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Everything posted by Rabygon

  1. I mean this topic
  2. @vinnie I had enough, lock this gay ass post please.
  3. I am not telling them to change shit, I am just telling what I don't like about the server. Btw we are not on a christian site man, saying shit "the retard" won't make me inferior.
  4. And you don't just judge people by their application, you need to look at their behavior then decide if the retard should be invited or not
  5. Did I say that every gang has long applications?
  6. Whoever the fuck downvoted this is gay ^
  7. You belong in farms and you should stay in farms Combine.
  8. There are a number of things to do in this server than RPing I never talked about long RPs I just said I DON'T LIKE WHEN RPs ARE FORCED ON YOU. I love to RP every once in a while ( 1 RP every two days ) I also like long RPs but not FORCED RPs. What tools do I have to RP as a drug dealer? Ability to enter interiors? Ability to spawn stuff? Only some spawns have that ability. It's just so uninteresting to RP with just commands but that's my opinion. I agree with the proper recruitment thing, the "realistic" trainings, interviews and all that but what I don't agree on is the looooooong applications. This is an RPG not a "recruitment simulator".
  9. I am not calling RPs shitty but I don't like it when they are forced
  10. Actually I saying that we should have more than one character and and about that RP thing, the gang/squad shouldn't force you to RP when you don't want to and have you kicked if you do not RP with them. RPs are fun if you actually want to do them or else they feel like a chore. I kind of agree with everything else you said.
  11. This was so cringey, I am sorry for this.
  12. I have about 400 hours on this server and I have some things to discuss about this server. By the way, I am not only going to say shit about the server itself but the typical G/S/C system also. (Here we go!) First of all, I really don't like how you can have only character because there are just so many gangs and squads and groups, etc. to be a part of. This would also decrease the amount of hoppers in SAES. I don't like how SAES is an "RPG" but it lacks simple RPG elements like levelling, loot ( like clothing and jewelry ), and making your own character. I understand it will be hard to remake the entire server. The classes/jobs have such a bad script. For example, drug dealers... What the fuck do you do as a drug dealer? /sell? that's it? where's the RP? But seriously this server lacks a good job system. Now we get onto the G/S/C shite. I don't like how almost all of the official gangs and squads force you to post shit on the forums every once in a week. Bitch I am here to enjoy my time and not to be forced to do shitty RPs everyday. I don't like how the groups and gangs, bla bla bla, have fucking long ass applications. For example, PC... The application is so big and complex that you can compare it to real job application. What is wrong with you? I am here to play and not do long applications for "immersion and realism". I made a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes in here so forgive me for that. If you disagree with me or want to express your own dislikes about this server, please comment down below and let me know. Thank you.
  13. ALT Activity Refueling Gas Stations in SA! Before: https://imgur.com/a/O4QCmj3 After: https://imgur.com/a/yE30m5P
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