SECTION A 1- **Name:zakaria 2- **Ingame name:BLACK|Cop 3- **Age:20 4- **Sex:male 5- **English proficiency:6/10 6- **Native language:arabic 7- **Other languages:english 8- **Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?:no 9- **When did you start playing SAES/MTA?:2018 10- **Total gameplay (hours): last time i checked it was 320 h 11- **Approx gameplay daily (hours):2-4 h and some days 5-6 h 12- **Average FPS:40-55 13- **Average Ping:60-80 14- **Previous organizations:ICE squad 15- **Are you an active user of Discord?:yes 16- **Have you installed Teamspeak 3:no SECTION B A. **Define our role (FOX):The role of Fox Protect San Andreas and its citizens from everything dangerous B. **Define marker arrest: Marker arresting is to arrest people in the blue market of any building and its not allowed C. **Minimum arresting level:10 stars D. **Point out and define 4 major server rules: 1- speak only english in the main chat 2- death match or revenge its not allowed 3- mark areest its not allowed 4- dont areest any one when you spawn in hospital E. **Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: attempting to roleplay before grants you some kind of respect from the community and since the roleplay is kinda dying off in the server, but some people just like me still enjoys doing that, that's a nice addition in normal patrols. SECTION C I. **Write about yourself in 4 sentences:hello i am zakaria touil from algeria ,a 20 years old i am a forex trader and gamer i have more that 1 year playin in saes server II. **Write your strengths and weaknesses:my strengths are parachuting ,fast areest ,i am good driver and my weaknesses is aiming III. **Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?:Because it is distinguished and respected by everyone and has a good reputation and I want my reputation to be in the right place IV. **Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team:Because I think I have enough skills and a good reputation to raise your reputation even furtherI did not get any notifications before like:admin jail and mute i have only one mute and admin jail and theat befor 1 year ago when i start playin in saes server V. **Do you have any additional information you want to add: i am a old member and i never break the ruls befor and i dont have any problem with any one from saes server By posting this application, you are aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by you, and states nothing but the truth.