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Everything posted by Expert

  1. Turfing LV Date : 15/12/2018 Before ::: ::: After: ::: :::
  2. Event Number: 411. Event Type: Rhino shooter LWS/G6: Expert Winner(s): Lazar Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/UbiwNDR
  3. ~[06/12/2018 - San Fierro BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #155]~(purple,navy,purple,purple)
  4. Turfing Las Venturas Date: 8/12/2018 BEFORE: AFTER:
  5. Gang Activity 8/12/2018 )
  6. @Lincoln said in Kill Arresting in JB: @Expert If you actually read my suggestion, instead of just instantly reacting negative on it. You would've read that parts of the body will be exposed to the shots te criminals are firing. As it comes down to 1 vs 1, the cop side will have advantage ofcourse. Maybe we should do, once there is an amount of criminals in the jail jailbreaking, there will be shields spawning for the 'Prison Wardens'. And maximum of 3 people will acces the shield at the time. with shield cops will have lot of advantages ofcouse , let's take a simple exemple with that shield only 3-5 cops can simply stop a br
  7. @Tut-Greco said in Kill Arresting in JB: police ballistic shields were suggested tons of times for BR usage etc. but it doesn't look like it's going to be a thing it won't hit since it will worse than kill arrest
  8. 30/11/2018 - Los Santos BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #145
  9. Your ingame username: ayech Your ingame alias: Expert Your real name: Mahdi Your year of birth: 20/3/2000 Your gender: Male Nationality: Tunisian Country of residence: Tunisia Language skills: English , French and Arabic. English Proficiency: I would say 7/10. How long you have been playing: I have been playing here since 2015 Your strengths: I default to believing that I can solve any problem on my own since i was young this works well in some situations , I need the help of others to overcome factors that comes against me in few situations also i'm driven to complete a task, no matter how difficult , I really enjoy learning new things and find that its easy for me to pick up on required skills Your weaknesses: Im really passionate about this industry and the work Im doing, at some point I need to remind myself to relax and not get over-excited in the moment , also sometimes i'm being too critical to myself and attempting to please everyone. Preferred Position: CS Teamspeak Installed: Yes. Discord Installed: Yes. Do you frequently get involved on Discord: Yes Reason for application: Ive always been a procrastinator. I used to think about this responsibility since a while . A pattern I've noticed throughout my career in this server is that I often feel I could have done more, even if objectively, I've done well. Earlier in my career I reached my goals and again i'm here to achieve another goal. Unique qualities you can offer: However, like any quality, theres both the good and the bad. I am passionate about my work. Because I love what I do, I have a steady source of motivation that drives me to do my best , I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself , if not this time it will be the next time Server Memberships: I'm currently WA , DE , LWS , CC and ZIP. Additional information: Hello , I'm Mahdi Tabarki , i'm 18 years , I began my career in this server with a friend , but a few years ago, I was drawn to the science and physics space. Ive always been skilled at bringing people together and working towards common goals. My experience successfully leading teams and managing gangs led me to consider to join community staff in this server, and Ive been building a career as a driven health administrator for the last four years. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I got few admins jails when i was new here i can't recall them. Previous (legitimate) bans: banned for housing bug abusing back in 2015 Are you a muslim?: Yes.
  10. @polenta1 ~[Denied]~(red). Joined another organisation.
  11. 23/11/2018 - Los Santos & Las Venturas BANK ROBBERIES 8/8 #133&#134
  12. @Crow55 ~[Pending]~(orange). Meet myself or any HQ ingame for your tests. @Lily ~[Denied]~(red). Re-apply in 6 centuries if you're still interested.
  13. @offmigods ~[Pending.]~(orange) Keep hanging , you will receive your final answer over the coming days. @zKill98 & @Norder ~[Denied]~(red).
  14. @Kalashrie ~[Pending.]~(orange) @MR-DaLi & @zKill98 ~[Denied.]~(red)
  15. @xvincyx ~[Accepted.]~(lime)
  16. @bastian1 ~[Denied.]~(red) @xvincyx ~[Pending.]~(orange)
  17. ~[14/10/2018 - Las Venturas BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #74]~(magenta,magenta)
  18. ~[14/10/2018 - Los Santos BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #73]~(magenta,magenta)
  19. Happy birthday sandu
  20. Event Number: 339 Event Type: Land on my alpha LWS/G6/Ceo : Expert Winner(s): Rikki Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EDJlYRg
  21. Happy Birthday noob
  22. @xxtimboBG & @TiqReGo61 ~[Denied.]~(red)
  23. Happy birthday bent olfa
  24. @Raiden & @StarDust ~[Denied.]~(red)
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