Personal Information - Name: Kim Nickname: Larsone Age: 22 Gender: Male Nationality: Swedish Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): My name is Kim and i am 22 years old living in sweden in Gothenburg with my cat. I work as a truckdriver and when i dont work i hangaroud with my friends or i am playing on SAES. i am a very friendly and a kind person Who likes to help others. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? since 2012 but i went inactive in 2015 and now i am back Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? No Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: TST AA Please list your current group memberships on the server: none What are your strengths? I am a really good shooter and a driver What are your weaknesses? flying planes Do you have discord & TS3? Yes Whats your average ping? 47 Do you have access to the PC spawns? No How many hours do you have in-game? 73 How often do you visit the forums? 3-4 times a day Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10): 7 Arresting (out of 10): 9 English (out of 10):6 Driving (out of 10): 8 Combat (out of 10): 8 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? because you seem to be an interesting and professional squad and I would like to contribute my experiences Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? Laza Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? Yes In your own words, define roleplay: Roleplay is acting like in real life In your own words, define DM: when you shoot or kill another player for no reason In your own words, define teamwork: When you help each other to success