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Everything posted by Siper_

  1. @Zwolle fix the pictures mate
  2. Hbd. You are 1 year closer to death now....
  3. why complain when you can get easy stats right there...
  4. I highly believe the problem is at cops, not at the criminals let me quote my post. This is my point of view why cop activity is dropping: I just think the problem is at the cops self, at my time, me being in SAPA cop time was lit af. More action more roleplays/friendly friends. Nowadays every squad turned into SWAT, arresting with-out binds, are not following your own made squad rules, arresting criminals with 1 wanted stars. This can be easily changed if the squad leaders will look at it again. Why are not we making the server great again? #NoCopNoFun
  5. Make headshot viewable on killing logs, something like this took example from CS GO;
  6. Denied
  7. This is my point of view why cop activity is dropping: I just think the problem is at the cops self, at my time, me being in SAPA cop time was lit af. More action more roleplays/friendly friends. Nowadays every squad turned into SWAT, arresting with-out binds, are not following your own made squad rules, arresting criminals with 1 wanted stars. This can be easily changed if the squad leaders will look at it again. Why are not we making the server great again? #NoCopNoFun
  8. It's on bug atm, @Brophy is aware of it will get fixed very soon
  9. @Ikzelf said in SoA VS GJMC - Meme War: this topic needs a dislike button Indeed so I could dislike your post
  10. Hello @Bart, thanks for your apologizes and contrubition. Even tough it looks a bit that you're coming clean after the recent events we still would like to accept your apology. I also would like to clear the "editing part". The edited video was the only evidence we had of the situation as yours had been deleted at the time. If it causes a bit of confusing sorry for it, we did not have any other evidence to present it at the time. In the end the topic will not be deleted by us it will be a great settle point to reflect to here once actions like this repeat itself not only by you or other community members. Once again thank you for your apology.
  11. I almost requested his props....
  12. Address: 11 brown street Account name: sttr3t Last seen : 22 march Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Just being honest, this would increase the roleplay amount around the server. We should get this voicechat in a partychat only, where you've to push to talk. You should be able to turn the whole voicechat off by the M pannel.
  14. @Patrick said in Script to make DM thing clear.: Good example @Bartman , maybe it is easier to just disable the tazer for a couple seconds after being 1 minute on the same spot without any movement (afk). Nah, the only solution to fix this crab problem is; you should be free to kill any cop in your 10 meter zone.
  15. @Generation-X Skin shader(s) are done. ::: :::
  16. I hope it has a multiplayer function tho :/
  17. Hi, here you can see the samples of my skin designs, if you would like to have a skin/shader just send me a private msg on either discord (Siper#4037) or at forums. ::: ::: Note: I do make the skins for money, but for very cheap.
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