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Everything posted by kikas

  1. Your ingame username: zxqwas Your ingame alias: kikas Your year of birth: 1997 Your gender: male Nationality: Polish Country of residence: Poland How long you have been playing SAES: I first started playing here in late 2010 and have remained active until some time in mid 2013. I came back from inactivity in August 2020. Qualities you can offer: I am generally a calm person who avoids any unnecessary conflicts. I always try to put logical thinking and reason before emotion. I can handle arguments in a calm and objective manner, without unnecessarily offending the other person. I find it satisfying to thoroughly analyze any problems I am facing before coming up with a solution. One of my biggest strengths is being a good listener. Your weaknesses: My biggest weakness is being overthinker, which makes me bad at making decisions quickly, as I generally prefer to analyze every single detail and possibility before making my mind up. I stress a lot over details that others might not even notice, or see them as irrelevant. I am not very outspoken, especially among people I don't know very well. I find it difficult to start or carry conversations with strangers. Do you have Discord Installed: yes Reason for application: I enjoy helping others in any way I can. I have been part of this community for quite some time now, and it has given me a lot of fun over the years. It has always been the people that play on this server that made it fun and kept me interested. So I thought that maybe I could give something back to those people. Server Memberships: Arms Assassins - HQ Outbreak Ogranisation - Sergeant Additional information: I can't think of anything relevant to add. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I don't remember any. Perhaps a warning in 2010. Previous (legitimate) bans: I have received a temporary ban in 2010, I don't remember the reason.
  2. @Fuegoo-0 Application withdrawn
  3. Date: 30/04/2022 Event: Rhino Shooter Total Prize: 4.000.000 $ LWS: Expert Winner(s): BossGamer [s=Screenshots] [/s]
  4. Happy birthday Lahuma!
  5. Just a small change to the existing /ignore command - allow saving ignored accounts so you don't have to /ignore people every time you join the game. Because making binds for that is annoying and they might not even work if the person you want to ignore is using a different name than they normally use. Probably not a very useful change for most people, since I don't think many are using it, but having it in game wouldn't hurt anyone.
  6. ^[AA BR TR (8/8)] ^[]
  7. This could be a setting in the pager for example. +1
  8. @Judyes The decision of the HQ team is that you still don't fit in with what AA represents. Like I said in my reply to your previous application, you have a tendency of getting yourself mixed into controversies, which is not something we are currently looking for. Considering this, combined with your vast list of former organizations and somewhat mixed opinions from our members, we have no choice but to deny you and wish you a good fortune in your future SAES endeavors. Please don't consider writing any further applications, as doing so would inevitably end with the same result. ^[]
  9. The black DE like group you mention was called Forces SA. I remember leaving DE to join it, only for that group to die a few weeks later.
  10. Store robbery | 29/03/2022 Participants: Anarchy, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 29/03/2022 Participants: Anarchy, Pinky, Gal, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 29/03/2022 Participants: Colobria, Pinky, Gal, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 31/03/2022 Participants: Ammar, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 01/04/2022 Participants: Corpse, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 02/04/2022 Participants: Jonas, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 02/04/2022 Participants: Baphomet, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 02/04/2022 Participants: Jonas, Baphomet, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 03/04/2022 Participants: Jonas, MrGamer, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 03/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, Jonas, MrGamer, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 03/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, MrGamer, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 03/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, MrGamer, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 03/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, Corpse, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 03/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, Corpse, me [s=] [/s] VIP | 03/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, Corpse, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 03/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, Corpse, Jonas, me [s=] [/s] VIP | 03/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, Corpse, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 03/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, MrGamer, Hotfire, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 03/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, Ammar, koko, Corpse, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 03/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, koko, Corpse, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 03/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, koko, Corpse, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 03/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, Corpse, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 03/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, Corpse, Ardron, Ammar, Colobria, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 05/04/2022 Participants: Pekekent, Ammar, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 05/04/2022 Participants: Pekekent, Ammar, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] VIP | 05/04/2022 Participants: Pekekent, Ammar, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 05/04/2022 Participants: Pekekent, Terry, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 05/04/2022 Participants: Pekekent, Ammar, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 05/04/2022 Participants: Colobria, Pinky, Baphomet, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 06/04/2022 Participants: Narcos, Matvey, Yoko, me [s=] [/s] VIP | 06/04/2022 Participants: Colobria, Narcos, Matvey, me [s=] [/s] Assisting in BR LV | 06/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, Crash, me [s=] [/s] Assisting in BR SF | 06/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, Crash, MaRoO, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 06/04/2022 Participants: Pinky, Anarchy, me [s=] [/s]
  11. ^[AA SF BR (8/8)] ^[] ^[AA BC BR (8/8)] ^[]
  12. Store robbery | 17/03/2022 Participants: Illusion, Corpse, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 19/03/2022 Participants: koko, MrGamer, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 19/03/2022 Participants: Voli, Jonas, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 19/03/2022 Participants: Voli, Jonas, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 19/03/2022 Participants: Blacky, Maroo, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 19/03/2022 Participants: Axestos, Anas, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 20/03/2022 Participants: Matvey, Corpse, Hotfire, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 21/03/2022 Participants: Anarchy, Colobria, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 21/03/2022 Participants: Matvey, Colobria, me [s=] [/s] VIP | 21/03/2022 Participants: Matvey, Colobria, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 21/03/2022 Participants: Matvey, PinkyyyTinkyyy, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 21/03/2022 Participants: Matvey, PinkyyyTinkyyy, MaRoO, corpse, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 22/03/2022 Participants: koko, corpse, narcos, me [s=] [/s]
  13. I'm pretty sure they have already used a similar shader for events in the past. The thing that concerns me is how much of an fps hit this would have if someone placed several of those next to each other. Think: Samuel's LV house, a.k.a. BOPE base.
  14. Store robbery | 14/03/2022 Participants: Corpse, Pinky, Ammar, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 14/03/2022 Participants: Pinky, Ammar, koko, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 14/03/2022 Participants: Pinky, Ammar, koko, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 14/03/2022 Participants: Ammar, koko, Pinky, Illusion, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 14/03/2022 Participants: Doom, Kawaii, Ammar, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 14/03/2022 Participants: Ammar, voli, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 14/03/2022 Participants: Ammar, coldplay, Razer, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 14/03/2022 Participants: Ammar, coldplay, Razer, Pinky, Sergio, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 14/03/2022 Participants: Ammar, Pinky, Corpse, me [s=] [/s] VIP | 14/03/2022 Participants: Pinky, Ammar, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 14/03/2022 Participants: Corpse, Pinky, Ammar, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 14/03/2022 Participants: Corpse, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] Assisting in BR | 15/03/2022 Participants: Illusion, coldplay, Pinky, OwenDlash, Corpse, Velo, me [s=] [/s] Assisting in BR | 15/03/2022 Participants: Pinky, Corpse, Terry, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 15/03/2022 Participants: Manda, Pinky, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 15/03/2022 Participants: Corpse, Pinky, Hotfire, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 15/03/2022 Participants: Pinky, Corpse, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 15/03/2022 Participants: Pinky, Corpse, me [s=] [/s] Store robbery | 15/03/2022 Participants: Pinky, koko, coldplay, Ammar, me [s=] [/s]
  15. @ammar_pro Given the amount of positive feedback from our members, as well as the amount of effort you have been showing, we have decided to finally give you a chance. Welcome to AA.
  16. 11/03/2022 Assisting in BR Participants: Anas, koko, Coldplay, kikas 12/03/2022 VIP Participants: Logi, PinkyyyTinkyyy, kikas 13/03/2022 Store robbery Participants: PinkyyyTinkyyy, Chicken, kikas 13/03/2022 Store robbery Participants: Anas, PinkyyyTinkyyy, kikas
  17. 10/03/2022 Store robbery + VIP Participants: Doom, koko, kikas [s= VIP] [/s] 10/03/2022 Store robbery Participants: Doom, koko, kikas 10/03/2022 Store robbery Participants: Doom, koko, kikas 10/03/2022 Store robbery Participants: Doom, koko, kikas 10/03/2022 Store robbery Participants: Amazing, koko, kikas 10/03/2022 Assisting in LS BR Participants: Doom, PinkyyyTinkyyy, kikas 10/03/2022 Store robbery Participants: Manda, PinkyyyTinkyyy, Yoko, Hotfire, kikas 10/03/2022 Store robbery Participants: Manda, PinkyyyTinkyyy, kikas 10/03/2022 Store robbery Participants: Blacky, PinkyyyTinkyyy, koko, kikas
  18. Happy birthday
  19. 08.03.2022 Store robbery Participants: Coldplay, Corpse, kikas 08.03.2022 Assisting in BR Participants: Coldplay, Corpse, kikas 08.03.2022 Store robbery Participants: Coldplay, Corpse, Jonas, PinkyyyTinkyyy, kikas
  20. Good luck friends
  21. 05.03.2022 Store robbery Participants: Crash, Skinner, PinkyyyTinkyyy, kikas 04.03.2022 Store robbery Participants: Maroo, PinkyyyTinkyyy, Coldplay, Colobria, kikas 04.03.2022 Store robbery + VIP Participants: Anas, Colobria, kikas [s=VIP] [/s] 04.03.2022 Store robbery Participants: Anas, Voli, kikas 04.03.2022 Store robbery Participants: PinkyyyTinkyyy, Crash, kikas 04.03.2022 Assisting in LS BR Participants: Anas, Crash, PinkyyyTinkyyy, kikas 04.03.2022 Store robbery Participants: Skinner, Sweman, PinkyyyTinkyyy, 07.03.2022 Assisting in SF BR Participants: coldplay, Anarchy, kikas 07.03.2022 Assisting in TR BR Participants: koko, Doom, kikas
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