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About Skinner

  • Birthday 26/08/2003

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  1. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? i have no idea Part II: What I Want to be Removed NOTHING EVERYTHING WAS REMOVED FROM INACTIVITY Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: RoadTrain Vehicle 2: RoadTrain Vehicle 3: Vincent With Wrap (thepsyghost1) Vehicle 4 Vincent With Wrap thepsyghost1 Vehicle 5 Vincent With Wrap thepsyghost1 Location: Vehicle 1 MC Top Vehicle 2 Creek Warehouse on LV drop. Vehicle 3 SWAT Base Vehicle 4 LV-X inside in parkings (i'll show) Vehicle 5 LS Hospital USERNAME ItzSpicey
  2. Account Name: ItzSpicey Icon Name: Remove every Prop i have !
  3. Nevermind Thinked to Quit The game For While for Forever who knows 😉
  4. Date: 29/01/2024 Activity: Securing VIP Participants: @Glayd @Dinaz @LightSide @Skinner Screenshots:
  5. Date: 29/01/2024 Organization Robbed: Stopping AA BR BC (0/8) Participants: @LightSide @Dinaz @Skinner Screenshots:
  6. Shh you will wake them up
  7. Date: 19/01/2024 Event Type: Face to Face LMS LWS Host: @Thunder Prize: 2,000,000$ Winner(s): @OnlyM3.exe. Screenshots
  8. Date: 17/01/2024 Activity: Securing VIP Participants: @N2OStriker @denox @Skinner Screenshots:
  9. Date: 17/01/2024 Activity: Stopping CR Participants: @SKY-911- @Dinaz @Skinner Screenshots:
  10. Date: 17/01/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @N2OStriker @denox @Skinner Screenshots:
  11. Display Name: Skinner Username: ItzSpicey Links: Total number of Donation Points: 85
  12. This is an automated post for: Skinner Donation: GBP 0.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  13. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking topic: If you're unsure what this is, check here. **Donation Points Link** When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? If you requested a donation reward change before, you have to post the date in which your last request was. (it has been Posted July 14) Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Put the type of vehicle that you already have and you want to be removed here. Location: post two screens inside a spoiler, one shows the location of the vehicle to be removed on the map, using F12, and the other one standing in front of your vehicle. Alternatively, if the vehicle is currently placed at a personal property, list the property name and the owner's username and we'll be able to locate the vehicle ourselves. Interior: If you have a donation interior in one of your properties, Post in which city your interior is, and the name of the property. Repeat this step if you have more than one vehicle. (Everything is Removed Due inactivity) Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: LV Police Vehicle 2: LV Police Vehicle 3: Cheetah Cop Car its with sirens idk how they make it or called Vehicle 4: Stratum (Wrap Blackice)Cop Car its with sirens idk how they make it or called Vehicle 5: Infernus (Wrap Blackice)Cop Car its with sirens idk how they make it or called Vehicle 6: Turismo Cop Car its with sirens idk how they make it or called Vehicle 7: Shamal LV (Public wrap Sticker1) Location: SWAT BASE Alternatively, if you're placing the vehicle at a personal property, list the property name and owner's username as well as providing us with images. Username: ItzSpicey Interior: January 15, 2024 Repeat this step if you wish to change more than one vehicle.
  15. Address: 6 seaview Rental Apartment Business Account name: dreamrus1x Last seen:25th May 2023 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Lhc5NdX
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