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Everything posted by kikas

  1. 11.02.2021 Assisting Z in BR BC 11.02.2021 Assisting JK in BR LS 11.02.2021 Assisting TT in BR SF 11.02.2021 Assisting TT in BR LV
  2. People have been whining all the same when the original LS jail was introduced. They were mostly complaining about the interior making it too difficult to successfully break people out, and that you couldn't just fly a heli into a massive cell on a remote island and grab everyone anymore. And as time went on, the design has gone through a few iterations over the years, and people started to love it. I think that with enough play time and perhaps a few small balancing changes (which I won't name, because I haven't really participated in a single JB since this new jail was introduced), people will get used to it and learn to appreciate it, just like it was with the previous design. People choose the previous one over this, because that's what they're used to. On paper, it looks like the new one offers a lot more tactical gameplay and allows more strategic approaches to criminals breaking people out as well as cops trying to stop them. It's like with RvB maps, people only ever wanted to play Motel, Mansion, and GT, because that's what they're used to and the most comfortable with. But then again, I'm the kind of person who hates sitting in a corner for 2 hours, just aiming the CS or the sniper rifle at a marker and farming kills. Or getting marker killed as a cop, becauce sometimes I like to play the other side as well.
  3. 06.02.2021 Robbing stores (3) ::: ::: 06.02.2021 Robbing stores (3) ::: ::: 06.02.2021 Robbing stores (3) ::: :::
  4. 01.02.2021 Robbing stores (3) ::: ::: 01.02.2021 Robbing stores (3) ::: ::: 01.02.2021 AA sultan convoy ::: :::
  5. 29.01.2021 Robbing stores (3) + dropping the VIP ::: ::: 29.01.2021 Robbing stores (4) + dropping the VIP ::: :::
  6. 27.01.2021 Robbing stores (3) ::: ::: 27.01.2021 Robbing stores (3) + dropping the VIP ::: ::: 28.01.2021 Assisting UE in BR LV 29.01.2021 Assisting ThC in BR BC
  7. 26.01.2021 Assisting B~B in BR LV 26.01.2021 Assisting B~B in BR SF 26.01.2021 Assisting B~B in BR LS 26.01.2021 Assisting NavM in BR RC
  8. 25.01.2021 Robbing 3 stores ::: ::: 25.01.2021 Robbing 3 more stores ::: ::: 25.01.2021 Robbing another 3 stores ::: :::
  9. 22.01.2021 Store robs ::: :::
  10. 20.01.2021 Assisting NavM in BR LS 20.01.2021 Robbing stores ::: :::
  11. 14.01.2021 Assisting Z in BR TR
  12. 12.01.2021 Assisting M in bankrob SF
  13. 10.01.2021 Assisting NavM in BR LV 11.01.2021 Robbing stores (3) ::: ::: 11.01.2021 Robbing more stores (3) ::: ::: 11.01.2021 Robbing some more stores (3) ::: ::: 11.01.2021 AA JB ::: ::: 11.01.2021 Even more store robberies (4) ::: :::
  14. 08.01.2021 Robbing stores (3) + 1 vip ::: ::: 08.01.2021 Robbing more stores (3) ::: ::: 08.01.2021 Robbing even more stores (3) ::: :::
  15. 06.01.2021 Assisting X in BR LV
  16. Happy anniversary, slugs!
  17. Happy birthday man!
  18. 26.12.2020 Store robs ::: :::
  19. 25.12.2020 Turf Before After
  20. 22.12.2020 Store robs, VIP ::: ::: 22.12.2020 Assisting B~B Bankrob LS ::: :::
  21. 17.12.2020 Store robberies ::: ::: 17.12.2020 VIP 17.12.2020 More SRs ::: :::
  22. Address: Temple Flat 30 Account name: doris Last seen: 19th September 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. 09.12.2020 Assisting UE in BR SF 09.12.2020 Assisting UE in BR BC 09.12.2020 Assisting B~B in BR TR
  24. 05.12.2020 Store robs ::: :::
  25. 04.12.2020 Assisting Generation X in their event (defending Latinoo)
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