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Posts posted by Freezoom

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    @Howlze said in SAFD:: Media Archive:

    Roleplay type: Training Course
    Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): On a daily basis we run through buildings on fire, we climb obstacles, that shouldn't be climbed. We do this, to keep the citizens of San Andreas safe. Every single firefighter should be proud of themselves, and what they do for this country. Our job as firefighters is tough, it requires a lot of physical and mental strength. To keep these factors up to date, we need to keep ourselves in condition, and today we did that by running through our training course.
    Location: LVFD
    Participants: Howlze - @Toolbox - @Riley - @Ramos - @MrTheBank - @Ntruder - @hassan - Devenoid - @Freezom @Spicey
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1mEmkzw
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    @Bangas said in SAFD:: Media Archive:

    Description of roleplay:
    Today when my shif was almost over, a very calm day, with noincidents, i must say, the bell started to ring and immediatly our chiefs came to us and started to explain what was going on.
    They informed us that a car warehouse located in wheststone was on fire and that we should grab our tools,2 engines and put the hand on the wheel they also told us the procedure and which protocol we should follow wich is never precise because we can reach the warehouse and the whole description made of the senario changed, thats why is very important for a firefighter know how to adapt and overcome in certain circumstacies .
    Fortunetly the fire didnt expanded, there was just the cars burning inside the structure wich loocked like prety reliable to get close.
    With the 2 engines and 2 firefighers extinguishing fire with extinguisher we take over the place and extinguished all the fire that was there.
    We also made a second round in the place to make sure that there was no way to the fire relight, when i found a couple of gas can spread by the room which indicates me that i might be a crime scene.
    Finaly as usual we contacted the central updating all the informations and the towing comapny to clean up the local.

    Location: WhestStone
    Participants: @Freezoom, @each



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  3. Section 1 - Non-RP Information

    Old nickname/Other used names ingame:N/A Just Freezoom
    Current G/S TST
    How long have you been a member of your current g/s and what is your rank? TST MAJOR 3 Month
    Current groups:SAPA,CLUCK,TMH,Global Trust
    Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them:I was banned in 2015 for Multiaccount
    Will you have enough time to learn in the evening (at the course)?:Yes
    Tell us something about yourself: Hi My Name Is Mert I am 16 years old I live in Kocaeli in my spare time I love to play computers.Other than that, I work for other languages.There is nothing else besides these

    Section 2 - Questions

    Do you understand that joining the academy of San Andreas Fire Department doesn't give you any rank or anything that will make you better than other people?:Yes, I do
    Do you understand that you will have to be in a fire fighting course for more than a month? Yes, I do
    Do you understand the rules of the academy and the rules of San Andreas Fire Department?: Yes, I do
    Do you understand that you will have to learn and to pass writing tests in order to pass the course?: Yes, I do

    Section 3 - Detailed Profile

    What are your strengths?: I am good at team-working, responding to sensitive situations and team-leading.Also I never give up something that I cannot do.And Im very good at driving the heavy cars like the firefighter truck and always responds to the required calls at time to make the world safe,
    What are your weaknesses?: I can be a little stubborn sometimes, but I don't have any other weaknesses.
    Why do you want to join the SAFD?: I want to join here for improve here.Also I want to be part of most experienced firefighter at SAES,
    Why do you want to join the academy?: I want to join academy to learn new things about firefighting and use it to help people who is in critical situation.
    What specialization would you like to learn within the academy? I got a few medical training and references so I think that in addition to medical help, I need to be professional and specialized to be a good care giver fireman.

    Applicant's signature:Freezoom

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