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Everything posted by Warrior213
-19- Event Type: Kill the Biker Event Prize: 1.500.000 LWS/G6: CIA|Star Winner: [B~B]marwyn Screens: ::: :::
Role-Play#9 The debtor ::: We lent a large ammount of money to the local drug dealer, and he thought it is a good idea to not return the bucks.So I collected our members and we made an decigion to kidnap him and intimidate.So we found this guy, aimed our guns straight to his face, he got scared. We tied him up and brought to our base. We asked where is our money, he said that he won't return any money.So we we did not tolerate such rudeness and we shot him. :::
Role-Play #8 Drug dealing ::: So we found a drug dealer who got a best stuff for the good price.He meet us at the our base and i tasted this stuff.We bought the all stuff that he had, we shaked hands to each other.After that, we came to the Willifield, and called our old costumers.They came and we sold sum stuff to em.After that we found sum other costumers and thats how we sold all our stuff. :::
-11- Event Type: Coach DD Event Prize: 3000000 LWS/G6: [B~B]A7md[HQ] Winner: [B~B]Elegant Screens: ::: :::
-10- Event Type: Deagle 2v2 Event Prize: 2.500.000 LWS/G6: [TT]Pozzo Winner: CripZ>Kristy, babaan1 Screens: ::: :::
-9- Event Type: Chicken shooter Event Prize: 1.000.000 LWS/G6: [FOX]Legend Winner: UE|Petrow Screens: ::: :::
Role-Play#6 Buying arms ::: So its ain't secret that every gang need to be armed, and i found an armsdealer who got mountain of guns and low prices. So i called Sira on the phone and he told me to meet that arms dealer guy.I called Corn, cuz he got Buritto van. And we drove to the LV .When we came to this guy, i talked with him and he showed his arsenal to me. So i was shocked to see a 50 cal full auto machine gun in the trunk of his burritto, so i asked for the gun, he asked for the money. I opened my trunk and showed how much i got .I bought every gun that he got, and store it to our warehouse with my friend Cornelius. :::
-8- Event Type: Freeway LMS Event Prize: 2.000.000 LWS/G6: [B~B]A7md[HQ] Winner: SAFP|Shadro|HQ Screens: ::: :::
-7- Event Type: Tractor race Event Prize: 2.000.000 LWS/G6: [B~B]A7md[HQ] Winner: Bluez>Jutsul Screens: ::: :::
Role-Play #4 Contract killing ::: So my old friend from the organization zero called me on the phone and asked to meet near the lil'probe'inn, I came with my mates and asked him whats the issue?He aswered what he need to kill some guy from the Willifield and gave me his photo.We agreed that he will pay half of the amount at the beginning and half at the end.I took a 50.000$ of fresh green paper, and dropped it into my"Buritto".Then we started our vehicles and drove to the Willifield.We wandered a lot at the Willofield and we found this guy from the photo that i recieved from the zero guy, when he saw us he understood what happens, raised his hands up and begged for mercy.But we didn't hear him and started to shoot, when he layed down, we started to run cuz cops can came in any second.We meet with the zero guy again and asked for another half of this ammount.So nothing irregular happened, i just took it and drop another briefcase full of dead presidents into my"Buritto"and started to discussing this day with my Mongols. :::
Press F1 and read the rules under # Server Rules #: F1 # # Do not avoid arrest by killing yourself/disconnecting : / , F1. Do not Deathmatch: . F1 > Rules > Russian. No deathmatch emergency : . . Do not kill cop who is not chasing : Do not DM unwanted criminals : / Do not attack cops in hospital : , . 20 . 1 > Rules > Russian Do not attack criminals in hospital : , 20 . 1 > Rules > Russian Do not marker kill in bankrob : . Speak english in mainchat : - o . . Angliyskiy yazyk yavlyayetsya osnovnym yazykom servera. Govorite po-angliyski v osnovnom chate. Russian
[Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk"
Warrior213 replied to Warrior213's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Skerdi said in [Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk": @Warrior213 add a poll in the topic please Poll is added -
[Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk"
Warrior213 replied to Warrior213's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Bunny If u talking about realism then ok, in real life i can take 9 bullets from m4 and i still can move and shoot yep?In real life i can bump into a car in 300km/h without any damage, in real life u didn't die from the bullet in ur head...should I continue? -
[Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk"
Warrior213 replied to Warrior213's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
Its not an RP server bro, its RPG=/ -
[Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk"
Warrior213 replied to Warrior213's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Ikzelf CJrun is fastest than togglewalk now, earlier they had the same speed... -
[Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk"
Warrior213 replied to Warrior213's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Crash But 1 cop can easily send in jail those 3 crims, cop's ammount of attempts to arrest is not limited, but if u are crim and u fail, u will be in jail...About the ping, i had sum cop experience and i know what i am talking about, i saw 2 sides. Its more easy to play as cop, in SRs u can shoot in the crowd, same when u can't send crim into the jail u may just kill him.About the ping:Its the problem of 2 sides i agree with u in that.But crims with the high ping didn't gives any damage in most, they just immortals.But cop with the high ping can rush BRs in solo, like a SheraP... -
[Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk"
Warrior213 replied to Warrior213's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Crash Dude its a small but advantage, and its the only advantage what we have. About the"skills"its just a random sometimes, when cop's ping raises and u can't kill with the 7 CS rounds, cause he just taking the half of damage sometimes.Cops have 6 advantages in minimum.But they nerf the togglewalk=/ -
[Suggestion]Back the old"togglewalk"
Warrior213 replied to Warrior213's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
Hi, why admins fucked up the /togglewalk?It was the only crim thing..Cops got fastest cars on the server, rubber bullets to slow u down, killlarest, some squad have better tazer than others, cops earning more than crims.U can kill 20 times 1 fucking cop, but all what he need that is hit u with his nightstick.Togglewalk was the only crim advantage against cops when cops got atleast 5 advantages.Why u broke it? i forgot to say about 6th advantage:cops always running when they trying to arrest u, so it means what their skin not always recive damage when i hit him, so u can't kill the cop alone with the only 7rounds...Its easy to arrest anyone, i am a ICE member in past and i know what i am talking about, i have a 574 arrests for 100 hours i have over 7800 kills for the 800hours when i was ICE members i didn't used the firearms, only shotgun to slow down and tazer to freeze the crim.I was a noob with the only 200 hours ingame and i did near 60 arrests everyday, i could arrest more people in 2 times only if i were chasing crims whole the time i played.If i could be more skilled i could did near 150 arrests everyday. Its easy to camp inside jail and kill the prisoners who tried to escape, easy to taze crims in the back when they fighting each other at the turfwar, easy to chase anyone when u got the fastest car in the whole SAES....And don't forget about the"Tricky cops"who acting like a friendly and arresting u...U know what he about to arrest u, but u can't do anything because it will be count like a"DM".And ofcourse don't forget about the cops who trying to arrest u at the hospital.They cannot arrest u, but they will chase u from the hospital since the moment when u spawned ur car and crash ur car near the hospital and arrest u.When u figthing against the experianced cop, he will kill ur mates first and then arrest you. At the end i wanted to say that cops have a lot of bufs, but u removed the only crim's buff its not fair. -
Happy birthday blyat!!!
Event number: 15 Event Type: LMS Prize: 1.500.000 LWS/G6 Helpers: @Dufabo Winners: [AA]lindoargento Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/Y9j0Mdo
RP Number:21 Roleplay Title:The artefact The Story:PoS members comes to the prophet's house, they were looking for answers on their questions, priests talked with this old sage. He told them about an ancient artefact of Sodom and told where it's got to be, and about the future. The road was a long, but PoS members overcame it and found this artefact, later they dismantled it and delivered to the safe place. After that they put it into the dark cave, where they have buried ancient PoS member before, to raise the power of his spirit. Participants @Matvey-g88 @Prophet @warrior213 Date:10.01.2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/QrD8jRn
RP Number: 19 Roleplay Title: Calling the spirit of ancient PoS member The Story:This is a long story about the ancient member of PoS, we called his spirit in the place where he was buried.We collected all requesting resources for the spirit calling ceremony, me and Magnus Legend comes to his burial place and light up a fire, and throwed all requesting items into the fire, and started reading a spell. Time passed, but nothing happened, and we started an ancient dancing ceremony. After this events the spirit of ancient PoS member was out of hell and started talking with us, he warned us about future, as he said 'Dark times incoming for PoS, beware the man in black coat' after this words he came out and vanished into the darkness. Participants: @Staifi @Legend @Warrior213 Date:10.01.2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3d2nNts
Event number: 12 Event Type: LMS jeff motel Prize: 1.500.000$ LWS/G6 Helpers: @Filippo Winners: @Petrow Screenshots :https://imgur.com/a/E2KA33F
RP Number:11 Roleplay Title:Cleaning The Story: Few hours ago PoS did a great job, they revived a zombie and fed him a guy. Now it was time to clean up the farmhhouse there the accident occupied. There were 3 guys me, another priest and someone we hired for the job without the questions. We have paid him enough to keep things hidden. About the zombie, he was taken to another place by another priest. Now we just had to head to the spot, clean it up and get out of there. It took one more hour to finish. In the end of this we returned to PoS base Participants: @Legend @Warrior213 @Sanya Date:06.01.2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jkfCTDZ
RP Number #09 Roleplay Title: Sacrifice The Story: Backstory: few hours earlier few priests got a job, they had to try something new that our group has never done before. PoS had found a spell to make a dead alive, so it was time to try it. They came to a graveyard and revived a dead. After they took him to a farmhouse and closed there for the future sacrifices. Now. The other priests finally got a victim, they took him to that farmhouse and the zombie has done thar what he was supposed to do. Participants @Spicey @batya @Legend @Warrior213 Date:06.01.2019 Screenshoots: https://imgur.com/a/Se2FRDk