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SAES Community Staff
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Dinaz last won the day on July 7

Dinaz had the most liked content!

About Dinaz

  • Birthday 24/04/2004

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2,202 profile views

Dinaz's Achievements


Mentor (12/14)

  • Posting Machine Rare
  • Well Followed Rare
  • Very Popular Rare
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  1. mashallah nice post Archived
  2. Updated: Added latest donation topic - 30 points due to Birthday boost.
  3. This is an automated post for: Dinaz Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Link to your donation tracker topic: Requested Awards: Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: #000000 Specify any upgrades: None Usernames to lock: khalilzw Where you want it placed: BC AP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vehicle Type: Police Cheetah Vehicle Colour: #000000 Specify any upgrades: V8 Awd Roof Usernames to lock: khalil_zw Where you want it placed: At my property's driveway - 6_brown_street ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vehicle Type: Mountain Bike Vehicle Colour: #000000 Specify any upgrades: None Usernames to lock: khalilzw Where you want it placed: At my property - Bayside Bay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Large interior 19 for 6_brown_street Additionally, 1m x 5 cash prize due to birthday boost
  4. Sorted! Enjoy your property (1/2)
  5. Sorted! Enjoy your property (1/2)
  6. Notes for future use @Light. Wrong section, please make sure to post in the correct section in the future. Topic was moved to Inactive Property Requests Additionally, please do post the image with the imgur album link instead of the picture as it bugs out sometimes and may not insert it into your topic upon posting
  7. Sorted. Property has been set for public sale as the requester has no desire to purchase it.
  8. Sorted! Enjoy your property. (1/2) Note: Please remember to include /seen acc_name logs in your screenshots next time
  9. Sorted! Enjoy your property. (1/2)
  10. Property has been set for public sale due to failure to get the request sorted within 48hours. (1/2)
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