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Everything posted by Siper_

  1. Bazuka and siper return?
  2. Hi, I would like to share a note from my side as well, The story started at 14 February 2020 with Bazuka, Petrow, Krecik, me and Lincoln; We started the gang just because we wanted to try something else new out, and we made the gang for the fun, basically we never thought about getting serious at the start anyway till we got accepted for level 1, I was so happy back then(I can tell I was way happier back then when we got accepted at level 1 rather than getting accepted at level 5). We had many dropouts at the start, I personally wanted to close back then at level 1 but Bazuka refused to do he said he would fix it right up, well he did. We came with an idea, and we said, WHAT IF we get the Europeans in the afternoon for the activity and in the night the Latinos. So the gang would run 24/24 would make it extremely hard to AFK turf NavM. It got right after we found out Sneiken at the server chilling with his friends started with him and grew up to a whole unstoppable army Really thankful to the ones who supported navm, without the support we never would have been here <3 @Underground-Empire LV is yours now :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QI1XKkhmMo The first activity with NavM
  3. Add this shit blz
  4. Love ya'll
  5. Hbd panda we love you, have a nice one
  6. Address: Flint Country Oil Refinary Account name: jaycee2015 Last seen: 18th January 2021 Screenshots:
  7. Hbd somali
  8. Best latino cracker. Happy birthday men!
  9. /disable <chat name >
  10. @brophy said in The most hated group, your opinion?: @fenter said in The most hated group, your opinion?: @SAES-HQ-Leader @Navy-Malistrip @SAES-HQ
  11. Siper_


    :monkey: group
  12. Hbd latino lider
  13. Does this have a possibility, @SAES-Developer?
  14. Address: Stays milk store Account name: omarharb Last seen: 8 th August Screenshots: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/741758622157242488/752289686059221012/IMG_20200907_011405.jpg
  15. Address: Red County nigger shack Account name: cimba12 Last seen: 06 august 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lETOt76
  16. Hbd cunt
  17. @xDarkMan said in Introducing SAEScon - Amsterdam 2021: Be ready, I'll kidnap all the people there and ask Brophy for in-game cash and of course the ownership. when I take SAES ownership I'll ban Daryl Oh dearr
  18. ty @Lincoln /bind e war
  19. Those FPS drops are just hella annoying, I rather like to log in in at least 2 mins...
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