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Everything posted by kikas

  1. 11.08.2023 BANKROB SF
  2. 8k income business located right in front of the LS prison.
  3. One of the best CR props in the game
  4. 09/07/2023 VIP 09/07/2023 Assisting in BR SF 07/09/2023 SR
  5. 25.06.2023 SR 25.06.2023 SR
  6. 17.06.2023 SR 17.06.2023 SR 17.06.2023 SR / CR 17.06.2023 SR
  7. 17.06.2023 SR 17.06.2023 SR 17.06.2023 Turf
  8. 08/06/2023 VIP 09/06/2023 SR
  9. 01/05/2023 SRing 01/05/2023 SRing / Asisting in BR 01/05/2023 SRing
  10. 22/04/2023 Assisting in BRs / robbing stores 22/04/2023 Assisting in BRs / robbing stores
  11. 06/04/2023 SR 06/04/2023 Casino Robbery
  12. We do not think you would make a good adittion to our roster - you are not the kind of person we are looking to recruit at this time, and you would not fit in very well with the rest of our organization.
  13. 12.03.2023 Store rob 12.03.2023 Assisting in BR 12.03.2023 Store robs 12.03.2023 Store robs / VIP 12.03.2023 Store robs 12.03.2023 Store robs 12.03.2023 Store rob / Assisting in BR 12.03.2023 Store robs
  14. 10/03/2023 SR BR LV and SF
  15. 25/02/2023 SRing 25/02/2023 SRing 26/02/2023 SRing 26/02/2023 SRing 26/02/2023 SRing 26/02/2023 SRing 26/02/2023 SRing 26/02/2023 SRing
  16. 25/02/2023 VIP 25/02/2023 SR
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