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Everything posted by CodyJL

  1. Still no Vice City.
  2. [ Team name ] - JDev [ Team members ] - @CodyJL
  3. Sure I'm not an SAES member (nor anywhere close) but I vote for myself.
  4. After logging some data about the map loading and sorting out a few issues map loading time has been dropped to around 60% of the original time. Apologies for it being a while still (2.7 minutes) but I'm working with an ancient file system that MTA runs so it's sorta hard to get it to load any quicker. Brief description of what I've done is add a loading order. Originally it tried to force the DFFs / TXDs/ COLs to all load up and replace at the same time; what I've done now is made it so all of the COLs / TXDs/ DFFs are loaded up into memory then as elements stream in they are replaced. As soon as I get the time / motivation to do it I'll be completely restructuring the system to make it so everything isn't all loaded up into memory at the same time which will hopefully decrease loading times a lot and potentially make it load in sub 1 minute. See above for what my future plans are to do to the streamer.
  5. Okey dokey, new patch out; loading time decreased from 5 minutes on average to 2.7777 minutes (To be exact) on average. (Thank you the 3 people who came out and helped test because I guess everyone else was to busy to give 15 minutes of their time to join my test server so I could collect some information on what was causing the 3 minute delay)
  6. Hopefully I'll be pushing out another patch for the map /streamer to improve loading times. I just need to figure out what event(s) are causing the loading times to be so long.
  7. Got nothin really to fix at the moment; however maybe I'll put screen shots and crap for future patches here dunno yet.
  8. Alright after many hours of work and testing the issue with flickering objects has now been fixed; something in the streamer was preventing the objects from being processed through the time processing system.
  9. Sent patch for a few minor issues to Brophy.
  10. @kipt The bugs are mostly just issues in the code of the streamer, I've been meaning to patch them but for the most part have been simply forgetting to do so (Plus some patches I accidentally deleted..) (Also some general things about the map for those wondering) The map consists of just over 8,000 objects (Almost equal to the object count of gta3s LC) On average 5,000 which are streamed in (1539 on average are shown on screen) There are 2865 unique models 149 water pieces making up the ocean and other water sources Map is 268 MB From porting the map to get it to a stable state under MTA took almost 2 years with around a thousand (or more) revisions to the porting tool. 586 (About) textures have been recreated to work nicely with the SA revision of Renderware 200 interior objects have been remodeled (With prelighting redone) to fit in the open world environment) The mall is the only interior that I did not otherwise directly modify model wise because of how corrupted the interior model is (Blame rockstar, I'm actually planning on remodeling it from scratch one of these days) While they will never admit it, I did beat VCRP to porting this map I just waited a while to release it because the map was unstable (Similar to how VCRPs map was) and I wanted to do some perfecting before I released it. (Also is the jail actually apart of the map or did you guys add it in? Because I could never find it thus couldn't make it into an open world building)
  11. There are a couple of issues with the map that I am going to be hopefully fixing tomorrow (If you watch video there are some flickering buildings that look to be over lapping; this is due to the day time and the night time models being different and the current map loader does not take into account the current time when you first join, I have a patch in testing at the moment so hopefully I can have it out tomorrow.)
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