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Everything posted by Horizonts

  1. seems funny +1
  2. **Refueling Gas Stations** Before: ::: () ::: After: ::: () :::
  3. Feliz Cumpleaos Mr. Nicus!!
  4. Merry Christmas guys!!
  5. Application Format Nickname: horizonts Age: 20 Country: Colombia Languages spoken: Spanish, English. From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 8/10 How long have you been playing on SAES: I joined this community back in 2013, so almost 6 years. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: AA started being a normal street gang with a small difference between others, they showed who they are with their actions, taking what they want by any means and without letting any explication. Their main purpose is to have the biggest and strong reputation around, dealing with weapons is a merely excuse to have it, but at the end they became known for this reason. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): -TBMC: My first gang back in 2013 It used to be a biker gang the bread MC (I think) leaded by a guy called hamidou. On that time no one wanted to give me a chance of joining a gang and then, this guy came a gave an opportunity I thought it was a good start point of my saes career. Sadly, I had to left because I didnt feel comfortable with them. -LMN: After leaving TBMC I meet a guy called DreamZ he taught me a lot about the server the rules, the meaning of role play, and a lot of stuffs, at the end he convinced me to apply for the gang. It used to be a good gang and I had a lot of fun playing with these guys but one day Lixil got banned and the leader ship of the gang became unstable, after that the members of the gang left (including me) and the gang got closed. -MMC: When LMN got closed I kept gangless for some time and then without knowing anyone on the gang I joined MMC. I took this decision because I like the MCS role play, mainly the road trips that they made. On this gang back in 2014 I got kicked for inactivity for a reason, I lost my interest on playing MTA. -TC: When I came back to the MTA, meet a cunt called Kybalion, he used to be the member of a new gang (at least for me) called Texas Cartel, then I started to hang with them and an idea of being part of the cows raised on me, so I made my application and joined them. For me this one is still the best gang on the server, but one day millionarie decided to close it. -UE: TC got closed, then UE HQs made us an offer. They wanted to invite the lvl 3 members of the gang for our alliance back in time, so I decided to join them for one reason; most of the member of TC accepted that proposal, and I thought that it was going to be the same as TC. I spent some time with them and Im still being thankful for that invite, but I didnt feel good there because as I said, I thought it was going to be the same as TC, but it wasnt, so I decided to leave. -THC: On my gangless time I started to hang a with some RDMCs (robles, perro and gonza), they applied to ThC and wanted me to join them too. What I saw on ThC was a solid gang and a bright future there, so I made a try and joined them. I left ThC for their instability. The leadership wasnt clear, everyone there where trying to be the leader while the real one didnt want to take the responsibility and left a new guy in charge, that happen a lot and I got bored of that and another few things, so I left. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: None. Before the next questions, I will give a small summary of the rules, Enjoy the game and dont be stupid. For me that words could replace the hole panel. Name 3 BR rules: -The most important one Dont Br Alone I saw a lot of gangs getting demoted for breaking this simple rule thats why it is the most important one. Dont spawn as cop to ruin gangs Brs, or lack information about it A gang only can do two Brs per day. Name 3 GR rules: -Dont spawn as a special class to help on Grs -Spawn killing is not allowed -Dont Gr alone Name 3 Turf rules: -Dont stay on an unclimbable roof -You are only allowed to use hospital spawn or your gang one -If someone is killed while a turf war is taking place it doesnt count as deathmatch What is Roleplay?: Talking, moving and acting like u think than your character would do on a real scenario. We make this always with a simple action, taking part of one side between three possible options: criminal, police or civilian, when you push the spawn bottom this experience start. What is Deathmatching?: Killing people without any reason. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: Reporting him is the smartest thing on this situation. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Nothing, rules are clear. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Yes, Kybalion, Seervio, Tupac, Licano, Rubik, Yoko, Siirtuga(I used to fight with him for properties), terry on DDT and candy.. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): My name is Diego, Im on my third year studying economy, I like to spend time with my friends playing games, watching movies and hanging with them. On MTA, I been gangless for a while and noticed that the game gets boring by playing alone, thats why I want to be part of this gang, Ive sharing some time with some members and I noticed that my desire of playing is back.
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