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Everything posted by Dangerr

  1. Date: 23/06/2019 Evening Activity ::: :::
  2. Date: 23/06/2019 ::: :::
  3. Date: 22/06/2019 Night Activity ::: :::
  4. Event Number: #99 Event Type: LMS LWS/G6: @Teller Winner(s): @Dexter Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots : ::: :::
  5. Date: 22/06/2019 ::: :::
  6. Roleplay Number: #123 Participants: @GanJa @Noisyboy @Ment Story: A new organisation named Clandestine Mob called me for our services, wanted to meet us in Los Santos in a quite area. Since they are new in the town, they already got enough attention on themselves so politicians are focusing on their organisation to keep their shit out of the town. One of their members met us and asked for our help at assasinating. He gave us a lawyer's name and the place where he works, I followed him until he gets back to home then finished him there. Then my partner got paid by their member after a few days. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0nRm2Vs
  7. Date: 21/06/2019 Night Activity ::: :::
  8. Date: 21/06/2019 ::: :::
  9. 20/06/2019 Night Activity. ::: :::
  10. Roleplay Number: #120 Participants: @Ment @flappy @ElGrandeMaroki @Gopnik @Jesse421 Story: Since we are slowly improving our supplements, we decided to get some cheap and fast vehicles to help us while delivering our stuff. And as we heard, there is an organisation called Zero in San Andreas which is known as a motorcycle club and also selling them. We decided to give them a try and went to their place by informing them before a day to prepare some bikes for us, we also heard that they have some drug coming from mexico by their members to increase their profit too. We wanted to take a look on them as well. Once we arrived, we talked about the bikes firstly and they were exactly how we wanted for our delivery. We decided to buy 6 amount of FCR-900, Once our organisation gets bigger, we will get more of them to improve our deliverying level as well. We also wanted to give a chance to their drug and bought it for a cheap price. In total, we paid $160.000 for 6 bikes and $300.000 for the drug. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/dqfSn2m
  11. Name: Danger Username: luuucian Team Betting on: CDS Amount: 25M
  12. Happy birthday nik hanen
  13. Date:16/06/2019 ::: :::
  14. Event Number: #89 Event Type: Fallout LWS/G6: @Duff Winner(s): @Shadowz Prize:1.000.000$ SS: ::: :::
  15. Event Number: #88 Event Type: Chicken Shooter LWS/G6: @Duff Winner(s): @Cappo Prize:1.000.000$ SS: ::: :::
  16. Date:15/06/2019 Night Activity ::: :::
  17. Happy birthday tosh
  18. Date:15/06/2019 ::: :::
  19. Event Number: #87 Event Type: BOX 1v1 LWS/G6: @John Winner(s): @Jaster Prize:1.000.000$ SS: ::: :::
  20. Date:14/06/2019 ::: :::
  21. Roleplay Number: #114 @Mistigun said in The Pirus ~ Media Archive: ~[Role Play Number]~(red,maroon,maroon,silver) 36 : ~[Story]~(black,maroon,sienna) On June 10, the two most powerful drug and arms dealers in San Andreas organized a raid on a secret headquarters where the goods were hidden. The operation began at 5 pm, when the members of the "Pirus" entered the store carrying arms, then attacked the guards and fired at them. They were killed and with the strict guardians of the "cartel-da-sinaloa", the two gangs managed to share a significant amount of 30 kg of cocaine and 20 weapons of various kinds. Twenty minutes after the end of the one-and-a-half hour operation, Pirus and cartel-da-sinaloa left to their headquarters Carrying with them Goods. ScreenShots: Participants : @khalil @ZaBaLiTo @jaster @HaMeier @Netro @Ritta ::: Pictures : :::
  22. Event Number: #86 Event Type: LMS LWS/G6:@zaza Winner(s): @Dexter Prize:1.000.000$ SS: ::: :::
  23. Roleplay Number: #111 @Star said in Central Intelligence Agency - Media Archive: ^[] Role Play Number: 23 Participants: CIA: @Martin , Star CDS: @Danger , Piroto RP Scenario: ^[Corrupted] Officer.Martin and I were patrolling around the Red County when we found something fishy was going on nearby Red County. A couple of men were loading down some wooden boxes into their Rancher. They had been spied on till they started moving, as Martin and I hided our Rancher behind the tree. ^[] As they were moving on up the hill I was saying to Martin when to come out of the tree and block the road. ^[] Eventually I flashed to Martin to do that and our FBI Rancher came out of the blue right to the front of their car. (BRAKES SCREECHING) ^[] Both of the dudes got out of the car saying 'What the fuck?', as we approached to them and said 'Hey, you are talking to the officer, idiot. Watch your potty mouth!'. 'You had beeb being spied on and figured you were loading wooden boxes into the trunk, Pull the trunk cover up, you bastard!' ^[] They did refuse it when I said 'I will do it myself'. As I opened the trunk I figured there were two boxes. I asked 'What's inside the boxes?'. One of suspected's answered "Fresh vegetables'. (Me laughs) 'Ha, you think you two motherfuckers would trick me. Do not shame yourselves, you idiots. Two douche-faces transporting the vegetables, Shut up!' ^[] I removed the cover of the box and saw the box full of pistols (colt-45), There were like 10 of them. I said 'Nice vegetables, you idiot. Now you want to be apprehended for 10 years, you farmer?" As I opened up the second box I figured there were bunch of rounds for the colt-45. Mr.Martin said 'Nice of you, crooks!' I came by the suspected and had a little chat with him. 'Alright, alright. Both of you motherfuckers have two paths ahead of you. The first is, you are cuffed now and go down to the police department where you will be being kept till the court. Eventually, you will end up with 10 years in the prison. Hey, you vegetable, boy. Do you wanna know what would happen to you and especially your ass in the prison? - You have no damn idea, you idiot. You are better not to know!' I asked if the first path was a fit for them, as one of the refused it. I suggested the second one 'The second path is, you share some 'interest' with us. The 10.000$ and we let you go,' ^[] They took the seocnd path and instatly shared the money with us. I said to leave them in the hood's space. They came by the hood and left the envelope. I came by and took it. I've taken one colt-45 of them and let them go, as one of them said 'No, do not take this.' I answered 'Careful on the roads, motherfuckers'. I came into my Rancher where we shared the money with Martin... ^[]
  24. Roleplay Number: #110 @Hetler said in The Company | Activity Feed: Role~Play Number # 320 Title : the best cutt ever Participant's : @Danger / @ZaBaLiTo / @piroto / @AntiRug / @Stiffler Story : ::: A week ago one of my friends contacted me and informed me that one of the members of Cartel Da Sinaloa was arrested in the process of handing over a weapon. I was sad for this news because I love this organization because it is doing a good job against the law and it has a big deal of skills members ..so i decide with my gang to intervene to help Cartel Da Sinaloa in this problem .. my own spies were sent to gather information about the day of the court and the details of transfert the prisoner's to JAIL .. 3 days and one of the charge holders contacted me and gave me a large amount of information about my request immediately, a meeting was held with my gang members and we started planning the big operation .. the day of operation .. we will cut off the police car and the car where the prisoner inside it with own weapon and try to arrest a group of policemen for ransom .. In 30 minutes the operation was successful in cooperation with the members of Cartel Da Sinaloa and the prisoner returned to his gang and we held a big celebration in their base ::: Special thanks to Cartel Da Sinaloa / ETF .. <3 Screenshot's Of all the operation :
  25. Event Number: #85 Event Type: Fallout LWS/G6:@Star Winner(s):@each Prize:1.000.000$ SS: ::: :::
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