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  1. @Jim-Morrison Sabre, yet modified in Nanobobs shop to have no bonnet and that block shown.
  2. Crude Information for those interested. I found the crude located, at the railway station East LV. and this needs to be delivered to the Fuel Trucker Spawn ;] ::: :::
  3. Name: [B~B]Camel Username: hypersc0pexx Team betting on: Just B~B Amount: 2m
  4. Happy Birthday coldplay
  5. Happy Birthday A7md
  6. Good Luck Stay and all applicants Reminded me of SkyAir which used to be super fun :D 6 year old screens ::: Spoiler Text :::
  7. ::: ::: 4/20 Last Year, UK Blaze weighed 8.1g with roach and a lovely bit a shatter
  8. Happy Birthday
  9. Happy Birthday Ment :]
  10. I saw something about Subnautica earlier, thanks for the reminder ;D I would've forgot.
  11. San Fierro Bank [ 8 / 8 ] San Fierro Turfing ::: :::
  12. This is an automated post TXN ID: 1V560135S6822963L Donation: 5.00 GBP Requested rewards: 500k Cash VC Access Donation Spawn Thanks again SAES -- Sorted by Sam --
  13. Merry Christmas SAES
  14. 100% for Illegal Loads on the new system, creates a good RP aspect too - not every trucker should carry guns therefore RP needs to happen between cops and truckers again... I also think we need more milestones, I have reached 300 deliveries in less than 2 weeks and I loved the progression yet now it seems to be over. Or scale them different
  15. Hi Toreno, I'm almost certain I was a ZIP Worker back in 2013-14-15 and I was removed for inactivity, In-game username: Hypersc0pexx Thanks
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