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Asgal last won the day on June 21 2024

Asgal had the most liked content!

About Asgal

  • Birthday June 22

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  1. Activity Type: Stopped oL RC BR 0/8 FBI Members Involved: @Asgal @Wegz @Steven @batiha Date: 21/03/2025 Screenshots:
  2. Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved: @Asgal @Quality_ @batiha Date: 20/03/2025 Screenshots:
  3. Type Of Activity: Roleplay Date: 20/03/2025 Participants: @Asgal Duration: 20min Story: A few hours before dark, a friend of mine from the delivery division asked me to change the tires on his burrito. I told him to come to the garage at the company. We chatted for a while. Then I took a general look at his car. After finishing the job at hand, I started on his car. First, I lifted the car up with a jack. I removed the lug nuts one by one with an air gun. Then I took the old tires off and lined them up in the corner. I put the new tires in their places, tightened the lug nuts one by one and took them off the jack. After a short test drive, I delivered the car to its owner. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lo87qqj
  4. Activity Type: Stopped Market Robbery FBI Members Involved: @Asgal @Mootje @GetAway @batiha Date: 19/03/2025 Screenshots:
  5. Activity Type: Stopped Market Robbery FBI Members Involved: @Asgal @dobroski @Limits Date: 19/03/2025 Screenshots:
  6. Activity Type: Defending SF BR (4/8 AA) FBI Members Involved: @Asgal @Pistache @snoopys @Wegz @spanish Date: 18/03/2025 Screenshots:
  7. Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved: @Asgal @GetAway @JohnnyEnglish Date: 18/03/2025 Screenshots:
  8. Activity Type: Defending LV BR (Rebels) FBI Members Involved: @Asgal @Limits @Beast_ @side @batiha Date: 17/03/2025 Screenshots:
  9. Activity Type: Defending TR BR (oL 5/8) FBI Members Involved: @Asgal @Limits @spanish @Steven @Samuel @Wickness Date: 17/03/2025 Screenshots:
  10. Activity Type: Defending JB FBI Members Involved: @Asgal @Final @ThunderWing Date: 16/03/2025 Screenshots:
  11. Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved: @Asgal @Limits @yurei Date: 16/03/2025 Screenshots:
  12. Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved: @Asgal @Limits @batiha Date: 15/03/2025 Screenshots:
  13. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 11/03/2025 Participants: @Asgal Duration: 25 minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/024gWNr
  14. Race- 05/01/2025- #1547
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