Ingame name:Skinner Ingame username:ItzSpicey Previous organizations and leaving causes:BBMC CripZ ToB ICE BBMC:get bored driving classic cars ToB:get kicked beacuse i was haved be banned.! ICE:I left beacuse get bored CripZ:i was want left beacues everyone was think to they are god but was not beacuse money can doin you pro but your skills can doin you and i told this to one member this member told to zaza and kicked me before i left alone Define Underground Empire: they are one Criminal secret gang to they got loyal and trusted members to they makin deals with other gangs for drugs/guns/ammo for money and they got 12 casino so they can make alot of money from him. so Underground Empire they are one gang to the are looking alot of ways for making moneys.! What binds you with Underground Empire: My Love with the Crime,the Teamwork with the Members of Underground Empire,and the love eachother member. What do you know about organized crime: they are alot of criminals together and h'es doing Teamwork and thats they are nice beacuse as team you can doin alot of things but if you are alone you will not doing anything right.