Roleplay type: Crane Collapse on Highway Description of roleplay: BCFD has been dispatched about a crane collapse at Bone County highway. Therefore, BCFD responded with 2 firetrucks, 1 ladder truck, 1 ambulance, 1 battalion car. When they came to the scene, SAFD EMT immediately prepare all equipment needed to take care of the wounded victims, while firetrucks 1 and 2 prepared themself to go into search and rescue action. In the meantime, ladder truck took the ladder to the higest point at the crane, and looked for any victims from up there and also checked for the stability of the crane. Few minutes later, fire suddenly started up at the oil barrels, so both teams firetruck 1 and firetruck 2 took out the fire extinguishers and prepared water tanks and started to extinguish that fire out. 2 victims were also found in that accident, there was a guy from a gang called Patrick who had an accident with a vehicle nearby, and a guy called JohnnyEnglish who almost died in the grave pile. Both victims and the fire have been taken care of and that's it. Location: Bone County Highway Participants: @Ramos - @NORI999 - @Bozi - @Howlze - @Spicey - @VayraN - @Matthews - @Richard - @LAPD_Spanish_VEN - @Freezom - @Pato (victim) - @JohnnyEnglish (victim) Screenshots: