Application Type: SAHA
Your ingame username: adamman00
Your ingame alias: Getaway
Your real name: Adam
Your DOB: 25/12/00 00:00
Your gender: Male
Nationality: Swedish
Country of residence: Sweden
Language skills: Swedish 9/10
English Proficiency: i would probably say 7-8/10 as i understand most of the english talked to me but perhaps not good at writing it as some people 🙂
How long you have been playing: I have been playing since 2013-2014, and i have been on and off as player as i been busy IRL an stuff etc
Your strengths: My Strengths i would say is i can explain alot how an RPG server work etc and how to go foward as a new player as i have been playing MTA so much and know how things works and been a new player myself once.
Your weaknesses: My biggest weaknesses i would think is my english skills.
Member of the SAES discord server: Yes
Reason for application: My reason for application is that i think that i can do some changes in this community and i believe in myself as player that this is possible in every server.
Unique qualities you can offer: To be honest i don't think i can offer more than being honest and being myself as player and helpful of course.
Server Memberships: F.B.I, PC, BRINKS HQ, SAM, GXT and SAI
Additional information: My name is Adam , live in sweden 23 yr old, born 25 december 2000, living with my dog and always doing my best at work and trying to solve problem even if i dont know how to solve them myselfs sometime.i just try to do the best i can.. Comming up with new ideas and master of always helping out and never leave a anyone behind, who asks for help shall receive it.
Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Not that i know off.
Previous (legitimate) bans: Not that i know off.