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Posts posted by Asgal

  1. alt text
    Roleplay Number: Seven (7)
    Story: It was a santos morning. Two friends from the black vehicle came down to our base. Somebody had a black bag in his hand. They said they wanted to take drugs. We told you that you know our terms and we gave the money first and we wanted them to be there over the evening by indicating a place. After they went, we loaded the goods on our transport vehicles and we started off after having a conversation with our black friends. After moving the goods to their vehicle, we returned to our base and continued our conversation with our black friends.
    Participants: @Asgal @SoulFly @Spark @hassan @Chief
    alt text

  2. Section 1 - Non-RP Information

    Nickname: My nickname Asgal

    Username: User step asgal44

    Old nickname/Other used names ingame: There are no

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Current G/S The Pirus

    How long have you been a member of your current g/s and what is your rank? Grade 4, Sub Leader

    Current groups:
    Cunning Stunts 25/03/2018 - Member
    San Andreas Medic 12/01/2018 - Paramedic
    The Motor Heads 15/02/2018 - Racer
    Black Eagle Secturity 02/01/2018 - Security Guard

    Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: I have forbidden once because I use more than one account when I first started, then learned and solved the problem.

    Will you have enough time to learn in the evening (at the course)? Yes it will happen

    Tell us something about yourself: I am Metehan I am a 15 year old high school student, I like to participate in games and social events.

    Section 2 - Questions

    Do you understand that joining the academy of San Andreas Fire Department doesn't give you any rank or anything that will make you better than other people? yes I know

    Do you understand that you will have to be in a fire fighting course for more than a month? Yes I know I'm ready for all my trainings

    Do you understand the rules of the academy and the rules of San Andreas Fire Department? yes I understand

    Do you understand that you will have to learn and to pass writing tests in order to pass the course? yes I know

    Section 3 - Detailed Profile

    What are your strengths? if so, what are they? Driving, helicopter and plane riding, separate ambulance and fire truck driving, using fire tube.

    What are your weaknesses? if so, what are they? I do not think it is a weakness.

    Why do you want to join the SAFD? I am delighted with the purpose and role of this group and I think it will be improved by entering this group and one of the best groups in SA.

    Why do you want to join the academy? I want to extinguish fires and save lives as a new and young firefighter by taking classes at the Academy.

    What specialization would you like to learn within the academy? To extinguish fires and save lives, that is to be a young and alive firefighter.

    ^[alt text]

    Applicant's signature: M.Colins.~~
    Date: 22/05/2019

  3. alt text
    Roleplay Number: Two (2)
    Story: It was a morning of Santos. A friend came to our base. We told him that he was ready to pay and we got the money in cash. In the evening we wanted to be ready at the lighthouse. When we arrived and it was evening we got the right path to the lighthouse and when we approached it we saw it and its friends. We went straight ahead and loaded the goods into his vehicle. Then we returned to our base and continued to chat with our black friends.
    Participants: @Asgal @SoulFly @Leonidas @hassan @Spark @KayLe and a few CDS members
    alt text

  4. alt text
    Roleplay Number: One (1)
    Story: While we were chatting with our black friends at our base, we got a phone call from one of our street human. He opened it, and one of our street men told him that someone was selling drugs in our neighborhood. He came right next to us and told us about it. We boarded our vehicles quickly and went to where the seller was. The seller, who saw us, lifted his hands, and squeezed his head and buried him with one bullet. Open the garage door from the warehouse and load it in our own vehicle, we immediately came to our base and put the goods in our boxes and we got scattered.
    Participants: @Asgal @SoulFly @FastYounq @Spark
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  5. STAGE 1

    Name: Asgal
    Account Name: asgal44
    Nationality: Turk
    Age: 15
    Primary Language: Turkish
    Other Languages you speak: English, Azerbaijani and A little spanish

    STAGE 2

    How long have you been playing MTA: 5 years
    How long have you been playing SAES: RPG: 4 years
    Do you have a ProCop diploma? If no, please specify why: No, but I can be my PC after a while. Because I'm SAPA cadet
    Previous G/S/C memberships and why you left THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL:
    Varriors Los Aztecas - Closed.
    Black Guearilla Family - Closed.
    Sons Of Anarchy - Closed
    The Outfit - Because of disputes that happened with the members.
    MI6 - Closed
    Why do you wish to join the FBI: I think the FBI team is closer and better to me, I think the FBI role and members are good, I think that according to my observations, FBI will teach me more.
    Why should we accept you: Because if you accept me, I'll do nice things for FBI by doing diligent work.
    Previous bans or admin jails THIS MUST BE IN DEPTH OR RISK DENIAL: Multiaccount - When I first started the game, I didn't know the rules and then clarified the situation.

    STAGE 3

    Are you a former FBI member: No
    If you answered question 1 with yes, please state when you left the Bureau: N/A
    If you answered question 1 with yes, please state why did left the Bureau: N/A
    If you answered question 1 with yes, please state your former rank: N/A
    If you answered question 1 with yes, please provide evidence of your stated rank (screenshots, etc): N/A

    STAGE 4

    What is roleplaying: Roleplay is you being a part of a movie or a story it will got post on forum, it kind a action as they quest you to do, Patrolling is one of roleplay Cops.
    What is deathmatching: Deathmatch - The act of damaging/killing somebody aka engaging in a death match without a proper justifiable reason.
    State three server rules (F1):
    Do not kill anyone randomly.
    Getting caught passing through the transit point of the players.
    We should speak Mainchat in English.
    Are you allowed to deathmatch: no it not allowed

    STAGE 5

    What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: /10 8/10
    What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: /10 8/10
    What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: /10 8/10
    What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: /10 8/10
    What are your strengths: I am a good driver, I think I'm good at air, land and sea vehicles. I'm a good pitcher and I'm good enough. I'm doing team work.
    What are your weaknesses: To be honest and honest, I have an ambitious personality and I can not control what I do when I get angry.

  6. Personal Roleplay #2
    SAM Member: Asgal , Soulfly
    Helpers: Leonidas,
    Story: There was a man who had a heart condition one day went out and went out with a chronic heart ache and the people around immediately called the emergency help code and asked for an ambulance. This incident led me to the hospital with the radio and immediately went to the area where the patient was disturbed. The patient is a middle-aged man, he seemed to be stable, but that wasn't what happened because she had a heart attack, her eyelids slipping, and her face was like a pale snail. Immediately I made a vaccine to create an anti-shock effect and lost the air bubbles inside the patient by breathing and returned to life, but when I asked why it was so unconscious, it was because of the sun. Because the sun lights were a situation that affected the direction in a rather bad way for people with a heart discomfort. I immediately put the patient in the ambulance vehicle and I called the hospital phone on the way immediately and asked them to wait with a stretcher outside, when we approached the hospital door with nurses and two doctors in their heads they were waiting for us.

    Screenshots: (I'm building up tomorrow because of the infrastructure problems on my internet.)

  7. SECTION 1
    Name: Mete
    In-game name: Asgal
    Age: 15
    Sex: Male
    English proficiency: 8/10
    Native language: Turkish
    Other language(s): English, a little Spanish
    Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No
    When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: 5 Years
    Total gameplay (hours): 850
    Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): 5-6
    Average FPS: 50-65
    Average ping: 50-70
    Previous organizations and reasons for leaving:
    Varriors Los Aztecas - Closed.
    Black Guearilla Family - Closed.
    Sons Of Anarchy - Closed
    The Outfit - Because of disputes that happened with the members.
    SAPA - Due to injustice made.
    MI6 - Closed
    Are you active user of Discord?: Yes it is
    A. Define our role (FOX): The mission of the Fox team is Intelligence, collects important information and evaluates it as necessary, evaluates the information for correctness of the information it receives and evaluates whether it is correct. FOX's special team is S-14.
    B. Define marker arrest: Being caught passing through an irradiation spot.
    C. Minimum arresting level: 0-10
    D. Point out and define 4 major server rules:
    Do not kill anyone randomly.
    Getting caught passing through the transit point of the players.
    We should speak Mainchatten in English.
    If the police officers are not chasing you, do not kill them.
    E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: Before he gets caught in real life, a conversation takes place between the criminal and the police.
    I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: I am Metehan I am a 15 year old high school student, I like to participate in games and social events.
    II: Write your strengths and weaknesses:
    Strengths: I am a good driver, I think I'm good at air, land and sea vehicles. I'm a good pitcher and I'm good enough. I'm doing team work.
    Weaknesses: To be honest and honest, I have an ambitious personality and I can not control what I do when I get angry.
    III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: I think the FOX team is closer and better to me, I think the FOX role and members are good, I think that according to my observations, FOX will teach me more.
    IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I have a lot of good ideas for the team and I love the police, the legal side, which makes me a talented person in this regard.
    V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: I hope I can be on this team and work to be.

    By posting this application, you are aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by you, and states nothing but the truth.
    Retard test: Post a picture of White house in Los Santos to be even considered to join Fox Operations X: https://imgur.com/uA7ZAb9

  8. Name: Asgal
    Username: asgal44
    Rank before kick/leave: full cadet
    How long have you been in sapa: 2 months
    Who kicked you: -
    Date of kick/leave: I can't remember but it's been like 7 months
    Reason for kick/leave: I went to help my brother with the gang.
    What happened from your side/why did you leave? : I went to help my brother with the gang.
    Why do you want back in? : Develop myself, to train people for SAPA.
    What have you learned from this? : I love police times more than my gang times and I'm bored in gangs and I hope to get a PC this time.
    Who do you want to apologize to? : First of all from Tut and all HQs
    Why should we give you a second chance?: To be here again as I was before, and to be a good Police officer. Also to educate people.

  9. Roleplay #
    Personal Roleplay #1
    Participants: SoulFly(SAM) Rowdy
    Description: I suddenly got a phone call from the hospital's consultation desk he was a doctor at the hospital looking for and said a car was crashing on the northern exit of Las Venturas he said it was the information that the wounded could have inside. I got into the ambulance quickly and started driving to the area where I was accident the billboard of the car was struck and the car had pierced the engine part but the driver inside the car has been avoiding a major injury by throwing himself at last. I started to do first aid before I moved the guy who crashed quickly. There was a bleeding in the head of the wound, and I think it came out of the neck, and there were loose or broken parts in various parts of his body I started the first aid quickly and the bleeding in my body worked as a taping with dressing and helped with bandage after stopping the bleeding, I prevented the neck from moving by wearing a neck collar to move the neck I took some ambulance from the ambulance to the hospital by fixing it with a bandage in some broken areas I put the patient behind the ambulance and started to go to the hospital immediately. I raised the patient to the hospital and immediately received intensive care and started to treat the patient. The patient was removed from the intensive care unit after a 5 or 7 hour operation, we waited for the patient to wake up in order to get rid of his life spell and the patient woke up 3 hours after being placed in his room after some medical tests were done he was ready to send the patient home the patient's equipment was collected from the ambulance home after the collection and we successfully rescued the patient.
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NxrDn

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