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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Date: 17/08/2019 Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots :
  2. Roleplay Number: 334 ROLE PLAY PARTICIPANTS: @The-Company @Garcia1999 STORY: On Friday at 22.30 17/08/2019 Los Santos Roleplay Titel: Smuggling Drug Roleplay Story: its all get started when i got a called from my friend JACK who is a pirate sea smagling drug and arms with his boat around Los Santos and Las Venturas he needed my help to get his last shipment of drugs to his house as all ways bec he was hosting a big party with his brother near the jeff motel, i did take my car the lundicater form the campany base along with ZLATAN for some supp bec its was a heavy shipment, few minut later i reached the beath to start insert the drug in the car trunk, ower mission start in 22:30 bec we are from the campny they know we are the faster when its come to deal with drug and arms also when its come to delivery item's, we arrived to garcia house with the shipment within 5 minutes, i start discussion the prise with ma man ZLATAN and JACK , few min after i get my payment , same to zlatan get the payment for his jobe as guard of the drug, i start unload the car trunk from the shipment and the rest it remains on him. END OF THE STORY ( The-Company )
  3. Date: 16/082019 Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots :
  4. Date: 16/08/2019 Type of activity : LS BR 8/8 Screenshots :
  5. Date: 14/08/2019 Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots :
  6. Date: 13/08/2019 Type of activity : SF BR 8/8 Screenshots :
  7. Date: 13/08/2019 Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots :
  8. Date: 13/08/2019 Type of activity: Turf War Screenshots: ************ Before ************* ************** After *************
  9. Date: 11/08/2019 Type of activity : Ls Br 8/8 Screenshots :
  10. Date: 08/8/2019 Type of activity : LS Bank 8/8 Screenshots :
  11. Date: 08/08/209 Type of activity: Turf War Screenshots: ************ Before ************* ************** After *************
  12. Date: 08/05/2019 Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots :
  13. Username: jokerdz19 Amount Donated: 30.00 GBP Links to all previous donation topics (including archive): https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10064/donation-joker-dz-amount-30-00-gbp Add me to donator group in forum Change my interior ingame from small to medium " Medium interior ID 13 " ( i can show house ingame " El_Bendo house at glenpark " ) Give me Donator Role in discord ( Joker-Dz#9180 )
  14. Date: 07/26/2019 Type of activity : Evning Activity Screenshots :
  15. Date: 07/26/2019 Type of activity : SF Bank 8/8 Screenshots :
  16. Date: 07/26/2019 Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots :
  17. Date: 07/25/2019 Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots :
  18. #751 Event Name : Fallout LWS/G6 : @KARIM Prize : 1.000.000 Winner(s) : Yankata Screenshot(s) : https://imgur.com/a/TE82WVA
  19. Date: 07/23/209 Type of activity: Turf War Screenshots: Before > After >
  20. Ingame name: Smokey aka Joker Username:* jokerdz19 Country of Residence and Nationality: Algerian - Setif - Spoken Language: english 6/10 arabic 10/10 Age: 25 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 03 July 2018 Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: ICE : they start free inviting anyone, also there were some problems there. Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Hello my name is haithem i am 25y old basketball player, i have joined the game around July 2018 with an invite from my friend aka DARCK, we were playing cs source and leading an server there with alot of my friends like Issou,twister,uk... and after like years for doing that we were thinking about changing the game and darck was telling us to try saes server so we tried it and liked it, at the begin we start our career as a crim we learned a lot ingame like general knowledge and a lot of things like meeting new friends like karim and garcia, anyways i was interested to join official gang and i did failed to do that so i change to cop life and i joined ice with darck because i wanted to go where my friends went to. I thought that it gonna fit me, and after like only three weeks i left it and changed to criminal. about rest of my time i was just chilling around with my friends and raising money & imporving my general skills at shooting,driving and that such of things.
  21. Joker -
  22. Vehicle 1: Modded glendale like this https://i.imgur.com/dlzw7Rp.png Location: Location will be shown ingame Username: jokerdz19 color: #C41717 Vehicle 2: Maverick Location: Location will be shown ingame Username: jokerdz19 color: #C41717 Vehicle 3: Shamal Location: Location will be shown ingame Username: jokerdz19 color: #C41717 Also 3m ingame Donator spawn Spawn icon at my shamal Small interior Number 7 house will be shown ingame*
  23. This is an automated post TXN ID: 40T00446BY0910137 Donation: 30.00 GBP Requested rewards: Please edit this post and add your requested rewards
  24. Date: 13/01/2019 Type of activity : helping 2 allies in turfing @CripZ~ and @OverdoseCrime Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/eG1tKfC
  25. Date: 13/01/2019 Type of activity : Meeting with allies @cripZ~ Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/Lnm6JLd
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