You have 80 unused donation points. You can have 8 more donation vehicles.
If you ever return to be active again, to request the donation rewards of this donation topic, you'll have to create a reward change topic in order to request them. If you do this, include in your reward change topic the link to this donation topic. Don't forget to update your donation points balance topic too, with all your donation topics and your current amount of donation points.
If you don't have a donation points balance topic then you need to create one. If you already have one then ignore this last thing. Leaving here some links regarding to what I explained: <~ (HERE TO CREATE A REWARD CHANGE TOPIC). <~ (HERE HOW TO CREATE A REWARD CHANGE TOPIC AND ITS FORMAT). <~ (HERE YOU'LL FIND YOUR DONATION POINTS BALANCE TOPIC. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ONE, CREATE ONE. IF YOU ALREADY HAVE ONE THEN ONLY UPDATE IT IF YOU DIDN'T YET). <~ (HERE HOW TO CREATE A DONATION POINTS BALANCE TOPIC, ONLY IN CASE YOU DON'T HAVE ONE).