Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 60 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: 26tm May 2019 Why do you need this change?:LS is dead af and i dont goin there alot times and i bored the place Links to your donation topics: i was haved donated 5 GBP before 17 days i donated again before 2 days 9$ i took 1$ from the topic who i was had 5$ i want take 1$ f rom this link: and he left me 4$ from the 5GBP $ Links to your previous donation changes requests:N/A ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1:Shamal Location:at LS Aiport Part III: 1 What i want to be added Vehicle 1: Bus Color:Cartel el muertos CeM code color Usernames:ItzSpicey,mediixx,melou,kazmet Location:at [B~B]MArk's Store :