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Everything posted by CHAPO

  1. Address: 37 Main/street Shop Account name: luisbravo Last seen: 24th December 2019. Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. in-game name: Chapo Username: ratatui Age: 17 nationality: Mexicano Previous prohibitions / punishments: I was banned for a confusion, but everything is clear, out of trouble Why do you think you would be suitable for the role: I am responsible and mature enough to handle this job, and I have a lot of time playing saes
  3. Address: Old Tower Corp Account name: juliaaaaaa Last seen: 22nd December 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Address: Fyrrs Mums Muff Trimming Ls Store Account name: frankie[777] Last seen: 15th May 2018 Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Adress: Anal Bleaching Ls Store Account name: MinskiyGopnik Last seen: 19th Decembre 2019 Screenshot: ::: :::
  6. 1- Personal part: Nickname: Chapo Username: ratatui Years: 17 Mexican nationality Rate your English level (1-10): 5-10 2- Part of Saes information: Since when do you play SAES: RPG: 2015 approx Current gang / squad: INKAS Current groups: N / A Tell us about your SAES provider: I've been playing SAES since 2015, but I had to withdraw from the game due to some personal problems and after a few years later I finally decided to come back even stronger. 3-Group of questions: What do you know about Fight Club: It's a boxing group, of illegal fights Which division do you prefer and why ?: because I want to be stronger Why do you want to join Fight Club: I want to learn new skills and be a little stronger than others Why should we accept you? Because I know the rules, and I want to know a little more about the group, and I would also like to help
  7. rip SAES
  8. Adress: Nanoboobs Motel Room 12 Account name: anissou Last seen: 27th August 2019. Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/SwHwtiX
  9. Adress: Drivers Auto Parts Store Account name: rizwankazi Last seen: 22nd september 2019 Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/zsbYpdG
  10. Name of the game: 203|CHAPO Username:paulolguin Country of residence and nationality: Sinaloa Mxico Spoken languages: English and Spanish Age: 16 Date of the start of his career at SAES:2017 Previous organizations and the reason they left or were expelled: BBMC deleted ThC and CDC- I went out Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: I am a 16 year old, I study and work, in my spare time I like to play SAES, I usually play every afternoon, I am an experienced child that is SAES, I am good with weapons, robberies and br, I usually spend a lot of time with gang members and practice a little with them, I am not so good at Roleplay, but I make my May effort to be better every day, The Company makes me a very interesting gang, since they are always active, I like about everything to do Turf, since what is something fun
  11. S e c t i o n 1 - Real name: Paul In the game Nick: CHAPO Nationality: Mazatlan Country of residence: Sinaloa age: 16 years English proficiency: I would be enraged 3 out of 10 Other languages: Spanish S e c t i o n 2 - Why do you want to join us ?: First, I love the role of the group, I discovered that OB is the best group for me, honestly, I had never seen a criminal group before and I love the members because they work hard. and respectfully, I would like to share my skills and improve myself. I will be useful in my activities within the game and in the media file. Why should we keep you in mind and what can you offer ?: Honestly, I am an active player and spend all my time playing in jail, I can give respect and help when necessary. How long have you been playing in SAES?: 3 years Current member (s) of the group: The Company S e c t i o n 3 - Something about you, no less than 100 words: Hi, my name is Paul. I live in Mazatlan Sinaloa. I am 16 years old, in my free time I just like to play MTA I like to go out with friends or with my girlfriend, I like to exercise, I like sports, but my favorite sport is football. I like to meet people who are not my country, live on important dates with the family, my favorite language is the potugues I do not speak but I understand something.
  12. Personal information I am a 16 year old boy with a passion for art in general. I started in 2015 and to this day I still play sometimes I get inactive due to study issues but when I'm free I connect for a long time Nickname: [ThC ] CHAPO Username paulolguin Age 16 years Nationality Mazatlan Sinaloa Roleplay information What does SACA mean for San Andreas Cloud Airline? What is the role play of SACA? The role playing game is mainly local and international flights throughout the companies Sants San Fierro and Weshenton Previous works Role skills qualify them from 1 to 10 6 English Knowledge qualifies them from 1 to 10 3 Airline pilot flight request Do you consider yourself an incredible pilot? If the answer is yes, describe why I consider myself a good driver, I maneuver in high risk situations, I make decisions quickly and I like to make my clients feel very well, since there are several people who fear flying in an airplane, as well I try to do my best for the trip that corresponds to me. Have you ever been part of an airline? Do not Have you taken any study related to work? Do not
  13. Nickname: [ThC *] CHAPO Username paulolguin Age 16 years Nationality Mazatlan Sinaloa Roleplay information What does SACA mean for San Andreas Cloud Airline? What is the role play of SACA? The role playing game is mainly local and international flights throughout the companies Sants San Fierro and Weshenton Previous works Role skills qualify them from 1 to 10 6 English Knowledge qualifies them from 1 to 10 3 Airline pilot flight request Do you consider yourself an incredible pilot? If the answer is yes, describe why I consider myself a good driver, I maneuver in high risk situations, I make decisions quickly and I like to make my clients feel very well, since there are several people who fear flying in an airplane, as well I try to do my best for the trip that corresponds to me. Have you ever been part of an airline? Do not Have you taken any study related to work? Do not
  14. Name of the game: 203|ELCHAPO Username: paul olguin Country of residence: Mazatlan Sinaloa Languages spoken: English and Spanish Date of birth: 11/24/2002 Start date of his career in SAES: 2016 Previous organizations: no Miscellaneous questions Define the role of the Company in a sentence: this is a criminal organization whose main objectives are to make money quickly, to kill important people, to make deals with other gangs that lead to an increase in prestige in San Andreas. You are being chased by a policeman and unfortunately you die when falling off a cliff. That's why the policeman is threatening you with a report. How would you approach this? I'd say I'm sorry, try to explain what happened and if he still moaned, I'd give him a free arrest. You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantly the leader of the meeting advocates something that he does not like, so he accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders him to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car, you suddenly see 2 laser points on your clothes, one pointing to your heart and the other to your liver. First, you act calmly, but then, all of a sudden, after a few milliseconds, you get the signal in your brain that you do not have armor. What would you do after realizing that you are not protected? I would try to discuss the general situation with them and make a fair deal to let them go. However, if they catch me, I will ask for help from our gang members. There is a guy with whom you had several disputes. making you have an incredible hatred against him. You have also sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid it because you know that a severe drama will not happen. Now, this same guy you have a grudge against decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member. Somehow he managed to join. How would you react when you saw him in the gang? I would try to make peace with him and, if we still could not move forward, I would ignore any growing situation.
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