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Everything posted by chemist

  1. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 123 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Rat -=(black,red)Participants:=- @Rowdy35 , @TaJ -=(black,red)Story:=- They thought they could sell alcohol on our streets. They were wrong. We heard something that some idiot trying to steal our customers. We had to show him who is boss on these streets. As I expected, he was the idiot who searched for excitement. I was pretty sure that he had people who can make alcohol for him. This kind of people thought that they can do anything whatever they want. We immediately took him to the corner behind the store. I thought he might be a coward. But I never thought he'd be so cowardly. I hated cowards that's why I killed him with one shot. We took the alcohol in the car and went to our base. While we were sitting and drinking in the bar we heard car's engine voice. A policeman came in. He looked all of us and walked toward me. I knew something was happening. That rich bastard's friends must have reported us to the police. The police asked how it was today. It was very obvious that he was questioning us to see if there was any trouble. We took our weapons right away and aimed at him. It just made me sad to be wasting two bullets today. I shot and watched the police collapsed from loss of blood. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/zLxInOT
  2. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 121 @danger said in Underground Empire - Role-play Archive: Participants : @chemist @Curvy @Spinkes Title: Easy Smuggling Story: once, we were chilling in our base, we had nothing to do but chatting and play some video games, suddenly I got a call, it was chemist she told us that she need help to smuggle drugs from Las Venturas to Los Santos, and she told us we better use our DODO since there are many cops around in the highway and she said that we gonna deal about the money, So we took the drugs (cocaine, weed ) in the back of DODO and we went to Los Santos...We saw many cops around and thank god we used the plane as chimist said...and after few minutes we arrived at the location and we find chemist with curvy waiting for us to take her delivery commodity, so we come down with the plane and we took the drugs and we put it in her car trunk.. and then she told us '' aight danger I will pay like usually, u will find ur money in ur bank account'' and again a successful smuggling and a successful mission for the underground empire Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zlrwgAp
  3. -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 127 -=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Training -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/Hh9neWc
  4. -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =- 33 -=(black,red)Event Type:=- Chicken Shooter -=(black,red)Event Prize:=- 1.5 m -=(black,red)G6/LWS/CEO:=- @Rowdy35 -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/Rj7foGL
  5. @OvairsO2 ~[DENIED]~(red), you know the reason no need to explain it. @azizess01 ~[DENIED]~(red), need to improve your knowledge about this game. If you still interest in BBMC feel free to reapply one month later.
  6. -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 125 -=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Night Activity -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/MC6wkNM
  7. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 116 @hope said in BES :: Public Media Archive: ==BLACK EAGLE SECURITY ROLE-PLAY== RP#17 - illegal weapons deal Organizations: ~[Blood Brothers MC]~(maroon,red) Participants: @hope @SoulFly @Wolf @chemist Story: Well. i was missing around after 5 mins i got a call from my hq wanted me to buy huge amount of weapons because we are going to do an extremely hard operation so we need a high Quality of weapons and less amount of money so i started to work and search for the required things . after a while i came out with a gang called BBMC they sell a high quality of weapons and sell it for the cheapest price so i contacted them and we decided to meet in their own base so i prepared myself then went there and met them after i arrived they welcomed me and went with them in their own bar to talk about what kind of weapons i need after 10mins we came out of the bar and started to work they loaded my Huntley after they ended i handed them the money and then left the base and went to our base and gave my hq the crates. ScreenShot(s): ::: https://postimg.cc/gallery/22hnkca5q/daf8d4aa/ https://postimg.cc/gallery/igwzor5a/f9d3382f/ https://postimg.cc/gallery/245dizg4u/0ece855a/ :::
  8. -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 122 -=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Road Trip -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/Bx14Z5P
  9. Event Number: 51 Event Type: Chicken Shooter CEO: @Seth Date: 30.08.18 Prize(s): 1m Winner(s): BlueZ>Snake ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/2qNPlwe
  10. -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 119 -=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Jail Break -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/T7EtvNM
  11. -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =- 29 -=(black,red)Event Type:=- Reach to roses -=(black,red)Event Prize:=- 6m -=(black,red)CEO:=- @Andre -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/cYm3Iwi
  12. Role Play Number : 181 Participants in The Rp : @SoulFly RP Scenario : It was my favorite times. I was sitting on the couch and I was watching TV. Suddenly the phone rang. The caller was my friend from the San Andreas Fire Department. He'd finished his shift but while he was parking the firetruck he had an accident. He said that there was a small damage on the bumper. And he asked my help. If it was someone else I wouldn't go to help. Because on that day I did not work. I changed my dress and got the keys to the car. I went to the Fire Department in Las Venturas. He was delighted to see me and we went to the car. I saw the damage and I realized I just needed to fiber flex rod and some materials. I melted the mess into the plastic, then fixed the bumper looks. I removed the gloss with sandpaper and I added the fiber flex rod into the bumper. That would have worked for now. But the tampon paint had to be renewed. So I told him you need to come to the TMH garage for that. He thanked me for my service and I left there. Finally, I can back to watching my show on TV. ScreenShot(s) : https://imgur.com/a/934Dq48
  13. -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 115 -=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Road Trip -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/nrpEXqx
  14. Dear @Smoke , some of the questions have to be answered. Meet HQ team in-game to talk about these topics and interview. For now ~[UNDER-REVIEW]~(gray). Dear @DarkSideR , Your apply has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime). Meet with our HQ team in the game for your test.
  15. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 96 @soulfly said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive: Role Play Number: 131 Participants in The RP: The Blood Brothers MC / @chemist @Hash @Andre RP Scenario: As always, I was busy with the maintenance of my tools, suddenly the phone rang and was a member of a motorcycle club looking for help from me I asked what kind of help they wanted and they started to explain it to me recently said they would organize a roadtrip across San Andreas and stated that their motors are in need of attention I got a little more aware of what you mean and after I finished the phone call I immediately took my toolbox and boarded the attractive car to the BBMC base, in a few hours they helped the motorists at the base and summarized the same things they said on the phone that I had spoken to on the phone and asked them to explain to me what kind of maintenance I came to examine the biker engines and took the toolbox away from the car and took it to where he is parked the engines I immediately prepared the materials needed to carry out the maintenance of exhaust and gasoline storage of the biker engines it took a little longer to examine all the engines but eventually I finished all the maintenance in a few hours the biker vehicles were now ready for the roadtrip, and I told them to give me an early notice when something like this happens next time. I left the MC base and returned to the workshop. ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/fr8F3Fk
  16. -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 110 -=(black,red)Activity Name :=- RoadTrip -=(black,red)Special Thanks :=- Thc , WA , ALT , UE , BB and sir Nicus -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/d1Jvhmj
  17. -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 109 -=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Afternoon Activity -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/rGqge33
  18. -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 101 -=(black,red)Activity Name :=- 14.08.18 Activity -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/PAlM7GH
  19. @XxNetroXx Welcome to our family ~[ACCEPTED]~(maroon). Contact with HQ team in game .
  20. -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 98 -=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Road Trip -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/5L0wFnE
  21. @Gelbert ACCEPTED Welcome to the BBMC
  22. -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =- 24 -=(black,red)Event Type:=- Musical Chairs -=(black,red)Event Prize:=- 3m -=(black,red)G6/LWS:=- Rampage -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/n05GwXM
  23. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 57 @soulfly said in BES :: Public Media Archive: ==BLACK EAGLE SECURITY ROLE-PLAY== RP#12 - Delivering escorted weapons to the warehouse. Organizations: The Blood Brothers MC Participants: @chemist, @Rowdy35 @Revonex Story: A MC team member called and said that a vehicle full of guns had to be transported to the warehouse, and the other members who were to protect this vehicle were busy with other tasks and they contacted us to protect this vehicle and they informed us that this vehicle should be brought to the requested place urgently we accepted this mission and prepared the required armored vehicle and we headed for the BBMC base it was necessary to transfer the weapons from the storage area to the vehicle at the end loaded all the weapons with armored vehicles and finished all the loading work, then armored vehicles were bound and prepared to leave the road the departure finally took place and we started cautiously moving towards the depots in Los Santos we started approaching the warehouse and 2 bikers went ahead and described us the way eventually we have a warehouse and start transferring all the weapons to the warehouse we waited until all the weapons were transferred to the warehouse and we took the necessary charge the contract signatures and conditions are accepted after the entire warehousing business is finished. ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/33rFBYs
  24. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 55 @revonex said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive: Role Play Number: 109 Participants in The RP: @chemist, @SoulFly RP Scenario: Friday afternoon, 6:00 PM. The Motor Heads Racer Revonex was on his ride, roaming around the roads and doing street races. After 5 minutes of racing, he took a break and light up his cigar, smoking it. Suddenly, a call came from Blood Brothers MC President named Soulfly, Revonex picked up the call and answered. He told Revonex that during a road trip, his bike started turning off and not working properly so he needs The Motor Head's service to repair the bike. Revonex accepted the call and asked him to come to his garage in the Red County. After about 10 minutes, 2 bikers appeared from the east-side driving towards Revonex. They greeted each other then Soulfly showed the bike which was badly smoking and engine was not in perfect condition. Revonex asked for the keys and tried to run the bike and it didn't worked properly. Revonex asked both gentlemen to wait 5 minutes meanwhile he fixes the bike. After unscrewing the engine, he replaced it with a new one which was worth 40 dollars. The biker payed for the charges and thanked Revonex for his service. Both said Good Bye to each other and went on their ways. ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  25. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 53 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Old Bob -=(black,red)Story:=- Old Bob ... what was the problem with this guy? Despite his age, he still looked very good. But it had to be the effect of the alcohol he got from us. After all, we tried a new mix and he was our first customer. The place we meet for delivery is a little weird. We were at the construction site on the LV-SF road. This construction belonged to the mafia. For this reason, the government stopped construction. He said the new alcohol is very good and he will find other customers to us. He wanted a discount on this price. I told him that we have no problems finding customers and the price is stable. After he was told a bit, he took his wallet to pay. Then he stopped and said that he wanted to see the product first. We pulled the product out of the trunk of our car and showed it to him. He opened the cover of the barrel and smelled. He gave the money and took the barrel and put it in his car. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/iGmnNk3
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