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Posts posted by Freezoom

  1. @MarksMan said in GXT - Official Media Archive:

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    Roleplay : 42
    Description: We did our Route today we took the Papers from the Office and went, it was planed from the Dispatcher from SF base to Mt. Chilad, Mt. Chiliad to Los Santos and we had to go from LS to SF Base back Retoure but the guys from the Company said the goods arent ready. So we had to leave the Truck in LS and come back to base with our own car.
    We must say that the Tour to Mt. Chiliad was too hard, it was really hard to get on the Top, but we did it !
    Participants: @Freezoom
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/B8fHYIE

    Nickname: Freezoom
    Username: maxismuz4141
    Age (D/M/Y): 26.03.2003
    Gender: M
    Current gang/squad: SWAT
    Current group membership(s): ZIP and SAPA
    Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out):
    TMH- They were inactive
    SAFD- Ramos knows it
    IAC- They were inactive
    Cluck- They were inactive

    Why would you like to join our company?: I would like to join Global Express Trucking because I really like the Idea of trucking and as well as repairing vehicles aka acting as a Mechanic, also the reason I want to join is because I want to help GXT and do as many activities and host roadtrips to increase the activity and such more.
    Can you offer anything special to the company?: Ofc,I can offer my unique RP skills.Also Im mature and loyal guy. I'm spending a lot of time in SAES so I have a lot of experience on trucking I made about 1000 deliveries in 3-4 days. I'm never give up when I'm trying to do something
    Which division do you prefer? Trucking or Maintaining? (State the reason as well): Trucking
    The division that I prefer is mostly Trucking, because I really enjoy driving around San Andreas with my music on and doing deliveries and I can do deliveries for more than a hour straight without getting bored, as for now I reached over 1000 Truck Deliveries.

    What does roleplay stand for?: RP means to me that its acting like in real life, you chose a role and just flaw with it and don't take it OOC but only when its necessary (Out of Character).
    What do you do if someone insults you in main chat?: I will ignore him

    What do you do if someone deathmatches you?: I will report him to Staff/admin with my evidence

    Additional Information: Hello Im Mert I live in Turkey I am 17 years old Im going to high school but in this days Im not going because corona anyway i got one brother, I love playing computers in my spare time. I started to play MTA 7 years ago. I don't have any personal problems (like getting angry for no reason)

  3. @Vennelle said in Happy Birthday Freezoom:

    Happy birthday you annoying Turk

    @Alienxd said in Happy Birthday Freezoom:

    happy birthday!

    @Elegant said in Happy Birthday Freezoom:

    Happy birthday my adena kebab <3

    @Element said in Happy Birthday Freezoom:

    @Freezoom Happy birthday Habibi, enjoy your day <3

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    @FoxZilla said in Happy Birthday Freezoom:

    Dgko nigga

    @Lightning said in Happy Birthday Freezoom:

    Happy birthday our lovely turk, I hope you enjoy this day and you finally found yourself a hooker.
    iyi ki dodun

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    Thank you guys <3

  4. alt metni
    Post N : #10

    Date : 17/03/2020

    Activity Type : Repairing&Impounding cars

    Cuban Car Member's : @Jasper @DJO

    Other Helper's : @Pazoo

    Screenshots :


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    ![alt text]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/669307917031178241/689523562897473546/mta-screen_2020-03-17_19-23-58.png)
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