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Everything posted by ILLUSION

  1. This is an automated post TXN ID: 9SC027766P7397915 Donation Amount: 15.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic. ~[Damaged Glendale with a generic wrap added. 3M rewarded. I will make use of remaining 5 GBP later.]~(red)
  2. Sorted.
  3. Cabbie wtih clo1 wrap added. 3M rewarded. Thanks for donating!
  4. This is an automated post TXN ID: 4S1106136P1459649 Donation Amount: 2.50GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic. ~[Added a standart wrap and rewarded myself with 500K.]~(red)
  5. Waiting for wrap approval.
  6. 3 Millions ingame cash rewarded. Damaged Glendale placed in HS base. Thanks for donating.
  7. Shamal wrap changed to "Weed" Damaged Glendale added. Waiting for custom vehicle wrap to be confirmed. Custom vehicle wrap remaining.
  8. @darksider said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: Here I fixed it.
  9. 2 Police LVs removed. 1 Police LV with Custom Wrap added.
  10. Custom wrap kok_1 added to Landstalker. Sorted.
  11. happy birthday rempeg bro
  12. First of all, it is a great idea to create such a topic in order to understand the reason of unbalance in numbers. Congratulations. I will say the same thing what I have always said for this unbalance: To play as a criminal, you don't need cops. But to play as a cop, you need criminals. What do I mean? Let me explain. You are a criminal and you go to the storerob. To do that you naturally don't have to care about cops. But as a cop, in order to have fun in a storerob you need criminals present in SR so that you can attack them and arrest them. A criminal can start a bankrob (with certain number of required cops ingame and non-AFK but that is not my concern in this post at the moment.) with their friends. But a cop needs criminals to start a bankrob in order to participate in a bank robbery. This is the second case in which a cop needs the existence of criminals. Turf war. Here gangs again can have fun without needing cops. In this scenario, the only thing required for a turf war is an enemy gang and a bunch of weapons. However, a cop still needs a turf war which must be started by criminals so that a cop can participate. Jail break. The same scenario. To have fun in jail as a cop a criminal should start a JB (independently of course) just so you can go and fight. So, for a cop to enjoy the gameplay completely, existence of criminals in game is crucial. What I suggest is to add new features which cops can enjoy on their own without needing criminals. For example, "money transporting job" was a great thing to enrich cop gameplay and it made me excited. I hope more will come so that a cop can find things to do when criminals are absent. There should be scripts in which cops can start without needing criminals and criminals can join afterwards if they wish to. Another reason (in my opinion) is that Police Squads overwhelm their members with rules like "don't arrest 1 star" or "you must roleplay before arresting in certain situations" or such. Well, what if I want to be a bad cop? What if I want to warn criminals with 15 shots in the game like cops do in U. S. A. ? The thing I enjoy most is arresting people with low wanted levels (maybe I am a little bit toxic, I accept). Why should a squad take that away from a member? A wanted level is a wanted level and should be treated like that. Lastly, since the majority is in the criminal side, people who are new to the game tend to play with their friends. And the chance of those friends being in a gang is approximately %80 considering the population of two sides. I will edit this post in future if I remember any other reason why playing as a criminal is more attractive. By the way please do not add something like "There should be minimum 10 cops to start a turf war" just because of the things I wrote above. ~[We don't necessarily need to take things away from criminal gameplay in order to enrich cop gameplay]~(red) please do not forget that. Thanks for reading.
  13. happy birthday @Negan1498
  14. Hello! Can you do something themed with the nick name "Tala" which will suit my Steam profile? ( https://steamcommunity.com/id/talathefirst/ ) . I will greatly appreciate it if you do it in black&white. And I would be happy if you do something "peaceful" instead of guns, explosions and such. If I like your work I would like to display it on my Steam profile! Let's see what you got ^_^
  15. You can request a donation change only once in a month. Request denied. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25683/negan-s-reward-change
  16. @jojodb said in Bas's Reward Change: Police LV has been removed from LV/LS highway due to not being in line with the donation rules. Feel free to request another vehicle/location in a reply to this post. @bas260 @bas260 said in Bas's Reward Change: @JojoDb a black fbi truck at sai base please with nitro Sorted.
  17. @markus said in Adding 'Safe Zones': Just report if you're so hurt about it or go afk in an interior If you are so hurt about a suggestion I advise you to do the thing you've just suggested. @ghost77 said in Adding 'Safe Zones': Dear Community, Well, for me as a new player I just saw that we can kill each others in front of hospitals which is punishable as well, so I'm here suggesting to add some protected area (safe zones) in front of hospitals Your Sincerely, Ghost7 There are incidents when "killing in front of hospitals" is allowed. One of them is simply a cop vs criminal fight. When you spawn at hospital, you have 20 seconds of protection. During this protection you cannot get arrested. If you get your vehicle to go away from the hospital area and get attacked within this 20 seconds, the person who attacks you gets punished. But after this time (20 seconds) is over, cops are allowed to attack you even though you are in hospital zone (on condition you have wanted stars.) Or if a person steals your vehicle within hospital zone, you are allowed to attack him till you gain reacces to your vehicle. Therefore adding such "peace zone" in hospitals would cause loss in game play. Apart from the things I've said here, welcome to SAES:RPG and enjoy your stay. You can find introductory information about general environment in the game via F1 key. Feel free to contact admins for any help or players during Staff Recruitment. - giggles. -
  18. Sorted. Thanks for donating!
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