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Everything posted by Freezoom

  1. ACTIVTY Check [4 member Online] [TST]Freezoom[SGT] [TST]Mcjoni[MAJ] [TST]Razak[R**] [TST]Infinity[R**] SS:https://imgur.com/a/IAMYTii
  2. Attenders: @flora06 [Story:] I was patrol in Las Venturas I see one Bullet car was going wrong side I pull over him I ask for reason go wrong way driver told me I was going hospital my life here I told him This is not allowed you need go Right way and use warninglight Later I ask for ID and Lcence.This guy was clear but I add one Ticket for Speed and Wrong side Driver,I checked to see if he was drinking.he was clear, SS:https://imgur.com/a/V5vbQxx
  3. ACTIVTY Check [4 member Online] [TST]Freezoom[SGT] [TST]Mcjoni[MAJ] [TST]Razak[R**] [TST]Infinity[PVT] SS:https://imgur.com/a/Vn1HvAv
  4. Attenders: @Disaster Story:I was Patrol with My partner Around Las Venturas I see one Sultan Near Las Venturas Car shop Sultan was took damage I ask for damage passanger he told me I was drive aggresive and fast and later I hit barrier.I told him This is not allowed you know? He told me Yes sir but I was going somewhere I ask for ID and Licence He give me ID and Licence Later I go check it This guy was clear but I wan't search him car I ask for open Trunk He open Trunk and I see one M4 I ask for Licence He told me This is toy I try it This was Real I arrest him and I call here towtruck later We jail him in LVPD SS:https://imgur.com/a/KEGlpyB
  5. Event type :Fallout Prize :1M LWS:[MMC]Corn Winner(s) : Rehabmax SS:https://imgur.com/a/aDzUc0t https://imgur.com/a/tSWnStb
  6. ~[ACTIVITY]~(red) ~[-Patroling and Doing SR]~(blue) ~[[TST]Mcjoni[MAJ] [TST]Freezoom[PVT] [TST]Razak[R**]]~(navy) SS:https://imgur.com/a/ORajmy8
  7. Event type :Chicken Arrest Prize :1M LWS:[FOX]Alex Winner(s) : YoSoX SS:https://imgur.com/a/jq64I5h https://imgur.com/a/KFbZMwU
  8. Event type :Chicken Shooter Prize :1M LWS:C|Filex Winner(s) : @Eienn [FOX]Eien SS:https://imgur.com/a/NNbULvg https://imgur.com/a/To07WYE
  9. Attenders: @R1zo0R Story:I was patrol in Las venturas I stoped one Jip Driver Was wear Prison Clotch I ask for Prison Clotch He tell me I was going Party I ask for ID and Licence I check it I found He was escape From JB I ask for this he tell me Lie later I show him news later I arrest him and I deliver him JB later I contiue my Patrol around Las Venturas SS:https://imgur.com/a/IP7PSOS
  11. fail
  12. Address:1 Juniper Hill Street Account name:AliveClouds28 Last seen:20 April 2019 Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/zcQbl9P
  13. Attenders: @YosoX Story:Today I was patrol in city Los Santos I see one Alpha This car were have Damage I pullover him I ask for this damage he told me I was drunk I ask for ID and Licence He told me This is not my car sir I request Towturck from Dispatch Later I arrest him and I put in jail in LSPD Later RP done and I give him bribe SS:https://imgur.com/a/b4up8l4
  14. Address:3 Juniper Hill Street Account name:AliveClouds28 Last seen:23 April 2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/mJLAJCM
  15. ACTIVITY CHECK [4 MEMBERS ONLINE] [TST]Zoro[R**] [TST]John[L] [TST]NRG[HQ] [TST]Freezoom[PVT] SS:https://imgur.com/a/1mCce0A
  16. ACTIVITY CHECK [4 MEMBERS ONLINE] [TST]Zoro[R*] [TST]Mcjoni[MAJ] [TST]Carry[R**] [TST]Freezoom[PVT] SS:https://imgur.com/a/Eie0cvv
  17. ACTIVITY CHECK [4 MEMBERS ONLINE] [TST]Kalash[R*] [TST]Stiffler[PVT] [TST]Jona[IC] [TST]Freezoom[PVT] SS:https://imgur.com/a/eew8tgR
  18. ACTIVITY CHECK [4 MEMBERS ONLINE] [TST]Kalash[R*] [TST]Freezoom[PVT] [TST]Aspect[HQ] [TST]Jona[IC] SS:https://imgur.com/a/SbKdbZk
  19. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever?:10 pound When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: 1-2 Month Ago Why do you need this change?: I Don't use it Links to your donation topics:https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4099/freezoom-donate-amount-5-00gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3908/donation-freezoom-amount-5-00gbp/3 Links to your previous donation changes requests: (didnt found any other) https://saesrpg.uk/topic/4235/freezoom-reward-change Part II: One lspd in police car(buffalo) ======================================================================== Part III: I want kart in lvx account:maxismuz4141 firas19
  20. Attenders: @Klay Story:Today I was patrol in LV-Red Country High way I see one car He was driving Aggresive and Fast I pullover and talk with him He told me My Mother in Hospital Doctor Call me I need go there fast That's why I'm driving fast sirI take him ID and Licence and I check it Later I give him back and I write him ticket I tell him you need pay 150$ SAPD bank He told me okay but I need go now I told him np Don't forget pay and RP done SS:https://imgur.com/a/CKFkgBi
  21. Attenders:@ReoOreo Story:Today I was patrol in LS-LV High way I see one Van He was driving Aggresive and Fast I pullover and talk with him He told me I need deliver some food and need be fast I tell him this is not allowed I ask for ID and Licence When he give me ID and Licence I go to check ID and Licence He was Clear but I add one ticket for Aggresive and Fast driver I told him need pay 150$ Dollar and RP done SS:https://imgur.com/a/eGzvkhe
  22. Event type :Chicken Arrest Prize :1M LWS:Cripz>Zaza Winner(s) : ICE|Max|PFC Screens https://imgur.com/a/ZwNVBbb https://imgur.com/a/nUdvfEK
  23. ACTIVITY CHECK [4 MEMBERS ONLINE] [TST]N.FUN[VL] [TST]Freezoom[PVT] [TST]Jona[IC] [TST]Alviiitis[R] SS:https://imgur.com/a/DzPS5Gk
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