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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. ^[] Date: 11/11/2019 Type of activity : SF BR 8/8 Screenshots : ^[] Type of activity : LV BR 8/8 Screenshots : ^[ ] Type of activity : Evening Activity Screenshots : ^[]
  2. ^[] Date: 10/11/2019 Type of activity : TR BR 8/8 Screenshots : ^[] Type of activity : RC BR 8/8 Screenshots : ^[ ] Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots : ^[]
  3. ^[] Date: 08/11/2019 type of activity: Turf War Screenshots: Before: ^[] After: ^[] Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots : ^[]
  4. ^[] Date: 07/11/2019 Type of activity : SF BR 8/8 Screenshots : ^[] Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots : ^[]
  5. ^[] Date: 07/11/2019 Type of activity : LV BR 8/8 Screenshots : ^[] Type of activity : Evening Activity Screenshots : ^[] type of activity: Turf War Screenshots: Before: ^[] After: ^[]
  6. ^[] Date: 06/11/2019 Type of activity : SF BR 8/8 Screenshots : ^[] Type of activity : Evening Activity Screenshots : ^[]
  7. ^[] Date: 05/11/2019 Type of activity : LV BR 8/8 Screenshots : ^[] Type of activity : SF BR 7/8 Screenshots : ^[] Type of activity : Evening Activity Screenshots : ^[]
  8. ^[] Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots : ^[]
  9. ^[] Date: 03/11/2019 Type of activity : SF BR 8/8 Screenshots : ^[] Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots : ^[] ==================================================================================== ^[] #824 Event Name : Lucky Rhino LWS/G6 : @Blu Prize : 1.000.000 Winner(s) : @Hero Screenshot(s) : https://imgur.com/a/TvymUfp ^[] ^[]
  10. ^[] Date: 02/11/2019 Type of activity : LS BR 8/8 Screenshots : ^[] Date: 03/11/2019 Type of activity : LV BR 8/8 Screenshots : ^[] Type of activity : Evening Activity Screenshots : ^[]
  11. ^[] Date: 02/11/2019 Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots : ^[] type of activity: Turf War Screenshots: Before: ^[] After: ^[]
  12. Date: 01/11/2019 Type of activity : LS BR 8/8 Screenshots : ^[ ] Type of activity : LV BR 8/8 Screenshots : ^[ ] Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots : ^[ ] type of activity: Turf War Screenshots: Before: ^[] After: ^[]
  13. ^[] Date: 30/10/2019 Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots : ^[ ] ^[ ] type of activity: Turf War Screenshots: Before: ^[] After: ^[]
  14. Date: 30/10/2019 Type of activity : LS BR 8/8 Screenshots : Type of activity : SF BR 8/8 Screenshots : Type of activity : Evening Activity Screenshots :
  15. Date: 29/10/2019 Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots :
  16. Date: 28/10/2019 Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots : Type of activity : Turf War Screenshots : Befor: After:
  17. Roleplay Number: #356 @Casper said in CripZ | Media Archive Roleplay Number: #357 RolePlay: made By Smokey Participants: @joker-dz(Smokey) @Casper In cooperation with: The-Company @CripZ Story: On Friday evening at 06.30 25/10/2019 Between los santos & Tierra Rubada Roleplay Titel: smuggling arms and another equipment to our allies in los santos city Roleplay Story: i was in my base with my gangmates kinda chilling after a big party with my friedns after a successful mission represented in industry a havey shipment of a new durg product to our customers in los santos city there was nothing else to do for the evening, it was free time for me after i finished the tasks i have to deal with in the day, i did grab my key car to take a ride on the road to the beach i used to do this to clear my mind and smoke some weed in a quiet place suddenly i did remember that our gang cripz did request some arms and equipment from the company for late night mission that we are planning to do, i called taffy to give me information about this deal and who should i connect to finish it up sadly all my knowledge members from the company were at a big mission to hunt a rat he attend auction undercover and leak information about it to police headquarters, so i asked taffy to set up a meeting with smokey or even just a phone call to make things clear and transfer our equipment that we did request days ago to cripz base i was on my way to tierra rubada in another sense the company headquarters operation to attend the mission by myself after i manage to talk with smokey in the phone and he was expect me to arrive in any time, he told me it was taking so long because the company was having a hard time to complete several tasks the schedule was busy, u can't imagine how but in the other side our deal with the crips as organization was in the phone none of them arrived to attend it so we left it in another day, fifteen minutes later i arrived the company base, smokey was there seting up the vans for the trasfer, i was looking around checking things in this wonderful base actually it was my first time to inter it so i let my self chilling around until smokey and his team accomplish loading the vans with the amrs and equipment, took him less than i did expect because they have experience in this field they were the best when it come to smuggling things from point to point with no trouble at least,we headed back to crips base to unload the vans and setting up the boxes in the hideout warehouse where they will be used in the mission that we have tonight, there was free time after we finish this task with less time that we have, so i spend it with ma man smokey here chilling around drinking some tea on turkish style, after a little time he was moving on back to his place to accomplish another task so i shared with him a bag of weed to smoke it later in the night as a good intention and the mission accomplished with success Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. Date: 25/10/2019 Type of activity : TR BR 8/8 Screenshots : Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots : type of activity: Turf War Screenshots: Before: After:
  19. Happy Birthday @RadiO
  20. Date: 24/10/2019 Type of activity : TR BR 8/8 Screenshots : Type of activity : BC BR 8/8 Screenshots : Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots : type of activity: Turf War Screenshots: Before After
  21. Date: 23/10/2019 Type of activity : SF BR 8/8 Screenshots : Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots : Type of activity : Turf War Screenshots : Before After
  22. Date: 23/10/2019 Type of activity : BC BR 8/8 Screenshots : Type of activity : Evening Activity Screenshots :
  23. Date: 22/10/2019 Type of activity : SF BR 8/8 Screenshots : Type of activity : TR BR 8/8 Screenshots : Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots :
  24. Happy birthday @NORI999 L39oba L 1200Sna Fatek Tran Ta3 Zwaj mes @Sniper Hna ywasik Thala Fih ;)
  25. Date: 19/10/2019 Type of activity : TR BR 8/8 Screenshots : Type of activity : BC BR 8/8 Screenshots : Type of activity : Night Activity Screenshots :
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