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SAES Gang Manager
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Community Answers

  1. Linkan's post in Suggestions for turf wars was marked as the answer   
    Idea nr 1 is now live. 
    Idea 2 is still being discussed.
    Archiving meanwhile
  2. Linkan's post in Hooligans was marked as the answer   
    Wrong section. This should have been posted here https://saesrpg.uk/forums/forum/315-questions-suggestions/
  3. Linkan's post in Suggestion - Unlimited Spraycan for tags[SOLVED] was marked as the answer   
    There is barerly any restriction on how much spray a gang/squad is allowed to have. 
    It all depends on whoever makes your spawn code to decide. Where we have some gangs with 99k spray and oL f.e with 9k. 
    And where we have FBI & SWAT f.e with 5k spray where there is really no limit on how much spray you are allowed to have
    I myself do not care if you now would want to have yours on 10k or 1k or even 100. Its a spray you cant really abuse it. As its only intention is for turfs for gangs. And Cops barely use it except in BRs

    Where i dissagree with making it free in gun shops. 
    I somewhat see this as a GM suggestion and with my answere i will also archive this as its now been answered!
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