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SAES Gang Manager
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Everything posted by Linkan

  1. This is ofcourse a good system. But as someone stated earlier. It will make new players give up and leave and find a better server instead. If a new player joins the server and well knows hes gonna fuck around and dm, he would just jump through that iq thing and go straight into dming your face anyways.
  2. Your ingame username: linus111560 Your ingame alias: LE>Linkan Your year of birth: 1997/12/16 Your gender: Male Nationality: Swedish Country of residence: Sweden How long you have been playing SAES: I started somewhere around 2011, cant recall exactly when but I registered in the old forums in late 2011 Qualities you can offer: Well, I am a calm and friendly dude who loves to help out others. I also have some experience with LUA. But dont take that as I can script my own scripts since I never tried it. I can of course troubleshoot and correct errors, and such things, or fix already running scripts, and so on. Never had any good project to learn LUA for full. This might be one? Im the dude who fullfills my work, the typically guy who would preefer to sit and clean-out/sort the whole reports section for fun if i dont have anything else todo. I would say im a good guy with responsibilitys and trustworthy within that. As i have alot of responsibilitys at my work and ofcourse ingame with LE. Im calm and i do not act too fast without enough proofs. When acting im a very calm dude! Alot of experience with dedicated/vps servers using putty on ibuntu softwares. Aswell alot of setting up/fixing with mta servers and alot others. Im quite good at handling stressfully situations. And not to forget im also a fast learner, i usually learn from others by watching and taking instructions Your weaknesses: Ehm being too nice in situations where i should not be. My biggest weakness is going to be multi-tasking. I cant talk and write at same time as that would make me write what Im speaking instead. I instead is a one thing at a time guy. Im not an asslicker due the reason you probably dont see me helping others ingame nor on discord. That would Ofcourse change if i get the chance to become a Staff Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): Community Staff Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, i do Reason for application: Well, Ive played here for almost 10 years now and I would like to help this community grow, and share my experience with others, and I enjoy myself doing it. Also, as I have some old experience with moderation I would love to use that to help this community get better, and of course share my ideas and thoughts. Server Memberships: LE , CC , Donor , Centrino , Brothers Of Metal , Might still be in Cunning Stunts too. Additional information: I am from Sweden and I live in a city called Gvle. Quite in the middle of Sweden. If that bothers anyone, I am currently 22 years old, and I do have a full-time work where I work most of the time between 7-16 each weekday. I usually spend my free time with my gf and having fun with friends outside. Vehicles have a huge impact on me as I love anything with engine in it as its cool stuff. Other than that, i spend a lot of time on my PC which mostly brings me to SAES since this is kinda the only thing i play now days. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Yes, might be some legitimate mutes. Other than that, it should all be troll punishments. I might be wrong, but I cant really remember. Previous (legitimate) bans: Yes, a few as Ive been a cunt back in the days. I can ensure you all I wont ever be banned again. Do you eat pork: Oh god, yes
  3. @SWEMAN said in What is your favourite food?: Stewed macaroni mmmmmm Same as this elk
  4. Grattis p fdelsedagen :) Ha en trevlig dag!
  5. Omgg, Steven why u left ThC??!!! :O hahahaaha
  6. I would say to make a variation of this and the current one and as @Patrol said, alot more variation to it. The roof aint that fun all the times, it should be some difference in each sr. That would make it alot funnier and dunnier for cops to raid the shit aswell. With this mapping, cops can easily use their flashbang? (If thats still a thing and raid the shit out of us crims) Current one gather up a few fellow officers and take a heli and raid the shit. Like TST used to raid gang bases back in the time.
  7. @Daryl said in Add an ''Call an Impounder'' command: I like the premise of the idea, and for SAI the ability to RP with the impounder is good. But how often does /mech etc. get ignored? Would it be better to be able to 'tag' the vehicle on the map so it shows up for impounders? Not sure if it's possible but a system like that would seem preferable. When i was Mech i usually went to those who called mostly if i had time etc etc.. but alot of these guys out here are actually ignoring it as you said. Sadly This would be more preefered. As if its like /mdch the icon will mostly follow the player who did the call. But something like ( Alt-gr on the wrong parked vehicle > blip and topbar announce from player called blip should be put on the vehicle ) I would also like to see somehow a system like when cops have arrested a player for driving too fast or after a chase it would be cool if the Police Officer could decide if the vehicle should be impounded aswell and maybe use the same system as above?. As it is in real life sometimes.
  8. @zKill98 said in Add an ''Call an Impounder'' command: @Zei u didn t got my message, an random player can move my parked car with his body, by calling the impounders this will be an bad joke to do, If i park my car in right place and some troll guy move it, the call to the impounders will add more cases like trolling others players by moving the cars No to be rude. But the chances that it would get impounded without this script would be 50/50. With this script it would also be 50/50 chances it will survive even if some douche moved your car. Due the fact there is not an Impounder avaible at all time. Its still you as owner to park it properly/park it back to your disc. To lower your chances to 0 for the car bein impounded. Yes implement this script thanks
  9. Lets just remove carrespawn for disk cars. More work for CC Impounder as its here for. And more realistic.
  10. Finally its back again.. Welcome back @Shagwrath i hope you pick the base in LV again!
  11. Finally i have reasons to annoy the shit out of you @Licano prepare ur anus
  12. There was an inventory system way back as i can remember. Maybe a update to that one might be needed and implemented again?
  13. DO NOT SORT THIS REWARD CHANGE WITHOUT ME INGAME THANK YOU Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 300 Pounds When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 1st December Why do you need this change? Wanna move my cars to LE's new base Links to your donation topics: Can i please skip this? Links to your previous donation changes requests: Can i please skip this? ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Feltzer Vehicle 2: Feltzer Vehicle 3: Burrito Vehicle 4: Burrito Vehicle 5: Glendalge Damaged Vehicle 6: Glendalge Damaged Vehicle 7: Glendalge Damaged Vehicle 8: Glendalge Damaged Vehicle 9: Hermes Vehicle 10: Hermes Vehicle 11: Towtruck Vehicle 12: Super GT Vehicle 13: Cheetah Vehicle 14: Sultan Vehicle 15: Stratum Vehicle 16: Super GT Vehicle 17: Picador Vehicle 18: Picador Location: SF Old LE base ::: ::: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Sultan ( With ELK Shader its already uploaded) Removed 1 vehicle for Shader. Vehicle 2: Super GT Vehicle 3: Cheetah Vehicle 4: Hermes Vehicle 5: Hermes Vehicle 6: Forklift Vehicle 7: Forklift Vehicle 8: Flatbed Vehicle 9: Tahoma Vehicle 10: Tahoma Vehicle 11: Maverick Vehicle 12: Picador Vehicle 13: Sanchez Vehicle 14: NRG Vehicle 15: Burrito Vehicle 16: Squallo Vehicle 17: Towtruck All cars should have nitro and color " #D4BDA5 " Thanks Location: LE Base, I will show ingame Username: linus111560
  14. Remove shotgun for cops too then. Speed is fair and it brings alot of cash for criminals, also its the most used drug, drug dealers would be dead without speed lol.
  15. @MWL said in Official Quote Wall: I didnt understand, whats fun about that? @Auto
  16. Im goin with kain and bone on this one. Just becouse you buy drugs it doesnt make you wanted irl. If a cop finds out you buying you get wanted, but if no cops are around it should NOT give any wanted levels!
  17. For each marker made for gangs and squads, the one who fix all the markers/spawn and all other coding for the organization is the one who usually locks it, the org can choose to lock it or not. Complain to your hq team and not here if u feel like its stupid to have it locked
  18. Just a heads up mate, admins cant put v8 and awd, you will need to use a modshop, and to get it for free you need to be added in the donor group! Cheers
  19. @Filex Few links whos expired - ::: San Andreas Taxi Service :https://discord.gg/DAX2z6 San Andreas Fire Department(Old server) : https://discord.gg/r282ajw Priests Of Soddom San Andreas Cloud Airline: https://discord.gg/HhmtVq5 San Andreas Regional Security https://discord.gg/e6JDKju MJ Enterprises : https://discord.gg/H2NsMCe Department of Health & Education : https://discord.gg/rszwnXB Department Of Justice: https://discord.gg/sDUSSgv Department Of Civilian Development: https://discord.gg/QsURWkf Department of Defense: https://discord.gg/KM6ZbXH ::: I didnt bother checking every single all of them, but these i found atleast
  20. Thank you guyss. Really appreaciated <3
  21. @Filex said in Discord Servers - Updated Version: TST, CIA, KTN & Some others Removed U, LE, GETC, RSSA, BloodZ, CDL & SO added SAI & Five-0 Updated If you notice any g/s that died or link deprecated please let me know here i was inactive for a while so i can't relate @Filex sadly VeC is closed a few days ago. They did announce it on their main topic! Donno if they will keep the discord alive or not
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