Ingame name:zKill98 Ingame username:fottesega Previous organizations and leaving causes: TRD(a little not official gang),and ex lv.0 member in UE. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire's role is basically to deal with everything in an illegal, like Weapons Dealing, Drugs Dealing, Cops contract killing, corrupting politicians. What binds you with Underground Empire: Underground Empire is on of the oldest gang in Saes, i would like lto join UE for offer my trust,my skills and my Respect. I want to help UE in all activities, wars, jb. What do you know about organized crime: is a bunch of experienced criminals who make their illegal businesses secretly in order to benefit their criminal organization. Extra:im here to apply again becouse i was kicked 3 months ago for an issue with an WA member. I was busy with the school in this time, but now im here to try to enter again.