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Everything posted by King

  1. Roleplay #375 @Sanfara said in Texas Rangers - Media Archive: Roleplay #13 Roleplay type: Kidnapping Location: Whestone Participant(s): @LopeZz @King @Beckham @Olivier @sanfara Screenshots: ::: so we was making some statewide patrol around Whestone when we had a call from WPD that there is a criminal who kidnapped a white man aged 24 years old near the gaz station, so we went to the scene place and decided to start investigating. luckly some of the people saw the whole thing so we asked them where did the kidnapper went,after that we decided to folow the way he took. in our pursuit we saw a black car driving in a weird way so we decided to follow it with a secret way, after that the car stopped near a small cabbin and the driver aimed on the passenger with a large gun and order him to get out and follow him. after we saw all this we decided to rush in and take out the crimianl and save the victem, in the cabin we could hear the voice of the victem screaming there. i decided to use the megaphone to give the criminal a chance to surrend ~[''This is Texas Rangers Force you under arrest for kidnapping!, please leave the cabin and put your hands in the air where we could see them.'']~(pink) unfortunally we had to rush in becaause the criminal did not respond, we aimed at the door and took a deffense wall to cover with it. Another armed guy just came out from no where so i told my friend to take care of the kidnapper and i had to follow the other one and arrest him,i had to shoot him with a electric shot in his leg cz he didn't stop, he was on the ground so i went there and aimed at him and told him do not move. after that we took them post to the Police Departement where they will stay at the prison for a long time
  2. Patrol #1143 Personal Patrol #8 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 40 mins ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/HMWSGCj
  3. Patrol #1142 Personal Patrol #7 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 35 mins ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/U3r3ZNj
  4. ^[Assisting at TT BR] ::: :::
  5. Roleplay #372 - Fake money laundering Roleplay with: @Undisputed-Command Participants: Me and @Leks Story: So great time to make some deals with others gang and we choiced Undisputed Command for that. 11 April King and Leks decided to make a deal with the money fraud to do this, we decided to meet each other and discuss all the details together with Leks at the Undisputed Command base. Leks had fake money and we decided to go to the casino to win and withdraw even more money while I had already a ready plan on how to win. Then we went to the casino and began to translate the plan into reality. After the first three successful winnings, we started raising money and achieved a very large amount of the money. After casino staff began to notice that this fake money, we decided to quickly get out of there and take from the terminal the money that we won dishonestly. After the withdrawal of money, we divided them in half and parted each according to his own affairs. Screens: https://imgur.com/a/nARvqA1
  6. Roleplay #371 @WenDo said in Medellin - Media Archive: Count: #50 Story: You want to pull us off? It's been a great day so far, the deals were going good and smooth. So the boss decide to go with his good friend in a Casino. They went there and had a lot of fun, but after some time they started only to lose. They noticed that something must be posed. After losing more than 100.000$ they got mad, made a plan and went to the boss of the Casino. They killed a security guard and toke the boss, he showed them where the van is that delivers the money to the casino, they killed him and got away with the truck. They split the money at the Medellin Warehouse and went home. Location: Las Venturas, Red Country Attendants: @Dzmo, @Genius, @King Date: 10/04/2020 Screens: ::: :::
  7. ^[The midddle of a day the members from The Company were turfing Tierra Robada&Bone country] Before: After:
  8. Patrol #1138 Personal Patrol #6 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 50 mins ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/vtIfrXO
  9. #896 Event Name: Chicken Shooter LWS/G6/CEO: @SAFP-Carl Winner: @Hash Price: ~[1.000.000$]~(green) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OolOZit
  10. Assisting at TT BR ::: :::
  11. ^[Turfing BC/TR] Before: After:
  12. Patrol #1136 Personal Patrol #5 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 1 hour ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/L6L6DSx
  13. Ingame name: King Account name: theking01 G/S/C Membership: The Company Why would you like to join our party?: Well, I like this party as I see the future being in it. New Development is trying to do different types of things to improve SAES community and SAES Government in general. That's why I would like to be a part of this party to help rise up and become more famous and strong. I also like the idea of this party that seems quite interesting for myself.
  14. Roleplay #368 Roleplay with: @Global-Express-Trucking-Company Participants: King, Chuey, @Reus and @kAsTyA Story: April 5th, members of The Company still sleeping after nightly turfs. I agreed on a deal yesterday with a transporting company from the San Fierro aka Global Express Trucking which is engaged in the transportation of various cargo. According to the classics of the genre, I asked him to transport the food in the car in which our weapons were hidden. This morning, I and Chuey sat at the base and drank delicious coffee, and suddenly it dawned on me to call this company to refute our deal. After I dialed them they said they would send a driver to our warehouse whose name was Reus. Going down to the garage with Chuey, started the car and drove to our warehouse where actually we met with Reus. After we explained our scheme of transporting weapons, Reus began smoking and monitoring the situation around while myself and Chuey started loading weapons from the warehouse and loading them into the car. We loaded the car, explained to the driver how to go, Reus drove first and we rode behind, guarded the van. Having already left the city of Las Venturas, we heard a policeman's aka Carson.Ross who asked us to cuddle to the right side, sharpened and drown out the car. Well, here, as usual, polls began, he showed a warrant to inspect the car. He climbed inside the body, he still found a weapon and with a displeased face Carson.Ross asked for a license for the weapon as if knowing that it didnt exist forever. Well, Reus got into the car to distract the cop, supposedly looking for documents at that moment while the cop was standing with his back to me and waiting. Without thinking for a long time, taking out a gun, I shot him directly in the forehead and killed Carson.Ross, hiding the traces of death. The driver was a little scared, because he did not expect such developments, but in the end we arrived at our base and I thanked the driver financially, he, of course, was more than satisfied. Screens: https://imgur.com/a/V7D5xmj
  15. ^[The evening activity]
  16. Patrol #1134 Personal Patrol #4 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 35 mins ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/msre1du
  17. Roleplay #366 Roleplay with: @San-Andreas-Federal-Police Participants: King, @DocPizza, @LightSide, @Vanja, @Glayd Story: A very interesting and positive evening of the end of the week for the members from The Company. Started discussing our successful week, the turfs which we won against our enemies and successfully obtained illegal weapons that we managed to hide well from the cops. Then suddenly a call to the base, my gangmates were excited a bit, since we did not expect anyone to come us, the guys went out to check who is there and that was the local policeman from SAFP his name was Glayd who showed us a warrant to inspect our base. The guys were a little excited, because we had illegal weapons at the base, but we behaved as if nothing had happened. Well, the policeman went inside and started asking us if we had drugs at our base or weapons to which I answered him - of course not. Smiling Glayd said let's check and he started checking from the garage. After examining the garage and lounge, he decided to go further. Glayd has already checked the floor of the base, went around all the rooms that could only be and was ready to go back as soon as it occurred to him to check the most secret and hidden room from everyone. At first, Glayd could not find her, but in the end he still found it. Entering the room I wanted to smoke and I took out my favorite cigarettes at the moment when my friend DocPizza had a conversation with Glayd. After he discovered a weapon such as M4 and some of AK-47 for which Glayd asked for a license which we did not have. Not having time to finish a cigarette, I saw that Glayd took out the phone and wanted to call reinforcements. DocPizza quickly took out his weapon and began asking Glayd to put the phone in its place. Loud cries about the arrest and life sentence Glayd started talking after which he was simply killed. And in the end, DocPizza told him, never even think to deal with The Company as you will regret doubly. Screens: https://imgur.com/a/yYswfOW
  18. Roleplay #365 Roleplay with: @Organization-Zero Participants: King and @M9co Story: After the night war around Bone Country I got quite tired pretty much and in the morning I hardly got out of bed and the first thing that I did it was repaing my favorite car because lately the suspension has already begun to break down. I was lying under a car and twisting a nut, when my phone rang and of course my boss aka Adistar called me early morning. Another deal with weapons was close to fulfill it. This time, Organization Zero asked us to get good and high-quality weapons, according to the same scheme as with all other gangs. The problem was only one thing, Adistar told me over the phone, the keys to the car in which the weapons are located in the local police departmentasked. Last night, said Adistar, he prepared the weapon, mixing it with food (specially for intercity posts) and left it near our spare house, for further actions. After I got a call from unknown number that introduced himself as "M9c0" who told me what he will be near me in 5 minutes and will help me in everything. About an hour later, having developed a plan, we drove to the local police station to secretly get there, pick up the keys to the car and transport weapons. As soon as we got inside, all the police were at dinner and we were lucky, while I was looking for the key, M9co carefully monitored the situation. Having found the key, we ran out and left at a fast pace, on the way I called Adistar and asked our further actions, to which he answered - wait till I send you SMS with location of car. As soon as I received a message with the address, we went to that place to pick up the car. Having arrived almost to the destination, I left my car in a parking place and we went up to the house like ordinary citizens on foot. Checking if everything was in place, we went to the base of Organization Zero to sell them weapons and fill their warehouse. After some time, we finally arrived, drove into the warehouse and began to sort out weapons and unload them from the car. After a successful unloading, M9co began to lay out weapons on the shelves, and at that moment I looked and waited for him to do everything. In the end, the next transaction was successful, Organization Zero is ready for the next war. shaking hands with each other, I went on to do my business wishing good luck to M9co. Screens: https://imgur.com/a/53JMTI1
  19. ^[The evening activity] ^[Assisting at TT BR] ::: :::
  20. ^[Assisting at LE BR] ::: :::
  21. An old town of San Andreas ::: https://imgur.com/a/gNltQM8 :::
  22. ::: https://imgur.com/a/UPGod8q :::
  23. Some photos of an ancient architecture of Tierra Robbada ::: https://imgur.com/a/wUoAAqG :::
  24. Patrol #1130 Personal Patrol #3 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 1 hour ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/6iknqo3
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