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Everything posted by Memo

  1. Personal Info Username:Memo Account name:Memo7 Age:19 Nationality:england Languages:english You have discord ? :yes sure Tell us about yourself:my name is memo and i life in ebgland and i like player saesrpg.uk and i dont have brother in real life and i have 19 years old and i like playing football and i love policeman bec it hard woek and nice lol and i dont go to school bec i play football. In-Game Experience How long you play SAES/RPG:2years How long you play MTA:5years How long you play every day:5-6 hours English skills (1-10):9 RP skills (1-10) :8 Do you have Procop Diploma:no Previous Gang/Squad/Company:N/A Why did you leave:N/A Have ever been banned before:N/A Reason for ban:N/A Information : Your strengths:i am good player and i am good at driving cars and bikes and i am good at drving heli and i am good at arressting and i am very active and i am good at shooting weapons like (m4...-sniper....) and i am respect all in server maturity and I believe my strongest trait is my working with people very well in a way where I use the strengths of each individual in a team to produce the best results because of my easy going personality,I have have been told by my firects that it's easy approach me. Why did you decide to join our squad:NSWC is a strong and pro squad and it was great in the old days and it's still great until now and i was have past exprince in squads and as a cop too and i think that i know most of places in SAES so if you told me to respond to a turf war maybe let's say at the big ear then i will know the place , etc.... Explain why we should accept you:bec iam good player and i am activity and i respect all players in game and i am know all rules and ii dont have ban or adminjail and i have good skills and i am good at arressting and i am very loyal. Who Recommended you to apply in NSWC:noone Rules: Did you read the F1 rules :yes Are you allowed to arrest/kill in Hospital:no Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events? :no Are you allowed to camp in jail ? :no Explain what is marker arrest:Marker arrest is to wait for a criminal to enter an interoir then arrest him because he will be unable to move or react. Explain what is deathmatch :Death-matching is the act of where one player goes up to another player and kills them without reason or cause. This is usually done where a civilian kills another civilian or a criminal killing a cop who isn't chasing them. Explain what is parking arrest: use your cars to arrssting players like when you stop on person and out and arressting him and it not allowed. Explain N.S.W.C .rules 8:dont arressting members squad bec it wrong like FBI andf SAFP and FOX and ICE and if you did thats you will get punished. Explain N.S.W.C. rules 13:if you meet players have 10 stars you must give him bribe and dont arresste him and yo0u must arressting 10+ .
  2. Application Format Ingame name:kamal Real name:kamal Age:14 Gender:male Nationality:egypt Languages spoken:english and arabic Previous G/S/C (Why did you leave/get kicked):hrmc mm i left bec i was want be policeman but after my hope damaged i back again Explain what is our role in your own words:HRMC have a good shope and good best quality of weapons and HRMC sell guns too and the are Mechanics thay can fix any thing in all SA and thay dont do any wrong and thay have arms dealing shop and HRMC love drive bike freeway and thay not good much in drive cars What does MC stand for:Motorcycle What does an 1%er MC mean:mean Outlaw MC Who is the founder of HRMC:franklin Why would you like to join HRMC:HRMC nice and good Gang and soon will be bester gang and HRMC is active and mature and my passion is in the MCs and there is nothing better then a motorcycle brothers and it have good members and i love driving bike freeway and i will help it with all my skills and i hope join HRMC Why should we accept you:i am activity and i have good skills like driving RP and shooting and i respect members of HRMC and i love HRMC and i like driving freeway and i hope join HRMC ( i am sorry for all ) Did anyone recommend you to make an application for HRMC:noone Post a picture of an motorcycle bike aka chopper down below:https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmaisto.files.wordpress.com%2F2010%2F08%2Fmaisto_bike_03.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmaisto.wordpress.com%2Ftag%2F60-freeway%2F&docid=sFkku7NCmAi-qM&tbnid=PmdX3gyVj_nr1M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjplorr1pjgAhXvgM4BHdt2BLMQMwiYAShRMFE..i&w=513&h=340&bih=657&biw=1024&q=motorcycle FREEWAY&ved=0ahUKEwjplorr1pjgAhXvgM4BHdt2BLMQMwiYAShRMFE&iact=mrc&uact=8
  3. Application Format : Nickname :Kamal Username :Kamal Since when do you play SAES:RPG :Since 2016 Current gang/squad/company :gang:HRMC Current Groups :Cluck-Gea Who are the Founders of SaS :Ganja-Karma Which division are you applying for :Acting Division Why did you choose this division : mmm i think bec i am good at Acting Division and i like this divison and it Cool and i will do hard work with this Divion and i will show my skills. Who is the leader of the Actors Division :karma Who is the leader of The Producers Division :ganja Why do you want to join San Andreas Studios :bec it good group and nice group and it have good members and i love it and it have nice Divison and it allready will be good group and i like my job in SAS ( Acting Division) Why did you choose the Actors division :is allready answerd Why should we accept you :bec i am good player and i will do alot of RPs postting in SAS andi like my job and i am active player and i like this group and i like this members Group and i am loyal players. Anything you want to add :yes some thing for myself : my name is Kamal and i life in egypt and i can speake arabic and english and my age 14. - and i want add good luck SAS and i hope to join it and i hope it be good group.
  4. **Nickname, account name, age, weakness and strenghts all classical stuff (3 lines min- 5 max) :**Nickname:Kamal - account name:Kamal - age:14 -weakness:FPS when i am in game i was have big lag but not Always - sternghts:i am good at driving cars and i am really actvity and driving bikes like free way and i am good at RPing and shooting and driving heli and i am patient and i am Respectable and i like people and i am good at flying and parashooting and i know rules server. **What is our role :**well,TF role is to do legal or illegal activities it don't metter but the most importent thing is to reach there goals **Why shall we accept you:**bec i have good skills and I have a really good experience In SAES, and i will do alot of RP s and i am activity and i am good player Reasons to apply: Bec i love TF and TF activity and i love members TF all my friend. **What agency you would like to join if you get in:**get in the TG aka The Ghosts agency.
  5. In-game name:kamal Account name:kamal Age:14 Gender:male Country of residency:egypt From how long are you playing SAES:3 years Since when are you playing GTA:SA4 years How well do you speak English?:8/10 What all languages can you speak other than English?:arabic Tell us something about yourself:my name is Kamal and i life in egypt and i have 14 years old andi have 1 brother and i like player mta- seas.rpg and i like player football and i can speake english and arabic List few of your strengths and weaknesses:my strengths : i am good at driving cars and bikes and heli and i am good at shooting and i am good at Submit order to people and i am good at RPs - my weaknesses : FBS Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them:N/A Have you been ban or warned by any admin in the last 1 year if yes, Explain Why?n/a Why do you want to join Cluckin' Bell?:bec it a good group and have nice members and i like pizza poy and i like selling pizza and Cluck is really having the concept of positive group with respectful people. What can you offer Cluckin' bell?:I'm not the best player at all, but i'm trying to be really good guy helping other players, so i can bring my positive and help Cluckin bell in any kind of all i can What do you expect in return from Cluckin' Bell?Activitys and posts in media archive and RPs Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and Cluckin' Bell rules?:Yes Who are Cluckin' bell's founders?:Tapi and Rainy ofc What is Cluckin' bell's Motto?:Eat till you say, "No please".
  6. @Amine-s bro HQ+ HRMC cant invite you, you must do apply first and good luck.
  7. thanks guys
  8. Application Format Ingame name:kamal Real name:kamal Age:14 Gender:male Nationality:egypt Languages spoken:english and arabic Previous G/S/C (Why did you leave/get kicked):none Explain what is our role in your own words:HRMC have a good shope and good best quality of weapons and HRMC sell guns too and the are Mechanics thay can fix any thing in all SA and thay dont do any wrong and thay have arms dealing shop and HRMC love drive bike freeway and thay not good much in drive cars What does MC stand for:Motorcycle What does an 1%er MC mean:mean HRMC soon or it lvl 1 Who is the founder of HRMC:franklin Why would you like to join HRMC:HRMC nice and good Gang and soon will be bester gang and HRMC is active and mature and my passion is in the MCs and there is nothing better then a motorcycle brothers and it have good members and i love driving bike freeway and i will help it with all my skills and i hope join HRMC Why should we accept you:i am activity and i have good skills like driving RP and shooting and i respect members of HRMC and i love HRMC and i like driving freeway and i hope join HRMC Did anyone recommend you to make an application for HRMC:noone Post a picture of an motorcycle bike aka chopper down below:https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmaisto.files.wordpress.com%2F2010%2F08%2Fmaisto_bike_03.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmaisto.wordpress.com%2Ftag%2F60-freeway%2F&docid=sFkku7NCmAi-qM&tbnid=PmdX3gyVj_nr1M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjplorr1pjgAhXvgM4BHdt2BLMQMwiYAShRMFE..i&w=513&h=340&bih=657&biw=1024&q=motorcycle%20FREEWAY&ved=0ahUKEwjplorr1pjgAhXvgM4BHdt2BLMQMwiYAShRMFE&iact=mrc&uact=8
  10. delete
  11. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 141 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- to police check car we was have alcohol -=(black,red)Story:=- We was heading to LV after we went to LS To get some alcohol from BBMC warehouse and while we was on LS-LV highway a cop told us to pull over on the right side of the road and we did it and he heard that there was some criminal activities in LS so he was suspect that we did one of them so he asked us a few questions and he checked the car and didn't find anything then he checked the car again and when we found that he found the hidden alcohol we aimed with our weapons at him and we killed him then we putted some explosives in his car and we ran away and after a few seconds the cop's car exploded and we found that there was someone watching us and he called the cops and told them about what happened and then the cops was prepare their weapons and cars to chase us..... -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-https://postimg.cc/gallery/21t3u9zvc/
  12. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-140 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-Alcohol supply to Mafia. -=(black,red)Story:=-At the end of the month we had lots of booze left from our deals. And they re not just booze - top notch original liquor. With the help of our contacts we reached some customers but the best offer was from the best of the best. Recently (...) crime family had its reunion and they re throwing a party for it. They wanted five crates of liquor and stated that their own men will come and pick them up. Of course we respect the customer's privacy and accepted it. In the planned hour they arrived our base with a big van. Most of our members were armed and ready at the depot in case of anything unexpected. After a short talk we got straight into business and boom: A suitcase full of greens! Amount is same as stated in phone so we helped them load the crates. They took two crates of scotch, on of gin and two of vodka. Short before leaving they said that they will recommend us to their allies. At the end of the night we were tired but happy. Some bottles should be sacrificed for celebration. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-https://imgur.com/a/O5JDqpZ
  13. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-139 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-to ambush -=(black,red)Story:=-While we was in the bar me and my friend heard that there is a trucker deliver some arms to our hostile gang so we decided to ambush the trucker and kill him and take the arms so me and my friend get in the car and we was heading to LV because we heard that the trucker gonna deliver arms from rockshore east in LV so we decided to wait in there until the trucker take the arms and deliver it to our hostile gang and after the trucker started driving we shoot his wheels and we forced him to stop then we stopped the car and the trucker headed out from the car and he was begging us to do not kill him and we killed him and took the arms from the truck to our car and we put a bomb in the truck and we ran away and we was happy because of the arms -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-https://postimg.cc/gallery/17z7voo2g/
  14. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 138 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Masked niggers drug reserves -=(black,red)Story:=- We had to reserve drugs for masked niggers, because they actually paid the money in advance and told them they would buy a lot more drugs they just had to read the agreement rules and accept the contract after accepting the rules we parked the vehicles towards the depot door where we prepared the drugs we wanted the drugs they wanted were hidden in the custody transferring drugs from one vehicle to another all drugs are sequenced in turn and stored regularly in the vehicle after we finished all the transfer work, we talked to the masked nigger again the next time we contact you, we want you to give us an early notice they accepted it after everything is over we went to the masked niggas out of town. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/zQ69pRa
  15. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-137 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-to sell some guns -=(black,red)Story:=-We was resting in our bar in bone country then while we was drinking and playing someone called us and he was want to buy some high quality arms only from us because he know that we sell the best arms so we told him to meet us at red country and first we went to our warehouse, got some arms, and headed to red country for the meeting and we found him waiting us behind a big warehouse in red country we took him to a shooting range in BC and we tried the arms together and he was happy with the arms he gave us 20k for this arms and we took him with us to our bar in BC we drank a lot and then we had a fight with a group of people by wrong and then we ran away but both of us were happy with the deal. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-https://imgur.com/a/GXZUjBe
  16. Your Ingame nickname :Kroos Your username :kroos Your ingame hours :105 Do you use Discord ? if yes had you joined our Discord ? :yes sure Your building skills ?/10 :8.5 Your English skills ?/10 :9 Your current G/S/C :S:PDP|| G:[BBMC] Your Current Group(s) :no Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? :i think bec i am good at building and i like this work and i love CEO and CEO its family and i need group family and CEO will be lvl 2 soon i hope it and i like work in CEO bec CEO have good member and i am active in game and i will be good player at CEO and .
  17. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-136 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- to sell guns -=(black,red)Story:=-BBMC did a lot of criminal activities like story robberies and bank robberies they found that their ammo and weapons are few and they can't make more criminal activities without weapons and ammo and then after one of truker and the truker was have some Guns hear that BBMC got a few amount of weapons and ammo he told 3 of BBMC members to meet him at a parking lot next to rockshore east in base next base bbmc and after they came he showed them some of AK 47 and CS and some snipers and colt with a lot of ammo in his car then we checked the weapons and their quality and then we found that the weapons is great and perfect with a really high quality and then we told him that we will buy the weapons and ammo for 15K and he was so happy with this price and he didn't even say no and then we shake each other and we was happy with the weapons. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-https://postimg.cc/gallery/k2o9ebzm/
  18. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 135 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- to sell Alcohols -=(black,red)Story:=-While we was at our base we was drinking some beer we said that it's useless that we have a lot of alcohols and we are just drinking them and this is not getting us any profit so we decided to sell some alcohols to some people so we created a ad to tell everyone that we are selling a high quality alcohols and then in a few seconds someone called us and he was want to buy some beer and whisky then we told him to meet us at our base and he was living at richman street so we knew that he is rich and he can pay a lot so after he came to our base we bring our best alcohols from our warehouse to our base and he looked at the alcohols and he was looks like he is an expert in buying alcohols so he tested it and he found that it's perfect and with a high quality he gave us the money and we shake each other and then he left and both of us were very happy with this deal. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://postimg.cc/gallery/2mgvys9yq/
  19. GOOD luck|GJ
  20. First Part: Nickname:Kroos Account Name:Kroos14 Gender:male Age:13 Nationality:estorali Primary Language:i can speak : english and frinsh but in game i speaking english only. Secondry Language(s):english How long have you been playing SAES:4years How many hours do you have (Use TAB): i have some hours but is low (50 ) Previous G/S/C :i joined squad SAEL\ PDP ||i joined gang:HH \ NL \ TF Second Part: What is roleplay means? :Roleplay mean that do something like in real life and im able to do it my skills in RP is : 8/10 and i hope i upgard it when i join BBMC and be one of this Family. What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) :Deathmatching mean kill some one or destroyed his Car with out reason and it's not allowd if some one DM you ... you must relax and report him cz it's not allowd to revange What is the difference about PBR and BR ?:PBR Public Bank Robbery is the bank robbery where criminals from non-offical gangs or even who don't have a gang can do it but only 1 time in a day and the BR Bank Robbery is the bank robbery which only the offical gangs can do it twice in the day Tell us 2 BR rules :don't marker kill and don't avoid cops by jumping from the roof Tell us 2 Turf war rules:you can't spawn as a cop or a medic to assist your gang only if you are not a member of this gang and you can't camp at the unclimbable roofs only climbable roofs is allowed What is avoid arrest ?:avoid arresting is killing yourself while there is a cop running behind you and he want to arrest you like reconnecting or killing yourself with a nade , etc.... Third Part: Why do you want to join us?: i have hope in join bmc cause i think BBMC have good and nice member and i saw media BBMC and i saw nice roles and actives and because i love BBMC and i love freeway bike and my dream was being a member of a MC gang Why should we accept you?: i'm pro and loyal and mature and you might say that i'm noob because i played 40 hours only but i was have an old account but i forgot the username and password and i'm respected and i'm active Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who):my friend. (Post your favorite bike in a spoiler
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