS ( 2 vs 2 ) ~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Hotfire ~[R]~(8db600)eward : 2.000.000 $ ~[W]~(8db600)inner(s) : Jefe team ( @Zodiac - @brotherhoodman ) ~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) : ::: :::
  14. Event N : ~[692]~(red) Event Type: GT KINGS ( 2 vs 2 ) Prize: $2.000.000 LWS/G6: @Hotfire Winner: Jefe team ( @Zodiac - @brotherhoodman ) ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  15. ~[E]~(8db600)vent : 075 ~[T]~(8db600)ype : Escape The Rhino Using Baggage Trailer's (Uncovered) ~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo ~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $ ~[W]~(8db600)inner(s) : @Witti ~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) : ::: :::
  16. ~[E]~(8db600)vent : 074 ~[M]~(8db600)y own event type : Freight Train Flatbed ~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo ~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $ ~[W]~(8db600)inner : @Rick ~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) : ::: ::: ~[D]~(8db600)escription : Railroad racing, well enough for us car races events, which became boring at times, so I wanted to do an event with trains. And really that was so much fun ( More exciting, more fun ). Also this race is an IQ test because it differs from auto racing, so you must be aware of how fast the train is when turning, except that it was left or right, and any small mistake will get you off the railway, meaning that you lost the race.
  17. Event N : ~[691]~(red) Event Type: Freight Train Flatbed Prize: $1.000.000 LWS/G6: @Colo Winner: @Rick ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  18. Event N : ~[690]~(red) Event Type: Escape The Rhino Using Baggage Trailer's (Uncovered) Prize: $1.000.000 LWS/G6: @Colo Winner: @Wittii ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  19. Address: bc shopfront Account name:gjones gjones Last seen: 06/05/2021 Screenshots : https://i.ibb.co/NtWLwf2/mta-screen-2021-05-05-23-02-43.png
  20. Part I: How much have you donated for the server?: 30GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: 16/02/2021 Why do you need to change the location : The current place became unuseful Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24206/donation-hetler-amount-30-00-gbp Part II: What I Want to be Removed : My hotring racer at palomino creek ( Red county ) Adress : 15 brown street ::: ::: Part III: What I Want to be Added : DFT-30 beside my store at lvx Adress : one direction store ::: Exactly like that : :::
  21. Jailbreak ~[#1822]~(red) ( 05 - 05 - 2021 ) Outbreak Members: @Noisyboy - @Judyes - @Mackey - @Law - @Zinyak - @Beckham - @Literary - @Bodo420 - @Aveyro (gz) - @Hetler (me) - @Colo - @Killer - @pekekent - @voli - @Niklaus - @Ovallees - @Terry - @Velo - @Yoko - @ColdPlay - @Douglass - @Gonza Outbreak Helpers: @kiraa - @TITCH - @joakito - @Orten1 - @hessan210 - @posho Screenshots: : https://imgur.com/a/4n9f2w4
  22. ~[E]~(8db600)vent : 073 ~[T]~(8db600)ype : Park inside the box ~[LWS]~(8db600)-Member : @Colo ~[R]~(8db600)eward : 1.000.000 $ ~[W]~(8db600)inner(s) : @Aveyro - Rosee ~[S]~(8db600)creenshot(s) : ::: :::
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