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Everything posted by Freezoom

  1. ACTIVTY Check [7 member Online] [TST]Freezoom[MAJ] [TST]NFUN[VL] [TST]Lou[R**] [TST]Relax[R**] [TST]Genetrix[SL] [TST]Lucifer[MoH] [TST]Candy[R**] SS:https://imgur.com/a/t3rR75h
  2. Patrol #11 Patrol duration: 30min Date (DD/MM/YY): 18.08.2019 Location: Los Santos-Las Venturas Participants: @NORI999 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/LPpSz7r
  3. He likes to tell the truth
  4. @Rocky Well Thanks you for time but you are lier ~[DENIED]~(red) If you still wan't join us make your own apply and apply it after 2-3 week -Regards TST MAJOR Freezoom
  5. ACTIVTY Check [8 member Online] [TST]Freezoom[MAJ] [TST]Leon[R*] [TST]Lou[R**] [TST]Relax[R**] [TST]Crossma[R] [TST]Lucifer[MoH] [TST]Sanfara[IC] [TST]Spider[R*] SS:https://imgur.com/a/pfVqwiP
  6. Just pirus member
  7. @Bangas said in SAFD:: Media Archive: Roleplay type: Apartments on Fire. Description of roleplay: Today in the midle of my shift the bell started to ring and we all started to get the basic equipement while our superiors were discussing the details, after a bit of discussion Our superior ramos passed me the information that we should go as fast as possible and try to get people out first and then extinguish the fire as says the protocols he also said that the fire was in a advanced state so get peopel out of there was really the priority. Since we were going to apartment which is an high building we took 2 engines and a leader truck in order to get inside by the windows if necessary. After we get the necessary equipement insude our trucks we put the trucks on the road as fast as possible. We arrived the local in a few minutes and the fire was already very spread and strong even the fire on that state we trying to rush the door which was blocked by flames then we grabed the leader truck and tryed to rush the windows that unfortunetly were blocked by flames as well. The only way out is extinguish evrything as fast as possible and pray to somebody that is inside to not get burn. After that we extingushed all fire we entered by the front door and started to check every single room, there we found a body that was alive and not totaly burn, we still can save her life possibly. Mr.Bas called an ambulance but none of the ambulances were operational, after this beeing said there was just a single sulution take the victim to the hospital with the fire department vehicles, and so we did, after we arrived the hospital we droped the victim and informed the central via radio about what was going on and that the fire was compeltly extinguished and with no chances to burn again. In the final we returned the base and Mr.Bas gave a few words to our braves helpers. **Location:**RedCountry Participants: Bas,Bangas,Freezoom,Hope,Each and ramos. Screenshots: Here.
  8. ACTIVTY Check [4 member Online] [TST]Lucifer[MoH] [TST]Freezoom[MAJ] [TST]Max[R] [TST]Leon[R*] SS:https://imgur.com/a/mM6CjuE
  9. @Ohusarmy ~[DENIED]~(red) Well your hour is not enought for TST. If you really want to join tst, continue patrolling with our members and send apply again after 3-4 day. -Regards TST MAJOR Freezoom
  10. ACTIVTY Check [5 member Online] [TST]Freezoom[MAJ] [TST]Miyagi[R***] [TST]Spider[R*] [TST]Leon[R**] [TST]Lucifer[MoH] SS:https://imgur.com/a/wwqdv2i
  11. Attenders: @JoeX RP Scenario:I was relaxing in my Office(TMH Base) I received a phone call from a civilan He said me My Engine get crashed I took my tool bag and I ask him where are you he tell me I'm near LV ammunation I arrive here like 2 min I tell him open hood I take nippers and I look engine this engine problem was battery I chance battery and I ask him need fuel he told me no I give him bill and he paid me 500$ Dollar SS:https://imgur.com/a/7UBEGlK
  12. TMH Technicians Involved: wORKNG ON 14.08.2019 Location:Lvx Estimated Duration of Working:20 min Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired:10 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/3Pz50Q8
  13. Patrol #10 Patrol duration: 30min Date (DD/MM/YY): 14.08.2019 Location: Los Santos-Las Venturas Participants: @Ntruder Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/CQT5vF6
  14. ACTIVTY Check [7 member Online] [TST]Freezoom[MAJ] [TST]Lou[R**] [TST]Relax[R**] [TST]Hassan[R*] [TST]Spider[R*] [TST]Leon[R*] [TST]Lucifer[MoH] SS:https://imgur.com/a/YzlVPat
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