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Dinaz last won the day on July 7 2024

Dinaz had the most liked content!

About Dinaz

  • Birthday 24/04/2004

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Mentor (12/14)

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  1. Archived
  2. Auction has not received a single bid for over a week, therefore, it has been archived.
  3. Auction has not received a single bid for over a week, therefore, it has been archived.
  4. Archived
  5. 2 Archived
  6. Sorted! Enjoy your property. (2/2) - You may not request any more inactive properties until Monday - (03/03/2025)
  7. Sorted! Enjoy your property. (1/2)
  8. Archived
  9. Archived
  10. 1k GBP is an absurdly high price I'd say. If you want this to be live in game, the jetpack should be tied to certain conditions that'd allow you to access it. 1. Unwanted 2. /war /assist disabled 3. Disallowing picking up the VIP 4. Disallowing SR circle progress 5. Disallowing player damage (this could be used as a rule instead of a script, to provide more flexibility and comfort for whomever is rich enough to help the server with such amount((cases where one wants to DM with his friends)). Should the player break that rule, the perk is stripped off of the donator for misuse) And whatever else that may affect the gameplay
  11. It has been more than a week with no bids. Auction archived
  12. Sorted! Enjoy your property. (1/2)
  13. Sorted! Enjoy your property. (1/2)
  14. Sorted, good riddance. Property was transferred to SAHA account and set for public sale.
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