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Everything posted by Canserbero

  1. Know your enemy and know yourself and you will always be victorious
  2. #restaurant 2018 june - cousin & girlfriend
  3. #vacations june 2018
  4. Distinctive questions Ingame name: canserbero Username: 604 Country of Residence: Venezuela Spoken Languages: English and Spanish Date of birth: 08/02/2000 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: I'm an active criminal who is in the passion of killing cops and i enjoy doing so. I have had many moments in SAES, some of them were good and the majority was bad, but recently I've learned that there is life and It's just a game where i just play to have fun and waste my "free" time. I can say that my past had a real influence on me, and I got really obsessed but I've learned from my mistakes and I try my best to avoid doing these mistakes again or being influenced in any trouble that can affect me or my reputation. After a long journey playing here (Approximate 5-6-7 years) I think I've learned and got enough experience and made some friends from different countries. To unravel, i'm part of Enternia. Previous organisations: I don't remember very well the time sequence of these, there are even gangs missing but they didn't make officials LCL: It was a little dm gang, some close friends created it in 2013 and we all got a ban lmao, only two peoples still playing saes, it's Cosculluela and me.. ZT: Gang died. ~[HS]~(purple,blueviolet): Pitoco decide to help me offering a spot in HS, got kicked after happened a problem with Ghezzy, one of they main cracker. (Favoritism), back in 2017 and got HQ. ~[MMC]~(#1c4539): Joined it after hang and talked with betonmc, unfortunately, i was so new that and a rulebreak, got kicked again.. ~[YakuzA]~(orange): Left after got problems playing GT with strong,expert and xraider. ~[UE]~(maroon): Everything was ok, stayed around 5 months in the gang but got problems with Strong & Buzz, crank tried to solve it but it was not the same confidence, to be honest i felt uncomfortable. Left ~[[MS13]]~(teal): Gang died ~[BS]~(sienna,green): Thanks to my efforts gained the trust of the members and opted lvl 3, but everything changed when Daster got lvl 5, he started to change everything and become a monkey, so I decided to left. ~[CDC]~(#750931): Good gang and sweet family, They gave me a great opportunity and I'm grateful them, especially with @Julio and the HQ Team, but the reason I came out was that came a sudden favoritism, the gang achieved an imbalance when Pitoco starts to descontrole lvl system and others things, many new promote people got lvl so fast, pitoco likes roleplay/events/activity than loyalty, and decide to left because pitoco was telling me that everything i did was wrong. Sorry to cdc-hq team if i didn't express this. ~[CripZ~]~(teal): I left the first time and back in 2018, got problems with Laggiaze, so zaza hit my ass, kick /; The biggest problem in the gangs is when favoritism and sentimental courage takes over the HQ Team... I consider in-game as a momentary cycle, unfortunately never wanted to be a hopper but it's something that i didn't control, so I'm here today applying for a change, a new future and above all, a new story. Miscellaneous questions Define The Company's role in one sentence: Well, I understand that has an important roleplay in the clandestine criminal life, not everyone tries to dominate the government and police departament like ThC does, It is not a mafia has many influences from both parties ,the unique potential makes it one great org and a balance that every gang would want, that's everything that i can understand. You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this?: I think the best way to solve problems is talking to people 1 by 1, some have a strong character and others just ignore your apologies or feel resentment towards, but i would try to apologize and give some gifts (money) and leave him alone to think the situation. For example: ( We break these kind of rules unconsciously, others do it because they want to do, everyone decides his destine). You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? I think if I belong to a gang, I should always be armed and protected, In the life we should be prepared for any situation, the human being responds by brain stimulation that reacts in a disorderly way to the idea of die, Knowing myself i would react something scared but i recieved a training and can controle my emotions in every situations. There is a guy where you had several disputes with. causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? I have nothing against anyone, we should help everyone and give opportunitys, I am not God to know his heart but I am a man who likes to see more action than typical words, I have gone through a lot and I understand people easily, I think I'm good at giving advice, I've also taught a lot of new players and I have a lot of patience. Sincerely Yours: canserbero
  5. I took this nickname from a venezuelan's rapper, it's an combination of: ( can + serbero) can means dog and serbero comes from a satanic mythology about a dog caretaker of the hell.. (i know, it's satanic and strange but choosed it when I was chilld)
  6. @human_ I am explaning they saes things, dont worry humano
  7. It would be a very good distraction, I've seen this script before and for ethics won't mention who did it, but this is a great way to make the game more funny, add an limit to the number of ATMs that we can steal per day.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCABoRQt7Lg
  9. @RAMPAGE @nicus @Tombaa @Kybali0n viva cuba cabrones
  10. Te recomiendo que hagas el tema todo en ingles amigo, si quieres puedo ayudarlo a traducirlo.. Saludos frend!
  11. rip sky
  12. halo frend, welcome aboard @n0vis0ry
  13. Good luck homie! vivan los latinos
  14. a puta who lives 24/7 afk (i love )
  15. We should invite mta players to this.. awesome, good job @TheK
  16. As the title states, roast the person above you.. ! Take advantage of this to take it all out, feel free to say whatever you want. Start with me, dont be rude please ! :'(
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