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SAES Retired
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About Tombaa

  • Birthday 30/07/1994

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Community Answers

  1. Tombaa


    Obviously fake
  2. lul nope
  3. This might've been a mistake
  4. I mean it technically works already, just not properly (yet)
  5. The best change
  6. @NanoBob you simp
  7. Hello everyone, I would like to welcome some new additions to the clan! Congratulations to the latest abuse victims, Honer112 and ILLUSION, feel free to contact them in-game for all your administration needs! @Honer112 @ILLUSION Yours truly, the best SAES HQ Member ever -Tombaa
  8. @MacBoy said in It has to stop... >:(: Like it really does. Its crazy how ruthless cops be doing me dirty. Jus chill for once, would ya? https://youtu.be/JD9a8Sv-Rn0 They're just trying to make you feel at home considering you're from the States
  9. @XpookS said in Hello Tombaa happy birthday: Happy birthday come sing to me please. You were supposed to sing to me
  10. Oh you ain't fucking me over @Howlze, 13m
  11. @Keo hahaha Ur mother looks like she eated Couscous and animals shits before she gave birth to you
  12. The deagle has been reverted now. The c bug is still patched though, but keep in mind that if anyone finds and starts abusing a new bug with the deagle, we wont hesitate to bring the patch back.
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