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Everything posted by brondy

  1. Date: 17.03.2024 Activity: Stopping SR Agents: brondy,orten,shemyy Screenshots:
  2. Date: 14.03.2024 Activity: Stopped SR Agents: Brondy, Shemyy,Ban Screenshots:
  3. Date: 14.03.2024 Activity: VIP Agents: Brondy, Shemyy,Teleport Screenshots:
  4. Date: 13.03.2024 Activity: Patrol Agents: Ban, Brondy, Shemyy,NoName Screenshots:
  5. #11 Date: 09.03.2024 Event Type: 1v1 deagle LWS Member(s): brondy Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: christmas - ghassen Screenshots:
  6. Date: 09.03.2024 Activity: Stopped Outfit BR LS Agents: Ban, Shemyy, brondy Screenshots:
  7. Date: 09.03.2024 Activity: Stopped Casino Robbery Agents: Ban, Shemyy, brondy Screenshots:
  8. Date: 09.03.2024 Activity: Stopped Jailbreak Agents: Ban, Shemyy, brondy Screenshots:
  9. Date: 08.03.2024 Activity: Stopped SR Agents: Ban, Orten, brondy Screenshots:
  10. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: joseluisao123 Your ingame alias: Brondy Your real name: Mehmet Ali Your DOB: 12/12/97 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Turkish Country of residence: Turkey Language skills: English and Turkish English Proficiency: Proficient enough to have an advanced conversation in English How long you have been playing: I'm playing since 2013 summer Your strengths: I have been playing SAES since 2013, getting to know different generations, I would say that experience is one of my strengths here. Next to that, I am a very social person who loves to interact with others. Finally, I would consider the ability to manage to be one of my strengths I have been spending a considerable amount of time on this server for a long while, and I have matured significantly compared to before. Thanks to this experience, I can find more practical solutions. In my real life profession, I am constantly improving my communication skills with people, and I believe I am in a good position in this regard. Over time, I have become more composed, and this calmness has positively impacted me. I enjoy being patient and proactive in planning and long-term projects Your weaknesses: Sometimes, I try to do everything at once, but I know that I can focus on a specific task. When I concentrate on that particular task, I believe I can solve it in the best possible way. However, I also think that I can be more creative when dealing with multiple things at once, and I am continuously working on improving in this aspect as well Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: I find myself experienced enough for this role and I will be happy to do it. I'm happy to help people and earn their respect. I assume I'm active enough and my communication with people is strong. I'm in a lot of groups and I help people all the time. I think I communicate very well with people and always help them. The reason I applied for is because I have confidence in myself and I believe I can handle the job. I always try to finish the task assigned to me by completing it without interrupting it. Like the work I do in real life, I always try to do the tasks I take on to the best of my ability.I believe that if given the opportunity, I can prove myself to be the best fit for this role and contribute even more effectively. I am confident that I won't struggle to take on additional responsibilities and can manage this process in the best possible way Unique qualities you can offer: One quality I can offer you is my experience with no doubt. Having been a player on this server for years practically taught me every corner of the server. I've been in LWS as HQ for a quite long time. Having met different kinds of people, taking part in different roleplay scenarios, understanding the perspective of other people has developed my skills in every aspect. I have always been impartial and independet.Since I first joined this server, I have grown more and learned to remain calm. I understand what people need and know how to assist them Server Memberships: EISA Founder & Vice Leader - LWS HQ - Cuban Cars - ALT - rTECH Additional information: If I were to talk about myself, I live in Turkey, and I am responsible for the international operations of a furniture company. I have been working for many years. I am also studying for my second university degree at the same time Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I haven't been punished, at least I don't remember getting punished. Previous (legitimate) bans: I was banned long time ago because of multiaccounting when I was a new player. (2013)
  11. The success rate appears to be quite low. If you wish to increase it to 150%, they can implement the suggestions you mentioned
  12. Date: 01.03.2024 Activity: Stopped Red Country Bank Robbery Agents: Orten, Crossma,Ban,Brondy Screenshots:
  13. Date: 01.03.2024 Activity: Stopped SR Agents: Zapkinus,Orten,Ban,Crossma,Brondy Screenshots:
  14. Date: 01.03.2024 Activity: Stopped SR Agents: Natty,Zapkinus,Orten,Destroyer,Ban,Crossma,Brondy Screenshots:
  15. When I read this news, my heart truly shattered. He was a good friend of ours. May he and his mother rest in peace
  16. #9 Date: 23.02.2024 Event Type: Fallout LWS Member(s): brondy Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: Jojo Screenshots:
  17. Date: 23.02.2024 Activity: Stopped UE BR at SF Agents: Brondy,Muller,Orten,Ban Screenshots:
  18. Date: 22.02.2024 Activity: Securing VIP Agents: Brondy,Crossma, Orten , Natty,Ban Screenshots:
  19. Date: 22.02.2024 Activity: Stopped SR Agents: Brondy, Orten, Crossma Screenshots:
  20. Date: 20.02.2024 Activity: Stopped SR Agents: Brondy, Ban , Crossma Screenshots: Date: 20.02.2024 Activity: Stopped CripZ BR TR Agents: Brondy, Ban , Crossma Screenshots:
  21. Date: 18.02.2024 Activity: Stopped CRIPZ TR Bank Robbery Agents: Brondy, Crossma,Ban Screenshots:
  22. Date: 18.02.2024 Activity: Stopped SR Agents: Brondy, Crossma,Orten, Screenshots:
  23. Date: 17.02.2024 Activity: Securing VIP Agents: Ban, Crossma,Brondy,Orten,Natty Screenshots:
  24. Date: 17.02.2024 Activity: Stopped Jailbreak Agents: Ban, Crossma,Brondy Screenshots:
  25. Date: 17.02.2024 Activity: Stopped SR Agents: Ban, Zapkinus,Brondy Screenshots:
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