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Everything posted by Freezoom

  1. Address:Ronsealf Love cafe Account name:donna Last seen:2nd may 2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/ABnwiLl
  2. Patrolling Attenders:@LUcky @Rocoso SS:https://imgur.com/a/DAnIH8a
  3. Name:Freezoom Username:maxismuz4141 Team betting on:B-B Amount:3M
  4. Address:Vinewood Bicycle Rent store Account name:sangay7 Last seen:11 th may 2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/mMXMO9m
  5. Name: Freezoom Username: maxismuz4141 Team betting on: TWAT(SWAT) Amount: 5M
  6. Address:Pawn Shop Account name:remyjames Last seen:30 may 2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/JEEz4ZD
  7. ACTIVTY Check [4 member ONLINE] [TST]Freezoom[SGT] [TST]John[L] [TST]NFUN[VL] [TST]LUCKY[PVT] SS:https://imgur.com/a/IdP63Fz
  8. Patrolling Around LV
  9. NIGHT ACTIVTY Check [4 member Online] [TST]Freezoom[SGT] [TST]Rocker[sL] [TST]imad[R**] [TST]Razak[R] SS:https://hizliresim.com/r08B83
  10. @FireSnow said in TST - The Strike Team: Good Luck You are Denied Get out with your fucking Gl !
  11. Event type :Fallout Prize :1M LWS: @Filex Winner(s) : @Barry Screens: https://imgur.com/a/gBBo6aR https://imgur.com/a/D2E8sgv
  12. NIGHT ACTIVTY Check [4 member Online] [TST]Freezoom[SGT] [TST]NFUN[VL] [TST]Lucky[PVT] [TST]Kalash[PVT] SS:https://imgur.com/a/nwJQRLb
  13. Attenders: @SlapBobs Story: Today, we've pulled over a Hermes,,He was driving wrong side,I pullover him he ask me why you pullover me I tell him reason later I ask for ID and Licence I take him ID and Licence and I check it in SAPD documents Later I give him ID and Licence bag He was Clear but I add him one Wrong pay ticket,later I give him ticket and he paid me like 150$ Dollar,later I tell him don't go wrong side again He tell me okay officer have a nice day and RP done SS:https://imgur.com/a/iE0b4K6
  14. Attenders: @Vissa Story:I was Patrol with My partner Around Las Venturas I see one Sultan Near Las Venturas Car shop Sultan was took damage I ask for damage passanger he told me I was drive aggresive and fast and later I hit barrier.I told him This is not allowed you know? He told me Yes sir but I was going somewhere I ask for ID and Licence He give me ID and Licence Later I go check it This guy was clear but I wan't search him car I ask for open Trunk He open Trunk and I see one M4 I ask for Licence He told me This is toy I try it This was Real I arrest him and I call here towtruck later We jail him in LVPD SS:https://imgur.com/a/U7S5xUi
  15. NIGHT ACTIVTY Check [4 member Online] [TST]Freezoom[SGT] [TST]IMADi[R**] [TST]Lucky[R] [TST]Kalash[PVT] SS:https://imgur.com/a/IB9aUu1
  16. Attenders:@CrazyBoy Story:I was patrol in LV-Bone country I see one Yellow turismo car Passenger was going Wrong side I pullover him I ask for going wrong side He told me I need go hospital my life in hospital I ask for ID and Licence He was clear but I add him one aggresive and speed drive ticket He ask me for Price I told him 200$ Dolar He give me money,later I give him tickets and RP done SS:https://imgur.com/a/L6aeEmd
  17. Event type :Chicken Shooter Prize :1M LWS: [TST]John[L] Winner(s) : St.rehab SS:https://imgur.com/a/1jYMFP2 https://imgur.com/a/k6KpsFr
  18. ACTIVTY Check [6 member Online] [TST]Freezoom[SGT] [TST]IMAD[R**] [TST]John[L] [TST]Razak[R**] [TST]Rocker[sL] [TST]Flesh[R**] SS:https://imgur.com/a/ZMONUm3
  19. Event type :Chicken Shooter Prize :1M LWS: SAFP|Carl Winner(s) : Z|Draven SS: https://imgur.com/a/gNRxfgg https://imgur.com/a/JSDwDIC
  20. Morning ACTIVTY Check [4 member Online] [TST]Freezoom[SGT] [TST]Rock[R**] [TST]Razak[R**] [TST]Flesh[R**] SS:https://imgur.com/a/YVTGdT4
  21. -TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working] - 29\6\2019 TMH Technicians Involved : --- Location : LVX Estimated Duration of Working : 20 minute Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 10 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/70XID4U
  22. ACTIVTY Check [4 member Online] [TST]Freezoom[SGT] [TST]Mcjoni[MAJ] [TST]Kalash[PVT] [TST]Flesh[R**] SS:https://imgur.com/a/KDKEmik
  23. Event Type: Air box LWS/G6: [MMC]Corn Date: 29-06-2019 Prize(s): $1.000.000 Winner(s): UE|Kok ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/6DS4NEd
  24. Participants in The RP: @TaJ @chemist RP Scenario:I was relaxing in my Office I saw a customer coming to my office This guy told me about brake pads I ask for open hood I took my Tool box and I went to the car,later I use nippers for remove brake pads,lthen I put new brake pads in the car,later saw the fuel tank is malfunctioning I fix it and ask for need any help They tell me no need more help ty Mechanic Later I give him pill and they gone ScreenShot(s):https://imgur.com/a/7ueZIn2
  25. Event type :Chicken Shooter Prize :1M LWS:[FOX]Alex Winner(s) : OC>Tamer Screens:https://imgur.com/a/jRJV6rV https://imgur.com/a/XAgbuQx
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